Not Yours

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Author's note:
This is a MaixMonk chapter so I hope you guys like it.
"Mai, I'd marry you," he says, his warm arms holding me from behind. I close my eyes and breathe in the familiar scent of Naru. But, it isn't Naru, it's more incense and metal.

I look up and see blond hair and brown eyes, Monk. He isn't mine, so why would he say such things? But, somehow I'm drawn to lay my head on his warm chest. He pulls me closer against him, "why would you say such things, Hōshō?"

I feel his lips brush the top of my head, and at the same time I feel eyes blazing into my back. "I love you Mai, and Naru is just going to hurt you." I close my eyes maybe I should take the easy way out, Monk has always been there and I love him. Maybe Naru isn't meant to be mine.

"Mai, what are you doing?" It's his voice cool and unemotional like always, but there's a slight rise in his tone. He's hurt, and oh well he's hurt me way worse this is what he gets.

I close my eyes and weigh my options, Monk is my safety my protector, Naru is like holding a gun with six chambers and one bullet to my head and hoping I don't get shot. "Mai, you can't, Naru needs you."

I wake up sore and sleepy in Naru's bed. Sunlight flutters through the curtains splaying across the bed. This time I'm alone, Naru must've left to go to work. I need to call Monk, he needs to get me away from here.

Trying to force myself up I flop back down, my limbs heavy lead. Damn, I need to get out of here I need to get away from Naru. Pushing myself up against the backboard of the bed I look around for a phone.

One sits on the other bedside table. I close my eyes, of course the other side of the bed has a phone. Throwing myself forward I land on my stomach just with in reach of the phone. I press the number for the work phone quickly and close my eyes. Please be Monk. Please be Monk.

"Hello, you've reached Shibuya Psychic Research, who is this?" It's a woman's fragile voice clearly not Monk, but not Naru or Lin either. Since when do they have a secretary? I shake my head and close my eyes I don't even care.

Whoever this is can get me Monk, and hopefully won't tell Naru. "Umm," I say unsure of what name to give her, "my name is Mai, I'd like to speak with Monk please."

"Mai!" Her voice goes from monotonous to fully alive and thriving with emotion and excitement. And I know immediately who it is, Masako Hara, the tv psychic that was head over heels in love with Naru. Her voice jumps, "oh my God, I heard about what happened are you alright?"

I close my eyes I need to talk to Monk, but I'll have to deal with her, I hear a door open, "you know Naru doesn't like personal calls Masako, watch out." He laughs and a smile spreads on my face.

"It's for you actually, it's Mai," she says and I hear the phone pass into his hands.

He's breathing hard like he just ran a mile and for all I know he did. I smile when I hear his smooth voice, "Mai, what's up?" I close my eyes and I feel tears prick my eyes.

"Can you come get me? I don't think I'm safe staying with Naru, and I don't think he's safe with me." I say quickly.

He waits a moment before responding, "ten minutes, I'll be there in ten minutes."

~Naru's POV~
"Where's Monk?" I ask looking at the small woman sitting behind the desk trying to sense the spirits tormenting the students.

She looks at me for a minute and looks down at her hands. She feels guilty, but why? When she speaks her voice is timid and fearful, "Mai called and Monk left." I look at her incredulously, why would she lie like that? Why would Mai even think to call?

Anger fills my body, "why did he leave?" I ask not really wanting an answer, not wanting to know why Mai called for him.

Maybe she needed to go to the hospital and she just went with the first person in the room she trusted. Monk, Monk, why Monk? She trusts Monk too much, she should rely on me, I love her.

I close my eyes this can't be happening. Once I finally get her back she walks out with Monk. Maybe it's her maturing, maybe it's her deciding that I'm not good enough for her.

I pick up my keys and storm out of the room. I need to get there before he can take her away.

~Mai POV~
I hear a knock on the door and force my feet to the floor and make myself stand. Barely walking I stumble over tables and chairs, but somehow make it to the door.

Sliding the lock out of place the door opens and Monk is standing there, his eyes wide. I fall face first into his chest and can't move. Seeming to realize this he reaches down and lifts me up, "thank you," I say.

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