A Painful Tragedy

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"December 7, 1941,

A date that will live in infamy"

Arizona gazed around Pearl Harbour. Everything was peaceful, quiet. There had been a false alarm a week ago and this time, something truly was off. She just couldn't seem to place her hand on it. She paced the deck of her ship, her black hair flowing in the wind behind her. Her crew had yet to stir, everyone seemed so relaxed. Something was wrong. She could sense it. And all her suspicions were proven right when she heard the air-raid alarm go off, followed by an announcement that it was not a drill. The men quickly ran out, but the planes were already here, flying low to the water, Arizona could see the bright red circles on their fuselage. Japanese bombers! Her eyes widened as they began attacking Battleship row. The other shipgirls who had already started firing their guns, realised too late that they were siting ducks, unable to fight back. Pennsylvania! her mind screamed as she looked around. Was her sister alright? She desperately scanned the waters, but could not see Pennsylvania. 

She desperately fired her AA guns as black bursts of flak filled the air, doing little or no damage to the bombers. She screamed in pain as a bomb fell, ricocheting off her turret and plunging below her deck, exploding. Blood flowed out of her wounds slowly as she  groaned, gazing around. Flames were dancing on the water, blood and oil mingling in the once blue sea. She could hear screams of pain, cries of agony. As she continued fighting, Arizona thought, why are  they attacking us? We have done nothing to anger them! Another bomb hit her and she cried out, pain filling every fibre of her as she panted heavily. Sweat was trickling down her face as blood oozed out of the deep gash caused by the explosive. Still, she continued fighting, knowing that the lives of her crew depended on it. Pain licks at her soul greedily as Arizona feels herself losing blood. A lot of blood. But the pain is the least of her worries. She needs to know is her sister is alright. Another bomb struck one of her AA guns, causing her to scream in agony the flames licking at her. She stumbled, firing even as she feels herself weakening. 

Another bomber flew past, dropping its bomb. "No!!!!" she shrieked, watching as it fell straight into her magazine, detonating. The blast threw Arizona backwards and more blood splatters the ground beside her as she groans weakly. White hot pain is all that she feels. It is too unbearable, engulfing her... "Go... run..." she rasps as she feels the metal creaking, buckling. "Leave..." she orders her crew. She couldn't afford even more to die... She tries to stand, but cannot. The pain is so agonising, slowly filling her as she screams, screams of pure agony. She knows that this is one battle she cannot win. Arizona's vision blurs, but she forces herself to open her eyes, her gaze sweeping around the harbour, searching for  her sister, but she can't find her. She gasps softly, feeling herself drift into the water. "I'm so sorry.... sister... I can... can no longer... fight alongside you... I'm so sorry..." she whispers as she feels all the strength drain from her limbs. Black spots press at her vision as she vaguely sees a figure running to her, crying out her name, but she can hold on no more and she lets out a soft sigh, turning over and sinking into the water, the world turning black around her. 

Pennsylvania... I'm so sorry...

"The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces...

from the Empire of Japan..."

Whew. That's the first oneshot. Hope you liked it!

~Lightningstar out

Warship/ Azur Lane OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora