Fatal Wounds

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The air is bitter cold when I step into the room. My name is scrawled over every surface in a reddish brown liquid, that's still dripping. I can feel my heart pound against my chest.

John looks at me warily, "Mai, get out of here now." His voice is low and worried. When he steps into the room he moves his arm in front of me to keep me from coming any further.

The air tastes toxic, but also somehow alluring. I can't help but want to walk further. Picture frames are smashed on the ground surrounded by fallen bookcases and sprawled out books. The wallpaper is peeling precisely to spell out my name in jagged letters. MAI MAI MAI

I duck beneath John's arm and step further into the room. Loud, persistent knocking sounds bangs against the walls shaking the floor. My breathes are ragged and rigid as they rip through my lungs. Lightheaded I drop to my knees and almost fall on my back, "Mia!" John sounds worried and uneasy.

I hold up my hand, "I'm fine, don't worry about me." John shakes his head and starts searching through the debris, the shattered pictures and torn books. His blue eyes stare into mine, he looks so worried.

His eyebrows draw together. John doesn't usually grimace, but he is, "Get out of here Mai!" He sounds so serious I try to scramble to my feet, but something cold is wrapped around my leg.

Pin pricks gradually climb up my legs, boring into me. It feels like ice is penetrating my skin and infecting my veins. Hot, salty tears roll down my cheeks as I frantically try to move. Hyperventilating, I try to move my leg, but end up crashing backwards, "John!"

Something is pushing me away from myself, an itch scratches at the back of my throat like claws. Darkness starts to haze the edges of my vision, and I start to drift away slowly. My entire body is frigid as the room temperature drops drastically.

"Hel-" I scream, but my hand snaps in front of my mouth, silencing me. Immediately I sit up straight without wanting to, and the room starts spinning beneath me. A cold unforgiving voice echoes from my throat, "Hush, Mai, let me speak to the nice man trying to protect you."

John stares straight through me, he looks frightened, but then regains his composure quickly. "In the beginning the word was with God and the word was God..." He stares into the eyes of the beast.

"Oh, stop, you can't save her now. Mai, you aren't ever going to survive this, can you hear me?" My frigid hands slide up my abdomen and a wicked smile spreads across my face. I wince inwardly when my fingers brush the gash on my stomach, "Such smooth skin, what if I was to cover you in cuts like this. Destroy you with so much agony that death would be merciful?"

"Let her go." The door smashes against the wall and Naru bursts in. He looks worried and upset, and his eyes are locked on me. His eyes are the last thing I see. And I know he'll protect me.


Mai is sitting awkwardly in the middle of the room, her name everywhere. Her eyes aren't her own, instead they're gold, bright, burning gold. A retched laugh erupts from her and a hideous grin spreads across her face from ear to ear.

"Naru, get out of here! There's nothing you can do without hurting her!" John cries from across the room, Bible in hand. His eyes are wider then they've ever been.

I walk over and stare at her, even now so weak and vulnerable she's beautiful. "Mai, are you in there?"

"So you're the infamous Naru," Mai's hollowed out body starts to stand and walk towards me. Her shaking finger pointing at me. With a smile she says, "Mai never really got over you, and I can tell you love her too. Isn't that sweet. Maybe I should kill you and make her watch, that would destroy her," and she steps closer and presses her lips against mine. Stealing Mai's voice the monster says, "I love you, Naru."

Mai's body goes very still in my arms.

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