Chapter 9 Boys are Stupid

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Eleanor Potter. Elle Potter...Has a nice ring to it doesn't it? But that's not gonna happen as Harry's gonna bloody die. He plans on playing Quidditch anyway even though Snapes refereeing. what an idiot. Now how are we going to have cute little green eyes babies! what? Harry was still super nervous though along with the rest of the team. would we be able to take Slytherin with Snape as the ref? Harry even told me that he was worried Snape was following him. Creepy right? Potions lessons were torture as Snape was horrible to Harry. Trying to find a way to get him in trouble. sometimes I wonder if he knew that we knew about the sorcerers stone. maybe the greasy haired man could read minds! Finally it was the day of the match and we all walked Harry nervously to the changing rooms. Ron and Hermione hugged him wishing him good luck and ran to find seats in the stands. I looked up at Harry nervously.
"Please be safe." I whisper as I put my hand on his cheek. he stares at me a small blush on his face.
"Always am." he whispers cheekily at me. I feel his warm breath on my face as our faces inch closer.
"Elle!" I hear a shout behind me. I jump back from Harry my cheeks a brilliant shade of red. I turn abound to see the twins smirking at me and Harry.
"Came to wish us luck then Elle!"
"Yea how kind of you!" they chorus as they hug me. They laugh at Harry's red face.
"What were you trying to do to our little Elle? huh potter?" they ruffle his hair before disappearing into the changing room.
"Harry just get the snitch as fast as you can. okay?" I tell him hurriedly as it's almost time.
"I-I will." he stutters his eyes bright with fear. I lean forward and kiss his cheek softly before running up towards the stands. I glance behind me to see Harry holding a hand to his cheek, I giggle silently. I found Mione and Ron in the stands with grim looks on their faces.
"Calm down guys." I told them quietly trying to calm myself down mostly. What if I never saw Harry again. I pulled out my wand ready to destroy that greasy teacher if he touched my Harry. I look around the stands trying to calm my nerves. Harry must be freaking out. I spot a long brilliant white beard.
"Blimey! Dumbledore came to watch!"I say excitedly.
"Bloody hell that's why Snape looks constipated! He can't do anything now!" Ron says joyfully.
I snicker at Ron's joke and suddenly the players are in the air. I keep my eyes on the streak of red robes and mob of black hair.
"Ouch!" Ron yells. I whip around to check on my brother. I see Malfoy with a grin.
"Sorry Weasley didn't see you there. Wonder how long potters going to stay on his broom. Wanna bet Weasley?" He grinned with a wicked smile. Ron ignored him, go Ronnie! Snape was awarding Hufflepuff a penalty because George hit a Bludger at him. That's his job you twat!! Hermione had her eyes on Harry and her fingers crossed. She looked quite silly actually. Oh well.
"You know how I think they get people on the Gryffindor team?" Malfoy speaks up again. "it's the people they feel sorry for. They got Potter, with no parents. The Weasleys with no money-hey Longbottom you have no brains surely your supposed to be out there." Neville went bright red and turned determined toward Malfoy.
"I'm worth twelve of you Malfoy."he muttered.
The git and his goons laughed.
"You tell em, Neville." Ron said encouraging.
"If brains were gold Longbottom you'd be poorer then the Weasleys."
"Better watch it Malfoy." I sneer. he jumps as if he hadn't seen me.
"Hello beautiful." he purrs.
I roll my eyes and turn back to the game. Harry had gone into a dive making me gasp. I swear if he crashes I'll kill him.
"Your in luck Weasley I think Potter spotted some money!" Malfoy howls. Ron made to jump at Malfoy but I beat him to it. Before anyone knew if I was on top of the blonde and pummeling him Senseless. Neville looked like he wanted to help but I had it and so he just resulted in cheering me on. I forgot all about Harry as Malfoy tried to wrestle me off him. I could faintly hear Hermione screaming at Harry but I was overcome with anger. Crabbe and Goyle were standing there like idiots watching as me and Malfoy scuffled around faint yelps coming from both of us and Malfoy punched me in the stomach. Oh Hell no. I brought my arm back and punched the slimy git right in the eye.
