Chapter 10 I Told You!

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I've been reading a lot lately. all those teen fiction books where the guy and the girl always end up together. And I've noticed how the girl is always hard to get. So my plan to get Harry is to be hard to get. I realize I'm being very forward and I need to step back a little and let him see what he's missing. I still didn't have lunch with that Dave kid. He's weird, way to cocky for me. We been keeping a close eye in Quirrell these past weeks. We would always check to see if Fluffy was still growling on the third floor corridor by pressing our ears to the door. the guys were being super nice to Quirrell Which I find strange. Something is up. I don't believe Quirrell is as innocent as he looks. Anyways....the exams are "coming up fast" according to Mione when they are actually ages away. She's been making notes and study schedules wanting me to do the same. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yea no. Sadly the teachers are on Mione's side and have loaded us with so much homework I feel like it's suffocating me. I have taken to following Hermione and the boys around trying to catch up on my extra homework. I'm like a living zombie these days. I really need some sugar. We were sitting in the library, I was flipping through a book of jinxes trying to find a spell to change hair color. I want to turn Ron's hair purple. Hagrid shuffled into view, looking around silently. He looked strange as he had to stoop down between the rows of the library in his moleskin overcoat.
"Hagrid! What are you doing here?" Ron said.
"Jus' lookin'," he said suspiciously. I look up at him curiously. "your not still looking up Flamel are you?" Hagrid says flustered.
"Nah found that ages ago," I smile waving my hand at him.
"Yea! We even know what fluffy is hiding it's the Sorcerer's st-"
"Shhh!" Hagrid says frantically giving Ron a glare.
"Actually we have a few questions Hagrid." I speak up lifting my head off the table after like 5 hours of studying.
Hagrid sighs,
"Aright. Listen- come an' see me later, I'm not promisin' I'll tell you anything tho."
"Okay see you later,then," said harry.
"What was he hiding behind his back?" Mione asked thoughtfully.
"A dragon!" I joke and Ron shoves me. I giggle and almost fall out of my chair.
"Maybe it has something to do with the stone?" Harry says ignoring me.
"I'll check the section he was in." Ron gets up and goes to where Hagrid was standing. He came back a few minutes later with a pile of books.
"Elle was pretty much right! Dragons!" I smirk at them all.
"Told youuuuuu." I sing.
"Hagrids always wanted a dragon he told me when I first met him!"
"But isn't owning a dragon illegal?" I ask Hermione. She turns towards me and nods her head.
"What is Hagrid up to?"

When we knocked on Hagrids hut later that night I realized the curtains were tightly closed.
"Harry look." I pointed out to him and he looked surprised. Hagrid never closed his curtains. Hagrid let us in but closed the door quickly behind us. It was boiling hot inside. And I'm wearing robes! I'm melting!! If Flopped down in a chair as Hagrid offered us treats and tea. Which we all refused his rock cakes. They are literally rocks. Who does that! Ok back on task.
"So yeh had some questions?"
"Yes." Harry cut to the chase. "we want to know what is guarding the stone other then Fluffy." Hagrid frowned at him.
"I can't tell yeh! Number one I don't know myself and number two you already know too much!" He said, "the stone is being guarded for a reason it was almost stolen from Gringotts! Bet yeh already figured that out tho, beats me how yeh even found out bout Fluffy!"
"Come on Hagrid!" I gave the puppy dog eyes. "I know that you know everything that goes on around here."
"You just won't tell us!" Ron pipes up.
Hagrid grew a smile on his face.
"Well really we just wanted to know who Dumbledore trusted enough, apart from you." I mused at Hagrid. He stood up straighter and puffed his chest. Hermione nodded her head and Harry and Ron beamed at me.
"Suppose that couldn't hurt to tell yeh that...lets see... Sprout, Flitwick, Mcgonagal, Quirrell, Dumbledore himself, and uhhhh Snape."
"Wait Snape?"
"Yes! Listen here you lot he's trying to protect the stone not steal it!" Hagrid said earnestly.
OMG that means Snapes closer to getting the stone then we thought! He probably just needs to know how to get past fluffy and Quirrells spell! I exchange worried glances with the other three.
"No one knows how to get past Fluffy right Hagrid?" Hermione asks anxiously.
"Yeh me and Dumbledore." Hagrid said proudly.
I refrained from giggling. I sighed and threw my head back on the hair fanning myself with my hand.
"God Hagrid open a bloody window I'm dying!" I moaned. the others chuckled at my dramatic act.
"Can't Elle sorry." Hagrid glanced at the fire a few times.
"Hagrid- what's that?"
I sat up to see what everyone was looking at. in the middle of the fire was a huge black egg.
"Where did you get it Hagrid!" Ron bent forward to inspect it. "it must have cost a fortune!"
"Won it!" Hagrid boasted. " las' night in the village. lad was glad to get rid of it."
"What are you going to do with it!" Hermione gasped.
"Well I've been doing reading. I'm gonna raise it. I got myself a Norwegian Ridgeback there. feed it a buck o' brandy mixed with chicken bliss every half hour and I'll be set." Hagrid smiled.
"You live in a WOOD house Hagrid. Are you insane!" I ask him looking at him like he's crazy. Hagrid just smiled merrily. Humming a song as he gazed at the glimmering egg in the flames.

"Wonder what a peaceful life is like." Ron mused. "I'll never have one since I have to deal with Elle."
"HEY!" I smacked his shoulder, quite hard may I add. We were once again doing homework and studying thanks to the one and only Hermione Granger. Yayyyyyy. not. At breakfast Harry's beautiful owl swooped in with a letter from Hagrid. All it said was It's Hatching.
I wanted to run down to Hagrids at that moment but Hermione almost bit my head off. I slept in Herbology as I just wanted to go see the dragon. We finally got Hermione to agree to see the dragon during morning break. At the sound of the bell we all rushed down to Hagrids. I managed to jump onto Ron's back as me and running have a mixed relationship. I skipped to knock on the door as the others tried to catch their breath. Hagrid ushered us into his boiling cabin.
"It's nearly out!" He almost squealed like a girl. I giggled at him but he took no notice. the egg sat on the wood table with deep cracks in it. We all sat around it holding our breaths. Suddenly there was a scratching noise and the egg cracked open to reveal a baby dragon. It flopped onto the table. it wasn't very pretty bit neither are you when you were born. But me, I woke up flawless. *hair flip* I jumped as the baby sneezed and sparks flew across the table and caught my hand.
"Ow!" Hagrid ignored me.
"Isn't he beautiful!" The dragon snapped at his fingers. "look! He knows his mummy!" Hagrid cooed.
He's lost it. Hagrids crazy. Gone man. Nice knowing yeh.
"How fast is this dragon going to grow exactly Hagrid?" Mione asked. Hagrid looked up and his face drained of color.
"What's wrong Hagrid?" I asked standing up.
"T-there was someone peaking. Through the window. H-he's running back to the school."
We all bolted to the door to try and see who it was. I looked at the figure running. There was no mistaking that slick blonde hair.
Draco Malfoy saw the dragon.
"Shit." I cursed.
"Elle!" Hagrid scolded.


Hey sorry guys I'm a horrible updater. I just get distracted with other things but I'll try and stay focused. I had two other chapters but wattpad decided that it would be cool to delete my drafts so ya knowwww. Here's an update picture of what I believe Elle looks like above. please vote and comment!!
Love you all thanks for reading
-kay 😘✌️

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