Accidents Happen

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*first off I want to apologize, it's been forever since I've updated mainly cuz I forgot my password but this is long overdue so I hope you enjoy*
I don't know what we did last night, but I have a feeling it wasn't good. My body isn't sore and there isn't anything burned into my mind so it couldn't have been too bad. But, I woke up in his arms. In his bed. In my clothes though, so maybe we just made out.

Naru holds me against his chest. "I should shower." He gives me one last squeeze before rolling out of bed. It was a mistake, he needs to know that. What we did was a mistake, whatever it was that we did.

I climb out of the warm double bed and my feet sink into the plush carpet. My suitcases are piled at the other side of the room so I stalk over and begin sorting through my clothes. I pull out a short pink sundress and matching sandals and quickly change. My hair knots around my neck and curls around my waist. Sighing I start to brush though it, I need to shower.

The water turns off so I hurry out of the room not wanting to see Naru, I wish I never had to see him again.The house seems even bigger than last night, but I hardly remember anything from after dinner. It's disappointing, one of the best days of my life simply forgotten. But, honestly I don't mind much, I don't want to know what I did with him yesterday.

Closing my eyes I try to remember what happened last night, but I can't. Everything is a blur, all I know is that nothing happened that was too serious, which is definitely good. I'm not his anymore, I love him, but he needs to know that he can't have me. He left me completely alone, no one to hold onto. I feel tears slip down my cheeks, he stripped me of my family for the second time in my life.

My nails dig into my palms and I feel the self-induced pain. When my back and shoulders start shaking the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I can feel the fury rising within my small body. Naru abandoned me, and he guilted Lin into breaking up with me. I was falling for Lin, the way his voice made my heart flutter, the way he held me closer than anyone ever has.

But, there is something in Naru that brings us together, no matter what. I need that something, I need him and I don't understand why I do. My heart pangs against my chest angerly, I wish I didn't need him in my life so much, I wish when he left I didn't dream of him calling me the moment he returned, or almost hearing his voice, or just driving by his office to he had come back already. But, no matter what I knew it was all made up, that he wouldn't come back for me, that he didn't ever really care.

I can feel a dark presence weighing down on my shoulders, something powerful and dark, but not dangerous, not malignant but also not benevolent. Naru is a monster, he stole my heart and finally when I was starting to live without it he had to come back and try to give it back just so he could take it away again. He ruined me. Tears roll down my cheeks, there must be something wrong with me. Why do I love him?

I hear his footsteps in the other room, each step just making me even angrier. Why am I in his home? Why did I sleep in his bed? Is this all a huge scheme to win me back? I won't let him win.

"Mai?" He calls. I can the darkness get heavier on me, it weighing me down. But, with it comes power, something so strong it's almost overpowering. My body starts shaking when he opens the door, "Mai-" his voice freezes and I spin around.


Mai is standing there in the middle of the room, her eyes shining bright, her shoulders shaking, and a bright light emanating from her skin. She's something so different from the beautiful girl I kissed last night, she's something otherworldly. "You need to stop, I know you're still in there," I cautiously step toward her, I know that she's slipping away into the power like I did when I was little, but it isn't safe, she isn't strong enough.

The glasses left on the table start shaking, her eyes blaze as her hair starts flying through the air. I look at her feet, no longer on the ground, but suspended in mid-air. She is amazing, I can't believe I missed her progression, this is something I wish I could've seen develop. Her cheeks are tear-stained, but her voice is strong and unwavering, "Why did you do it Naru? Why did you have to leave? Why did you have to take away my family?"

The drawers in the kitchen start opening and closing, the glasses on the table shatter into a million pieces. She is dangerous, and if I didn't know better I'd say she was a demon. But, I know Mai, she gets caught up in her emotions sometimes, she just feels betrayed and her anger is directed at me. The shards of glass fly toward my face but I send them away from me without even moving.

I can feel the energy building within me, she's starting a fight and the odds don't seem to be in my favor. "Mai, I need you to wake up," I call at her, destroying my apartment is the absolute last thing I wat to do right now. A loud knocking sound echoes from the doorway, Lin must be here to get us. Knives fly into the room from the kitchen, Mai's eyes are unseeing, unfeeling.

The knives surround Mai, pointing directly at me. She wants to kill me, and I don't blame her for it; she deserves it, I left her to fend for herself, completely alone. Tears rolls down her face and the knives drop to the ground and her eyes come back to life. But, her feet remain off the ground and her hair around her body, "Kazuya, what's wrong with me?" She reaches up and wipes the tears from her eyes, "Lin is here I can feel him, he's outside the door, why do I know that?"

I walk over to her and pull her into me and down to her feet. Her hair spills over her shoulders and I can smell her. "I'm sorry that I left, I had to Mai, there was no choice." She sobs into me and holds me close like her life depends on me.

"What's wrong with me?" She asks in her broken voice as her tears spill down her face. Mai looks weak and broken, something that I can see so often, but after the show of power I know that she isn't that at all; it's a facade. She could kill me without thinking, and I'd be helpless; me the boy who killed a god would be completely helpless to her.

I kiss her forehead and just stand there holding her, she's warm and makes my skin tingle. And she nudges my chest lightly with her nose and I can feel her smile. I fall backwards and her my spine crack, she lands on top of me lightly, "Mai?"

She pins me down with her knees on either side of my chest, her long hair falling into my face. Her eyes are brilliant hazel with shining flecks of gold, a wicked, twisted smile plays on her pretty, soft lips. She reaches her hand out and a knife flies into it. Her slender fingers curl around it and she points it to my forehead, "why Naru? Why did it have to be me, couldn't you have screwed up some other girl's life? Every guy I ever dated I always compared with you, and none of them could ever come close."

The knife's edge presses into my skin and I can feel a warm drop of blood trickle down my face. I have to do something, it's going to be risky, but I don't have a choice. My hand reaches up brushes her hair out of her face, her eyes get bright and her cheeks flushed. The knife clatters on the ground, and I pull her closer so she drops on my chest and I kiss her.

"Naru! Mai! Is everything alright?" Lin calls from the other side of the door.

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