Me, You and Jellybean

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A few minutes later, they all replied with questions like "what is this?", "why are you sending us a photo of a baby scan?", "huh?" I reply by saying that it's mine, that I'm a carrier and the whole reason behind it.

They all seemed happy with my answer and congratulated me. I was happy with the reaction that they had, I put my phone into my pocket and stared at the wall.

Now to tell the world

Telling the world, that is something that can prove difficult. I know what I want to do but at the same time I don't want to do it. I guess I'm just scared of the reactions. I know a lot of people will be happy for us and the rest will just be horrible about it. I think the best way is to make a video about it, explaining what it is and why it happened and how I ended up that way.

"DAN?" I shout "COME THROUGH TO THE BEDROOM AND BRING THE CAMERA AND TRIPOD WITH YOU!". I presume he heard me so  while I was waiting on him, I made my (well, our) bed look a little bit more presentable, nothing to special, I just pulled the duvet back and fluffed the pillows a little bit.

We set up the lights, the tripod and the camera, well tried to set up the camera. We couldn't get it to stay on the tripod. I hit the record button and then sat on the bed. I began to speak "Hey guys, this is more of a serious video this week as I, I mean we" I say pointing at Dan "have some news", I pause. "Well two bits of news. As most of you may have guessed, we are in a relationship and have been for quite some time now" Dan just sits there, nodding his head every once in a while. "an, we have even bigger news" I hold up a photo of the scan to the camera "this is a baby, not just any baby, our baby. We aren't adopting or having a surrogate mother though" I pause for a moment, "I am in fact, pregnant. You can probably guess how as that is how you are on this earth" this comment earned me a smack on the arm from Dan followed by "I don't think people want mental images of their parents doing it Phil". I continue "Allow me to explain, you see, when I was" Dan interrupts me "A YOUNG BOY" I roll my eyes at him "No Dan, what I'm trying to say is that when I was in my Mum's stomach, I was a girl so I had developed the female internal organs but something went wrong and baddabing, baddaboom, I'm a male with female internal organs" This is where it gets all sciencey "It is a rare condition called heterozygophilla micondriosis that affects roughly 4 in every 5,000,000 babies born. It happens when the sex organs internally have developed but the outer sex organs have not but as the foetus develops, the outer sex organs develop as the opposite of the inner organs. In all cases studied, the carrier is a male with a working female reproductive system along with a working male reproductive system. meaning that the carrier can get pregnant. Sadly, only 2 in 4 survive to the age of 1 as the changes can cause complications and severe damage to the surrounding organs inside, luckily, I am fine" I finished and Dan added some words "We both hope you're happy about this and for us because we are happy and this little bump" he says putting his hand over my stomach "is our little bundle of joy and if anyone isn't happy about it, you can just leave" I smile, kissing him on the cheek. We ended the video with a photo of the scan and the due date.

When we had finished, I started straight away on editing, There really wasn't much to edit really as I got most things said in one take, which is a miracle considering that I'm still so confused by this whole situation. There were odd bits I had to cut out, like any other video. I made sure the video was perfect and got ready to upload it.

I took out my phone and open up twitter. I typed "new video coming soon, be prepared" with a smiley face emoji on the end, then sent the tweet. I then pushed the upload button on the video and waited on it uploading. Now I am nervous. I don't want everyone to be like "omg that's so weird, you're different and ugh, weirdo" but then again, there's the ones that will be like "OMG PHAN BABY!" which is the ones I will like.

20 minutes later and I'm still waiting on the video uploading. It's only on 40% so we could be here for a while. Around 45 minutes later, it had finally uploaded and I sat there anxiously waiting for people responses. I sat and read through some of the comments:

+futuremrsdallas2846 "I knew you guys were together and congrats on the baby"

+SpUdSaNdsQuIds "yass, my dream has come true"

+trololololol "lol, fags", yep, seen that one coming.

I scrolled through the comments then looked on twitter where all the responses were really nice. I was getting message after message of my friends and family who had seen the video congratulating me and asking why they weren't told sooner, my brother, in particular was not happy about not finding out sooner. Oops. I looked down at my stomach, placing my hand over the tiny bump "look jellybean, people are excited about you. They can't wait to meet you". I look up to see Dan standing in the doorway, "Jellybean? Is that what we're going for until we find out?" he asked, walking over to me "yeah, I guess so" I say.

Dan then pulled me into a hug, a very long one at that, before saying "this is just the start of something new, it feels so right to be here with you" I look at him, "did you really just quote high school musical?" he nodded "yes, it's just me, you and jellybean, at the begginning of something wonderful"

I DON'T KNOW WHY I MADE HIM QUOTE HSM I JUST DID. Anyway, it's been so long since I updated this and I have no excuse apart from the fact that I'm lazy.

Also, i am so proud of the condition name

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