Chapter 5 Comforting a friend

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When we made our way down to the great hall that morning you could tell Malfoy was shocked to see us still at school. Harry told me and Ron about the little package Hagrid had taken from a vault and had been moved here to Hogwarts. The question was why did it need to be protected? what was it?
"Must be valuable." Said Ron
"Or dangerous," I added. Neville and Mione wanted nothing to do with what was under the trapdoor. in fact Mione would scowl when she heard us talking about it. She refused to talk to us, except an occasional word to me. I began to miss her. Even if she was a bossy know-it-all she was my only girl friend except Ginny and Ginny isn't here. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the mail came in. Alron came in and I saw he had a letter from Ginny. Harry's white snowy owl came in with a large, thin package. I thumped down in front of me and harry, knocking my waffles to the floor. I letter lay neatly on top and I looked at Harry excited. Harry ripped the letter open first and I read over his shoulder.

DO NOT OPEN THE PARCEL AT THE TABLE. It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everybody to know you've got a broomstick or they'll all want one. Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at 7 for your first training session.
Professor M. McGonagall

Harry gave me and Ron a look of glee before we booked it our of the great hall. The broomstick in Harry's hand. We wee about to make our way upstairs when we ran into Crabbe and Goyle. Me literally. I fell on the floor with a grunt. Malfoy smirked at me.
"Always falling for me eh Eleanor?"
"Stuff it Malfoy." I sneered grabbing Ron's hand. Malfoy took the parcel out of Harry's hand and felt it.
"That's a broomstick! first years aren't allowed them!" He threw it back with a look of jealousy and spite on his cold rat face. Malfoy started to be rude about the Weasley family. Before Ron could say anything I punched him in the jaw. He stumbled back in shock.
"Your dead Weasley!" he barked at me. Suddenly Professor Flitwick appeared. "Professor! Potter has got himself a broomstick!" Malfoy said quickly.
"Yes yes. professor McGonagall told me about the special circumstances Potter! What model is it?"
"Nimbus Two Thousand sir!" Harry smirked. I buried my face behind my hand shaking with laughter. "all thanks to Malfoy here sir!" Harry added. I couldn't help but let out a laugh at the look of horror on Malfoys face. We ran past them upstairs laughing at Malfoy and his baboons looks of confusion and anger. "It's true! He helped me catch Nevilles Remembrall!" We all giggled.
"So you think it's a reward for breaking the rules?" Hermione said angrily appearing out of nowhere.
"Thought you weren't talking to us?" said Harry.
"Yes don't stop now!its doing us so much good!" Ron sniggered. Hermione marched away with her nose in the air. I look down sadly. We had trouble concentration that day. Thinking about the broomstick in Harry and Ron's dorm. We inhaled our dinner and raced upstairs to see.
"Wow!" Ron and I chorused as the broom rolled onto Harry's bed. it was beautiful and we sat there admiring it until Harry had to go down to the pitch to practice. I skipped back to my own dorm to finish my homework. The while time I could feel Mione glaring at me from her bed. I sigh sadly and look at her with a small smile. She scoffs and pulls the curtains around her.


