Monsters in the Closet

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She passes out in my arms. Her breathing slight and uneven. I can't even comprehend what this beautiful girl went through to survive the attack.

The room is bitterly cold, too cold. But Mai seems to radiate heat so I cling to her tightly. Her face is far to pale, she always had a creamy complexion but she is whiter than snow. I brush my lips across her soft, sweet ones unable to control myself. In her sleep she grunts and smiles like a infantile child.

Lin rushes in behind me, his footsteps heavy and clumsy. He fumbles in behind me to see the tiny girl in my arms. My eyes scan Mai's body. Her soft pink tank is rilled up exposing her stomach, sharp red marks oozing blood spell the words I'll drag you to Hell.

The presence in this room is overwhelming and literally weighs on my tense back. "Kazuya, we should take Mai to base, at least," Lin suggests. I slowly stand up, balancing the curvy girl against my chest. She weighs less than I could imagine, 90 pounds, maybe less.

Lin walks unsteadily behind me. Whatever this is it wants Mai dead.

She looks so peaceful, despite the threats against her. Mai hasn't seemed so at ease since I met her. She was telling ghost stories, her voice calm and cool. But as soon as I turned on the lights and spooked all three of the girls.

Mai is some strange creature, rare and ethereal. She's more paranormal than a spirit. A soft hand brushes my shoulder and I shudder. "This is insane," I hear Mai's voice echo in an otherworldly way.

Her mouth isn't moving and it sounded like she was behind me. Hesitantly I turn around and see Mai standing, but she looks like you could poke a hole through her. By her side is a man that looks like he could be my twin, except he's smiling at Mai.

"You need to get out of here Mai, find somewhere safe to stay." The faux me mutters looking seriously into her wide hazel eyes. Her fingers linger on my shoulder and she looks up at me.

She gasps, "Can he see me?" I feel a cold smirk creep across my face. Mai slightly moves in my arms, as if she's struggling to break free of the dream.

I can feel Lin staring at me through Mai. She hastily turns around and grimaces. "Of course I can see you," I state blatantly.

She jerks away from me. The fake me takes her hand and they disappear. I stand there gaping at the ground they just stood on.


After setting Mai down on the ledge of the window sill I turn back to my monitors. The one set up in an old, abandoned office shows no activity. Another in the hallway shows a slight drop in temperature where Mai was standing with the fake me.

I pick up my phone and scroll through my contacts. After three rings they pick up, "Hello, Kazuya."

Rolling my eyes at her casual tone I mumble, "It pains me to say this, but I need your help, Masako." Her slight giggle softly reverberates through the phone. "We're in the East wing of the University of West Tokyo. We will be awaiting your arrival."

Masako sighs into the phone line, "And what do I tell my husband?" That's right, Masako got married shortly after I left for England. She had only turned eighteen when it happened, I remember she invited me. I didn't go. "That my ex-boyfriend needs my help on a job?"

I sigh, we need Masako for this job. Mai isn't a medium, she's only a, well, I'm not even certain. "Please," I mumble resigned, "just tell him that you friend Mai is being haunted or something."

"What's wrong with Mai?" Masako questions, fear heavy in her voice. I can almost imagine her dark eyes widen.  Her cheeks heat up with a rosy red. Her voice shakes and trembles as she continues to speak, "Is she in trouble, Kazuya?"

My eyes skirt over to the sleeping girl leaning against the window. Her face pale and pained. She tosses and turns slightly. Quietly I reply, "She's gotten stronger, Masako. Her powers more defined, I think she could be even more powerful than me by now. I'm unsure if she's even human anymore. Something wants to drag her to hell."

"I'll be there by tomorrow, until then Kazuya." She whispers before the line goes dead. I dial another number and listen as the line rings.

Hōshō Takigawa picks up on the fifth ring. His voice peppy and childish as always, "Hey Naru, what has you calling?" I can see Monk lazing around on some couch dressed in his band get up.

"Mai is in trouble, something wants her dead." I state plainly, "We're at the University of West Tokyo, the East Wing." I hang up, he won't be long, he's probably been worried because Mai most likely dropped off the map.

There's a soft knock on the door to the dorm. I glance up as I see a young blond boy stick his head in. "Hello, Shibuya Kazuya." John enters followed by his skinny, childish sister.

Immediately, Rosy rushes to Mai's side. Her voice is concerned and rushed, "Is she alright?" I look the soft, unobtrusive features of the sleeping girl. She truly is beautiful and her voice is so charming it's unforgettable.

In that moment I want to push everyone out of the room and join her on the windowsill. Instead I mumble, "I'm not certain, all o know is she is in grave danger."

"Can I help?" Rosy asks hesitantly. Her shoulders shake, but all I can see is her back. She's slender and weak-looking, and nothing is too prominent about her.

Impatiently I stare at the monitors as they replay the incident from this morning. I'm glad Lin decided to set a camera up in Mai's dorm. The scene replays itself as I slip the headphones over my ears.

Rosy gets up at 7:50 her face tired and her eyes droopy. She reluctantly climbs out of bed and stumbles unsteadily into the compact bathroom. Once the water starts running the temperature begins dropping by two to three degrees every ten seconds.

Mai tosses in bed and curls up in the blankets to shield herself from the cold. Then slow, persistent knocking sounds begin bombarding the room slowly.

Five minutes later Rosy is dressed and dashing from the room books in hand. She's frantically racing to her class and slams the door behind her.

Then Mai's body moving suddenly. Her eyes flash open and she tries to scream. Tears well in my eyes, worry fills me despite knowing she's fine. Mai levitates after being dragged foot first off the bed. She tries to scream, but something keeps her silent.

I turn away and hide my face. Mai's soft, wide hazel eyes slowly open. She shakes and tears well in her eyes, "What is this monster?"

"I'm not certain," I mutter quietly. She tries to move but slips back down. Immediately I jump to my feet and assist Mai up, but she's shaking so violently.

Abruptly she throws her arms around me and sobs, "Its been after me since I was little. I just know that, I'm not sure how."

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