A Spiteful Attack

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One by one, the bombs fell down, splitting the air as they plunged through her deck. That explosion of agony that rocked through her body... it was white-hot, her vision blurring, everything was spinning. Yorktown had let out a choked gasp, struggling to stay conscious. Hiryuu... she had wanted revenge. Of course she did. 

Yorktown had seen the burning wrecks of Akashi, Kaga and Soryuu. Smoke billowing from their devastated forms. 

Was it wrong, she had wondered, to feel that rush of adrenaline as her dive bombers swooped down on Soryuu's ship, punching the explosives into her hangar. Was it wrong, she wondered, to feel happy that they had... died. That Arizona and Oklahoma had been avenged. Her mouth was dry as the planes returned. 

She felt guilty. And she felt pain. What if Soryuu was my sister? Pressing a hand to her side, she called her sisters names. Just in time to see their panicked gazes lock onto her before all went black.

"...Yorktown?" A timid voice called. "Hammann," Yorktown exhaled softly, exhaustion creeping into every inch of her. Her voice was ragged, raspy almost. "I'm here to help you." Hammann's reassurance did little to allay her worries. "The crew...?"

"Buckmaster ordered abandon ship." Was the almost instantaneous reply.

"Good." She let the slightest touch of relief tinge her voice.

Yorktown felt like she'd been dragged through hell, then again she had likely been. Pain ignited at the slightest movement, the slightest touch. As long as her sisters were safe, then this was alright. It didn't matter if she had gone through hell. She would gladly do it again, to keep her sisters safe.

She remembered what she said when the war broke out. "What we do... it is for the good of the Union. For the people. We have to fight the war, for... everything we have. And I think we aren't allowed to show any mercy." 

Yorktown sighed. Hiryuu... she was gone now, no doubt about that. Her wreck was probably sitting on the seabed right now. And honestly, the white haired carrier felt that she would be lucky if she could even make it back at all.


I-168 had Yorktown, and that puny destroyer, Hammann, locked in her sights. Her lips twisted into a sneer, gaze filled with anger, grief and hate. All the feelings storming within her. They had killed her comrades, they deserved death themselves. Painfully, and filled with agony. They deserved to suffer for all they had done to Akagi and the rest. Readying her torpedoes, she took a deep breath, before letting loose a scream. "This is for the Kido Butai!!!" Her howl of anger and pain rang out, and she fired. 

Yorktown's eyes snapped open at the scream, her gaze flicking to the torpedoes. "Hammann!" She exclaimed, and the destroyer turned to face the 'fish'. "Don't worry Yorktown! Hammann will protect you!" Hammann's guns fired quickly at the torpedoes, trying to detonate them before they got too close-

But it was too late, the torpedoes smashing into the destroyer, slamming into Yorktown. There was a muffled sob, Hammann staring up at Yorktown with pain in her gaze and fear. "No... no I don't... I don't want to go! I don't want to die!" Her words slurred and Yorktown held the small girl close, as her breathing stilled and her eyes dulled. The carrier had no choice but to let go, and the destroyer slipped beneath the waves. 

She would follow soon, she knew. Her list was prominent, pain and agony blazing. 

A long time had passed as she lay there, weak and exhausted. She couldn't move. "Enterprise... Hornet... I'm so sorry... Take care of yourselves, please. I...  I'm sorry I have to leave you both..." 

The water was cold... that's how it felt. Cold, yes. Not too much, just cooling. That was the last thing Yorktown felt as the edges of her vision blackened, and her eyes fluttered shut, the ocean welcoming her into its inky depths and its cool embrace. 

Everything went black. 

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