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"It's Christmas!!!" Essex nearly screamed as she leapt out of bed and ran down the hallway, exiting the dorms and towards the main hall for Eagle Union where  most of the Eagle Union shipgirls gathered, greeting each other wih 'Merry Christmas'. The whole place was decorated with red, white and green banners and there was a long table that had food on it. Essex quickly grabbed a candycane, eating it as she went over to her sisters. "Hey sis!" Bunker Hill greeted, Essex smiling widely. Intrepid and Shangri-La were sharing a plate of Christmas cookies. "The place looks great, doesn't it?" Intrepid added. "Definitely!" Essex nodded. Outside, snow was floating slowly to the ground, blanketing it in white. The sea had pieces of ice floating on it as well. Essex wrapped the navy blue scarf around her neck tighter, fastening her gloves. "Snowball fight?" she looked at her sisters. "You bet!" With that, they dashed out, to their snowball fight and a day of fun.

Ironblood dorms...

Tirpitz pulled on her white gloves slightly higher. It didn't matter. She was used to the cold already, having spent most of her life surrounded by ice, snow and the frigid waters of the Arctic. "Sister. Merry Christmas," Bismarck greeted Tirpitz, who turned around and nodded. "Cold, isn't it?" Bismarck stared out of the window at the pieces of ice floating on the water, the snow drifting to the ground. "I'm used to it," Tirpitz spoke curtly, but smiled a little. "Any plans today?" Tirpitz's icy blue eyes softened slightly. "Not really. Do you want top go ice skating?" Bismarck suggested. "Of course!" The two of them headed to a frozen lake, chatting happily about what they were going to do later that day.

Sakura Empire dorms...

Yamato felt Musashi carefully remove her golden hairpin, putting on a whit flower instead. "Just for today," Musashi reassured her and Yamato just sighed. "Shinano is going to be joining us, I presume?" Musashi just nodded. "Right, all done! Let's go!" Yamato smiled slightly as she got up, leaving the room with Musashi. They exited the Sakura Empire dorms, and walked outside to the path lined with sakura trees. They were not in season, branches bare, but the snow which gleamed in the sunlight made it look beautiful, icicles hanging from the branches tips. Their shoes made a crunching sound as they stepped on the snow. "Yamato, Musashi," Shinano greeted, bowing. yamato smiled. "No need for such formalities, dear sister." Shinano visibly relaxed as Musashi smiled softly, the three of them walking along the pathways, talking among themselves as they enjoyed the winter wonders.

The next day...

Essex yawned, waking up and stretching. The snowball fight had been exhausting, but as of now, she was only concerned of what laid at her doorstep. She opened her door, seeing a pile of presents there. Quickly bringing them into her room, she unwrapped them. Bunker Hill had given her a small figure of a bald eagle, Intrepid gave her a model of some Hellcats and Shangri-La gave her some books. Even Enterprise had given Essex a small present, a necklace with the Eagle Union symbol. Essex just smiled when she saw the presents.

Tirpitz and Bismarck had woken to a pile of presents at their doorstep and they quickly opened their gifts. Bismarck had given Tirpitz a snow globe with a small model of Tirpitz in it as the snow drifted gently to the bottom of the globe. U-556 had given Tirpitz a hand-crafted snowflake. It was covered in some light blue sparkles and sequins, glittering in the light. Bismarck, on the other hand, had been given a bracelet of aquamarines by Tirpitz and a photo frame of her and U-556 by U-556.

Yamato and Musashi had gotten a few gifts as well. Yamato had gotten a Christmas Ornament with a golden chrysanthemum on it and snowflakes painted all around it by Musashi. Shinano had given her a small cute figurine of a kitzune and Yukikaze gave her a scarf which had blue and white stripes. Musashi, on the other hand, got a pair of ice-skates from Yamato. "I saw you eyeing those for some time now," her sister grinned. Shinano gave her a snow globe with a sakura tree in it and Yukikaze gave Musashi a painted picture of Yamato, Musashi, Shinano and Yukikaze herself.

Christmas was really one of the best holidays of the year.

Heh. Short one, but then again I'm on a time constraint so... See y'all! Hope you liked it!

~Lightningstar out

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