"Elle! Elle stop! the games over! We've won!" Hermione shrieked. Ron pulled me off Malfoy and dragged me down to meet Harry.
I saw Snape land nearby and looking very pissed off. I giggled he looked like a weird bird. I turn away and look for Harry. He was smiling up widely at Dumbledore. Cute af. I grin as he catches my eye. I run out of Ron's grip toward the raven haired boy. He smiles and opens his arms in anticipation for me. I jump into his arms as he swings me around in a circle. I laugh loudly as he twirls us. I put my forehead against his as I smile at him.
"Good job." I breathe out.
He smiles at me and I feel his breath fan over my face. I felt my face heat up in a blush but continue to stare at him. His lips are about a sliver away from mine-
"HARRY DID YOU SEE SNAPES FACE!" Ron yelled. I jumped away from Harry with a bright red face. Way to go Ronald. I was so close. Wait does this mean Harry likes me too??? OMG! I'm hyperventilating . act normal Elle oh man. I smile shyly at Harry as he glances at me. We all cheer as we head up to Gryffindor tower to party. I'm thrown on Fred's shoulders as we yell happily. I no longer see Harry but I bet he just went to change of something. Firewhisky and vodka is smuggled into the room. I try and get Mione to try some Firewhisky but she declined and said she had to study..poo. I know I'm a first year but one can't hurt right? I swear I only had 2 shots! Fred and George got protective and I wasn't allowed any more. I dance around with the twins and their friend Angelina as Mione and Ronald refused to dance with me. I began walking over to Mione as I saw that Harry was back. I was almost at the table when a hand grabbed my arm.
"Hey Elle!" I turn and see a dark skinned boy.
"Uhhhh hello!" I say confused. I honestly have no idea who this kid is.
"I'm Dean, Dean Thomas." he smiled cheekily. I glance over to see Hermione, Ron and Harry staring at me. Mione was giggling loudly and Ron was confused. When I met Harry's eyes I shrunk back. He looked at Dean with the harshest glare I have ever seen. I was surprised Dean wasn't in flames yet.
"Uhhhh hello!" I said again feeling like an idiot. He grins at me.
"Sooo how would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow?" he says cockily and steps closer to me. I step back with my eyes wide.
"Ugh jee.. I can't I promised Hermione I would study with her."
"I'm sure she can wait." he whispers.
"Oh no is very important." I stutter.
"Maybe next time then babe." he whispers in my ear. I feel his lips press lightly to my ear. I feel Dean glaring at someone behind me. I step away from him to see him and Harry having a stare off. I give Dean a weak smile before running back to Hermione.
"EEEE! I knew he liked you!" Hermione squealed.
"Shut up Mione." I growl.
i glance at Harry and see that he looks broken. Awwww can I hug him.
"Plus he creepy." I shudder. Harry seems to brighten up.
"Wait I'm confused." Ron says.
"Aren't you always?" I tease. He sticks his tongue out at me.
"I think you should at least give Dean a chance." Mione states. Harry glares at her.
"I don't think she should." he says firmly.
"Why not?" I ask him surprised.
"W-well you know nothing about him!" he stutters. "You have to know a guy before you date!" I give him a weird look.
"Why do you care Harry?"
"Umm I-I." he stutters. "Your my best Friend!! I don't want you hurt! Yea that's it!!" He stares down at the table with his face glowing Gryffindor red.
I kneel down beside him and lift up his chin with my hand. He stares at me trying not to grin. I lean close to him and whisper,
"Thank you."
Harry just pulls me into a hug which was awkward as I was on the ground...
Someone cleared their throat and I turned to a furious looking Ron and an ecstatic Hermione.
"Why not give him a chance Elle?" Mione pushed. OMG this girl needs to drop it. I glanced back to Harry who had let me go but gripped my hand secretly under the table.
"Let's just say I like someone else..." I grin slyly. Harry looked down his face screwed in anger or jealously? Why can't the idiot just see I'm talking about him!!! Ugh! Boys are Stupid!