I sat next to Dean Thomas in Charms. Harry sat laughing with a Griffindor I think he name was Seamus Finnegan. I giggled at Ron who sat there sulking as he was partnered with Mione. She didn't look any happier. They are so cute together. Like a little old married couple. Professor Flitwick explained how we would be attempted to make a feather float in the air with a simple charm. Ron's face was scrunched up in concentration as he focused making me snort. Dean laughed at the lady like noise that escaped me. I stuck my tongue out, also very lady like. I mutter the incantation to myself before turning to the feather.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" I flicked my wand. The feather trembled and rose 2 feet off the desk before flying across the room like a dart and hitting poor Neville in the nose. He is very accident prone. Maybe he's a Magnet to accidents! I love my mind. Anyways... Hermiones bossy voice could be heard over everyone else. She was telling Ronald off. I glanced over to see Hermione's feather successfully in the air and a peeved looking Ron. I shrugged when BOOM. I spun around almost giving myself whiplash. Seamus had made his and Harry's feather explode. I rolled on the ground in laughter at their soot covered faces and clothes and the look of shock and surprise plastered on their faces. Pricelesssssssss. Professor Flitwick then decided we had done enough damage for the day and excused us. I walked with Harry, Ron, Seamus,Dean, and Neville to our next class. I caught the sight of bushy brown hair trailing behind me. "It's no wonder no one can stand her," Ron complained to us.
"Who?" I asked confused. They ignored me.
"She's a nightmare, honestly!" Harry stumbled forward as someone ran into him. Hermione ran past on tears. I glared at Ron.
"I think she heard you." Harry whispered.
"So? She must have finally realized she's got no friends!"
"I'm her friend you git!" I growled and shoved him before chasing after Mione. I called after her as I ran down the corridor.
"Where's Hermione?" I questioned Lavender Brown.
"She's in the Bathro-" I took off before she finished. When I entered the bathroom I heard sobbing. I sighed and put my book bag down by the door. I shuffled forward hesitantly.
"Go Away....please." She whispered.
"Please talk to me."
"Why? Ronald's right. I have no friends." I gasp dramatically and put my hand over my heart even though she can't see me.
"Hermione Granger I am offended!" I heard her giggle a little. I heard her moving around in the stall. The door swung open to reveal a red eyes and tear stained Hermione. I held my arms open indicating for a hug. She plowed into me and cried into my chest. I stroked her hair and shushed her. I let her get it out of her system. After awhile the tears seemed to run dry.
"Ronald's a got Mione, trust me I know. I live with the bugger." She giggled. we were now sitting cross legged on the bathroom floor talking and me comforting Mione.
"He doesn't really mean it. H-he just always feel ashamed of himself. With the older brothers he has to live up to and everything he puts a lot of pressure on himself. And ya know sometimes let's it out on others." She nodded "and I'm your friend!" I shout in glee. "I am the most awesome friend you will have in your lifetime Hermione Jean Granger and I promise you!" I hold my pinkie out to her seriously. She looks at me with a smile. She locks her pinkie with mine and gives me a hug.
"Thank you Elle, it means a lot."
"Awwwwwww love you Mioneeeeee!" I squeal. We both stand up giggling and go over to wash our faces clear from tear stains. I turned around to be meet with a horrifying sight. At least 12 feet tall a dull grey skinned beast stood in front of us. Its lumpy body made it look like a freaking boulder with a tiny head and narly feet. The smell made me want to curl up and die. I gagged. I pulled Hermione behind me as she hadn't seen it yet. The troll was carrying a giant wooden club behind it ominously. "Let go El!" Hermione laughed swatting at my hand. But she had caught a glimpse of the troll and let out a petrified scream. This caused the troll to notice us. it was my turn to scream. Hermione ran back and shrunk against the wall in fear. The troll had smashed a sink with it club. I grabbed a pipe and held it in front of me like a sword. "YA NASTY THING GET AWAY!" I screamed at it like it understood me. the troll was advancing at me and Hermione. I smacked it with the pipe cutting it's leg a little. "HAHAHA TAKE THAT! GET BACK YA BLOODY BASTARD!" It roared at me angrily. I saw Harry and Ron behind the Troll and they looked like they were trying to figure out what to do.
"Confuse it!" Harry yelled. Ron picked up a tab and threw it at the wall. The troll looked around for the noise. He then hit the troll with a piece of rubble causing it to turn Ron's way. Harry ran toward us. "Run! come on!" He grabbed my arm and tried shoving me out the door.
"Hell no!" I sprang back into action. Mione was frozen against the wall. Mouth open in terror. Then Harry had to be stupid and jump on the freaking troll. Idiot. Now I have to save your ass. I then saw Harry stick his bloody wand up the trolls nostril...oh my god. Howling in pain the troll flailed it's club around barely missing me. and slamming Into the wall next to me. The troll managed to grab onto Harry's ankle and Harry flailed around miserably. Ron pulled out his wand and cried the first spell that came to mind.
"Wingardium Leviosa!"
Coincidence I think NOT. The club flew from the trolls hand and rose high. It dropped with a crunch into the trolls head. The troll swayed with a dazed look on it's face then fell over, making the room tremble. Harry got up shaking, Ron stood there with his wand out and mouth open in shock. The silence was killing me.
"VICTORY!!" I yelled and danced around the trolls fallen body. Ron sniggered as I put my foot on the trolls back and my fists on my hips like I had just won a terrible battle.
"I-I don't think it's dead. Just knocked out." Harry clarified striding forward to get his wand. "ugh-troll boogers." I jumped at the sound of footsteps rushing towards us. suddenly Professors McGonagall,Snape, and Quirrel burst into the bathroom. Quirrel clutched his heart and whimpered. Baby. Professor Mcgonagall looked pissed and Snape bent down to examine the troll.
"What on earth were you thinking!" Profesor McGonagall burst. all hopes of winning points faded from my mind. I saw Harry and Ron glancing at one another. "You could have been killed! why weren't you in your dormitory!" I cleared my throat.
"No matter professor the beast has been taken down! The students are safe! The war is over! now I may go back to my homeland to see my beloved husband and child! LIFE IS SWELL!" I smiled whole heartedly and skipped up to her and hugged her. She sighed.
"Please Professor they were looking for me." Hermione piped up.
"Miss Granger!"
"I thought I could deal with it on my own since I've read about them." I stared in shock. Hermione was lying to a teacher. What is happening. "if thy hadn't found me I'd be dead t the moment. They didn't have time to fetch anyone. it was about to finish me off when they arrived." I pretended that this was old news.
"Well miss granger I'm disappointed. but I'm going to let this slide. Miss Weasley here is correct. You helped protect the students no matter how foolish your actions were. there fore I award Mr Potter, Mr Weasley, and Miss Weasley 5 points each and miss Granger 5 points taken from Gryffindor. Professor Dumbledore will be informed of this. Now off to bed now!" I skipped out of the chamber to the common room. I smiled happily as Harry and Ron now seemed to like Hermione as she had saved their asses back there. And I felt pretty cool. I just
took down a mountain troll! with a little help from the guys.....just a little.


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