Dream come true (Part 1)

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Requested by: moonstar07writes

Essex sighed softly as she stared at the dock, where a white-haired woman was standing, her long hair flowing in the wind. Essex turned her gaze away, her hands clenching into fists. Enterprise... she was just so... strong, honourable, never backing down. She never gave up when both her sisters were gone. Essex just felt so small next to her. She was meant to be Enterprise's successor, she just didn't know if she could fill up those footprints the carrier left. Ever since the war had ended, Enterprise had taught Essex all she knew, yet Essex still feared she was not ready. How was she supposed to protect all her sisters if she couldn't even match up to Enterprise? She was scared, scared of failing, losing her sisters, tarnishing Enterprise's reputation along with hers. She always wanted to beat Enterprise, but... what was she thinking? She could never do that. This... longing in her grew stronger every day but she felt that she just wasn't strong  enough to face Enterprise, the Grey Ghost, a legend. She turned away, a lone tear slipping down her face. She felt like a coward, but it was the truth, she could never beat Enterprise. 

Essex headed back to her ship, only to see someone waiting for her there. Yorktown (CV-10), to be exact. "Essex... you have to try, without trying, you will never know, right?" Yorktown whispered. Essex just chuckled slightly, "You know me too well, sister." Yorktown just walked next to Essex, placing a hand on the carrier's shoulder, nodding. Essex knew she had to try, just this once, to see if she really had it in herself to protect everyone she loved. 

She narrowed her eyes, walking off. Whipping out her bow, she launched a few planes, when Yorktown offered to have a mock battle with her. Essex just nodded and the two of them began. Essex feinted to the left, ducking a kick Yorktown aimed at her. She ordered her planes to initiate a bombing run, which her sister promptly ducked. Essex just gritted her teeth, twisting to the side and narrowly avoiding Yorktown's arrow. She slid under one of Yorktown's planes, aiming an arrow at Yorktown, who dodged, giving Essex a chance to knock her sister down. Yorktown slowly got to her feet, smiling at Essex, before saying, "See? All you have to do is stop worrying that you are not enough and just fight. Be yourself, Essex, you are not Enterprise and you will never be, you are Essex." Essex gazed at Yorktown, gratitude in her eyes. You are right, sister, I am Essex and I will always be. I have to make my own reputation, not earn it from someone else, trying to perfect something I never had.

At last, Essex finally had an idea of who she was and she wanted, longed to beat Enterprise, just once. Some would call it an obsession, but it isn't and will never be. She just needed a chance to prove herself, show everyone the might of the Essex class. Sure, this might be a one time thing, and she would never match up to Enterprise, but at least, at least she would be someone. And that was all she wanted to be.

To be recognised.

So, here's a new oneshot. Moonstar requested for 2 parts, so I'll work on the next part soon.

~Lightningstar out

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