"Oh guys I saw Snape and Quirrell earlier and it was almost as if he was threatened Quirrell..." Harry explained what he had saw when he was putting his broom away after the match. I was curious why he didn't say anything as soon as he got back but oh well. "Snape is after the stone." I gasped loudly for effect. I don't think anyone appreciated it. "I reckon there are other things other then Fluffy guarding it and Snape knows that Quirrell knows the anti-Dark Arts spells he needs..."
"So the stone is only safe as long as Quirrell stands up to Snape?" Hermione squeaks. Harry nodded his head.
"We're doomed." I mutter.


Harry POV
I was still in shock after what I had heard between Snape and Quirrell. Quirrell is too weak, Snape will have the stone in no time. I have to get back to the common room to tell the others. I make my way quietly up to Gryffindor tower and can already hear the loud music from inside. I walk in to see a full on party going down. I smile as people congratulate me on the Gryffindor win. I spot Hermione and Ron and quickly make my way over. I sit down next to Hermione.
"Where's El? I have to tell you guys-" I stop as I meet the eyes of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her bright blue eyes that look deep into me sparkle as she catches my eye. She grins at me and begins her way over to the table. Oh how I love her chocolate brown hair and how it curls to her hips. The cute little dimples on the sides of her mouth. And her lips. Man how I want to kiss her senseless. But ever time I come close to doing so someone interrupts me. She's almost to us when the gut Dean Thomas stops her. I want to lunge and rip out his throat, growling She's mine. They are in earshot and we can hear everything they are saying. I snigger a bit when Elle has to ask him for his name. Haha sucker that my girl. or she will be my girl I swear she will.
"Sooo how would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow?" he asks cockily stepping closer to her. El looks so uncomfortable I just want to pull her to my chest and hide her from the demon known as Dean Thomas.
"Ugh jee- promised Hermione I would study with her." I smiled widely as Elle came up with an excuse to why she couldn't go out with him. I look up only to scowl. Dean is right up against El his lips to her ear. I can't hear what he is saying but Elle Blushed and that's not okay. Dean grinned as he saw me clenching my fists in anger. To provoke me more he pressed his lips to her ear and then walked away. The slimy git! How dare he! Elle walks over to us and glances at me. I try not to look into her eyes because I know they'll break me. I just want to hold the beautiful girl next to me. Hermione started to go on and on about how Dean like Elle and how they should say when I snapped.
"I don't think she should." I state firmly.
"Why not?"
"W-well you know nothing about him!" I stutters. Blushing. IM GIVING MYSELF AWAY SHIT."You have to know a guy before you date!"
"Why do you care Harry?" Elle asks me smiling widely
"Umm I-I." I stutter again, god I look stupid.
"Your my best Friend!! I don't want you hurt! Yea that's it!!" I stare down at the table with my face glowing red.
El kneels down in front of me and I gulp nervously hoping she wouldn't notice and lifts up my chin with her soft hand. She smiles warmly at me.She leans close to me and whispers,
"Thank you."
I gulp and grin at her my face probably exploding as I try to hide my blush and grin. I pull her into a hug which was strange as she was on the ground so her head was kinda in ya know my lower area but oh well. I wanted a hug and she didn't resist. Mione asked El about Dean again and I could have slapped her. Honestly let it go.
"Let's just say I like someone else...." Elle grins. I feel my face fall. I want to be the one Elle likes. I want to be her knight in shining armor. I guess I know for sure now that I fancy my best friend. I fancy Eleanor Weasley. A LOT.


IM BACKKKKKKKKKK. *sings* Hey guys I'm thinking I'll try and finish the story. But Im sorry if I don't update often! I was just offered a spot in a band to sing and play guitar so I'll be pretty busy but thanks for reading and hope you enjoy the story!
Love you all!

The Chosen One (a Harry Potter Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