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~Mai POV~
Lin and I are quiet in the car as he drives me back to school, there will be no sleeping until this case is solved. I close my eyes and try to pretend like I'm ok with going back to the depths of hell. He's obviously worried about me, but he's afraid he says anything I'll judge him for letting me go. I wouldn't though, I wouldn't ever judge him.

Maybe if I'd never gotten involved with Monk and Naru this wouldn't have happened. "Why won't you talk to me, Lin?" I ask looking up at him shyly. With a brief glance away from the darkened road our eyes meet.

A grimace lingers on his face, "I shouldn't have let you go." His eyes dart back out the windshield and he starts ignoring my existence. Something warm touches my hand, and I see Lin's hand resting on mine.

I lean on the window watching my breath fog up the glass until I fall asleep.

~Naru POV~
Monk and Mai were alone in his apartment, I don't want to think about what happened. He sits next to me staring out the window of our base, waiting for the beautiful brunette to come back to us. I miss her soft lips, her warm hands, her sweet smell.

The door opens slowly, cautiously like she's afraid of something anything. But, we aren't ghosts, we're just people. We don't have a grudge against her family; we don't need her dead. Her face is so pale, we both know her being here endangers her life. Monk looks at her, his eyes conflicted, annoyed.

"Can we please finish this quickly, I wish to go home and get back to studying." She glares at me angrily, and something stabs me in the gut. There's hatred behind her eyes mingled with longing and hurt.

Monk stands up and walks over to her, but when he tries to hug her she pushes him away. A sly smile pulls at my mouth and I glare at him triumphantly. Mai closes her eyes focusing on staying calm and in control, but I can see the exhaustion wearing on her.

Even though she slept today she used all of her energy fighting me. There's no way for her to get it back right now, it could take weeks. But, she's stronger than I am, I have to go to the hospital after a fight like that usually.

"Monk, can you accompany Mai to her old room, we have a thermo camera set up so I'd like to see what happens." I say looking steadily at Mai, pretending to ignore her. She turns away from me and smiles at Monk who looks at her warily.

He forces himself up and glares at me for half a second before he guides Mai out of the room. I can hear them talking even as the door closes. It's infuriating that they're so close.

Why won't she talk to me?

Monk POV
Mai leans her head on shoulder, her eyes only half open. She's exhausted. "I'm sorry about Naru," she says grimacing at the floor, "I don't know why he doesn't get that, I'm not his property I'm my own person."

I stop her where she's standing, mildly annoyed and upset by Naru's affection. She looks up at me with saddened eyes that are somehow filled with rage. "Mai, can you blame him?" I look away from her for a moment, but then look back almost immediately.

She looks at me, she doesn't want my help, she doesn't want anyone's help. For a brief second I can see her hatred for Naru mingled with her desire for him. Girls are such fascinating creatures, "I can. I will. I am."

I brush her soft cheek with the back of my hand and catch a small, delicate tear. "Look at it like Naru and I do for a moment. Mai, you're beautiful and caring and funny and cute and sweet, you may not be the brightest but," she glares at me for a moment but then rolls her eyes. "There is something about you that is irresistible, and we both want it. And we're willing to do anything to get you for ourselves. But, it's so hard because not even you know what you want, of course he's in love with you. And don't you lie to me, Mai." I warn daringly.

She stares at me for a moment before glancing away and staring at her small, childish feet. I tilt her chin toward my face and I can see the tears running down her cheeks. Quickly I pull her into me and her tears soak through my shirt.

"You love him too."

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