Book 2 Chapter 4

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"Let's go! Let's go! Let's gooooooo!" I sang loudly as mum tried to rush everyone out the door. Summer vacation had ended and we were all ready to get back to school! Well I mean I'm excited to be with friends but not excited for the damn schoolwork. I lugged my large trunk out to the car throwing It towards George to put in the back. Harry looked confused to how we were all going to fit in Dads blue ford.
"How-" he started but I just winked at the poor boy and jumped into the car but not before smacking my head on the door before making my way in. I grumbling annoyed hoping no one saw that. Unfortunately Ron was already inside laughing at my clumsiness. I scowled at him before crossing my arms looking away from him. Everyone finally made their way in and we were off to kings cross station. But not before we had to turn around multiple times due to Fred and George forgetting something. Mum looked livid and tensions were high as we ran late. Dad was trying to convince mum to let him fly us to the station but she wouldn't budge.
"Come on mum!! It'd be fun!" I whined but say back quietly as she shot me a glare. We finally got to the station sadly without flying the car. Mum went running to get everyone trolleys and towards the platform yelling and rushing everyone. Fred helped me and threw my trunk onto his trolley I smiled great fully at him.
"Okay okay everyone have everything? Percy first!" Mum is rushing everyone onto the platform. She tugs Ginny along fussing over everyone, Ginny sighs loudly glancing back at me with wide eyes. I giggle and wave at her. I squeal as I'm lifted off my feet.
"Ommph" I mutter as George tosses me on top of the trunks on his trolley. He gives me a grin.
"Hold on El!" He winks at me as my eyes widen. Hold on?!? There's no where to bloody hold on to! I'm about to voice my concerns when George is suddenly sprinting towards the platform. I squeal as he seems to hit every single damn rock and I'm trying my best to keep my balance on the mountain of trunks. We fly through the wall and suddenly the train is in front of us. But my happiness is cut short as George runs straight into Fred with a Yelp. As the trolley connects with Fred's lanky body I go flying! I slam into the hard stone floor muttering profanities.
"I'm killing you bloody red head!" I groan towards the twins laughing beside me.
"I'm going to have a trunk shaped bruise on my back!" Fred snorts.
"Damn I was hoping you'd have a bruise shaped like Elle's face!" George grins grabbing my hand lifting me off the ground.
"Ha ha ha." I scowl at them, "watch your backs honeys!" I turn my scowl into a sweet smile. I turn towards the train to see students piling into the train and saying goodbye to their families. I see a flash of curly brown hair. "HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER!" I scream causing several to turn their heads and glare at me. I shrug and trot towards my smarty pant friend.
"El do not shout!" She chuckles as she squeezes me into a hug.
"Oh you love it," I smile widely.
"Where's Harry? And Ron?" She glances around us.
"There were right behind us," I wave behind me but when I turn to look I see no sign of the awkward red head or gangly boy with glasses. "Crap." I mutter and I turn and see over everyone's heads looking for them.
"Don't stress, maybe they are already in the train?!" Hermione says hope in her voice. Hugging Ginny as she comes over.
"Yea don't worry Mione , your boyfriend, Ron is probably looking for you too." I tease as she blushes a brilliant red and she smacks my arm scowling. I laugh as I go over to hug mum and dad before filling on the train with Ginny and Hermione. We checked all the compartments and still no sign of Ron or Harry.


"I'm going to kill them!!" I sang as I threw myself into the seat next to Neville.
"They probably just feel behind don't worry mum or dad probably had to take them to the school. Mums probably furious though!" Ginny laughed but looked nervous. It is her first year and she still has yet to be sorted but I know she's a true Gryffindor through and through. The rest of the train ride consisted of chatting about our Summer's and eating Candy. Well the last part was mostly me but come on! I can't help the sugary sweetness!! I laughed so hard as Hermione and Dean tried to explain to Neville and Seamus what football was and why Dean says it's better than Quidditch. Smiling happily at my friends I was glad to be starting another year at hogwarts and not back in that filthy orphanage. I tuned out my friends and pulled down my trunk looking through my new school books for the year. I see the one Malfoy had touched with his grimy fingers and see it's my new charms book for the year. I love charms, stupid Malfoy getting his greasy fingerprint on my book. I open it only to have an old looking smaller book fall into my lap. I glance around the compartment but no one was paying attention to me to focused on their little debate. I pick it up curiously to see its a diary and an old one at that. I open it to find no writing or anything. Why is it in my charms book and why isn't there any writing? I feel as though there's a deeper meaning to this little book. Maybe it's charmed and that's why it's in my charms book....HAHAHA. Okay sorry I'm crazy but I'm going to find out despite the eerie feeling it's giving me. I tuck it into my robes that I had changed into earlier knowing that I will investigate it more later.


In the great hall Ginny was sitting on the stool staring at me with terror and I gave her a reassuring smile. The hat barely was on her head for 30 seconds when it yelled out Gryffindor!!! I stood up cheering loudly with the twins as my baby sister joined me at the table. I hugged her tightly smiling wide.
"I told you little red!! No escaping me!!"
"Yay Ginny!" Hermione cheers but you can still see the worry for Ron and Harry on her face. I give her a reassuring look and turn back to watch the rest of the sorting. A lot of the kids this year are going to slytherin. Gross. As the sorting ends the food appears on the table and I shout in glee. A few people glance at me curiously and I shyly smile,
"Sorry I'm excited for food." Hermione giggles and shakes her head at me. I just grin mouth full of mashed potatos.
"You remind me of Ron right now El!" Ginny laughs as she scoops herself some carrots.
"Noooo! Don't say that Gin!!!" I scowl at her offended. Before she can refute the doors slam in and here comes the two boys hmmm. They are covered in mud and look in rough shape.
"Where have you been!" Mione screeches,"you look horrible!"
"Wow thanks Hermione." Ron mutters throwing himself in the seat beside her. Harry doing the same beside me. I hand him a napkin to mop of the blood dripping from a small scar beside his eye.
"Good job you two! What did you do this time?" I scold them smiling. Harry gives me a soft smile which makes me melt a little on the inside. No El no. Just friends. He's Ron's best friend he doesn't like you like that. You're like his little sister. I scold myself.
"We got left behind and had to take the car here." Ron started diving into his story about there way here. Mione gasping at when they almost fell out of the car.
"You could've been seen!" She yells at them.
"You sound like our mother Hermione." George pipes in from down the table,"it's scary"
"I wonder why you couldn't get through to the platform?" I muse confused.
"That is strange..." Mione furrows her eyebrows.
"I guess we'll have to find out !" I cheer smiling. They all shake their heads at me as we stand up to go to the common room. I smile excited another day another adventure. I feel the small black book hitting my leg as I walk next to Harry. I know there's something about that little diary and I'm going to go find out.


Hey guys here's another update! I'm changing things up a little bit! And I have Kaya Scolderio from maze runner playing as Elle bc I feel like she fits. What do you think? Vote , comment!! Thanks guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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