Guess what?

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"Where have you been then?" I asked, a mouthful of chicken "getting something" he said "getting what?"

"Just something, you will find out soon, I promise" I was so confused but I shrugged it off and continued eating.

Dan had ran off to the office, locked the door and hadn't been out since. Every so often I would hear 'That's how!' Or 'That's one of the cutest things ever' I wanted to ask him but I figured he was just thinking aloud.

It was getting late and Dan still hadn't come out and I didn't want to go get him. The last time something like this happened, I went to the study to get him and he he was on the computer watching videos on how to make tea 'the British way' and if I'm honest, I didn't think it was that weird just really funny and he looked pretty embarrassed about it which made it even funnier.

I got up and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash and stuff. I look at myself in the mirror, soon I'm gonna have a bump. I'm going to have to wear larger clothes for the first few months or so until the bump is too big to hide or people start questioning why I am suddenly 3 stone heavier.

About 10 minutes had passed and I was still staring at my stomach. Even though I know I should have been a bit more careful with my actions and that telling Dan would have been a good idea to start the relationship with, I'm still happy to have this little life form growing inside me.

I was still looking at my stomach when Dan came into the bathroom "oh, sorry didn't know you were in here" he said looking sort of shocked "no it's okay" I said smiling. He walked over and put his hands on my stomach "just think, in about 8 months, we will be holding the baby for real!" He said grinning "I know" I reply, I didn't actually think about that

We walked out of the bathroom and into the living room, I know I said that I was going to bed but I've changed my mind. We slumped down onto the couch and watched random TV shows. I swear the things you get on tv at 2am can be as bad as daytime tv!

We just sat there all night until I fell asleep in the most awkward position, with my neck at a 90 degree angle, my legs crossed and my arms sprawled out beside me.

~next morning~

I woke up with a horrible feeling in my stomach. I ran straight to the bathroom, ignoring the pains in my neck from my rather uncomfortable sleeping position. Knowing what was about to come, I leant over the toilet and waited and just as I expected, I was sick. I sat there for a couple of minutes, wondering how long this lasts and not knowing whether I would be able to put up with this every morning.

I got up and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. No cereal, okay. Bread for toast? Nope. Fruit? Yes, only an apple and a bit of melon but it was healthy and it would have to do until lunch.

Dan wasn't up yet, which was no surprise. I still hadn't got my head around what has happened and I'm so confused as to what Dan is doing. He is never usually this secretive, he has his moments but never this much and it's sort of worrying.

Our friends are yet to hear anything and I'm not sure I can trust them all. Some of them have big mouths and tell everything to everyone. I get my phone out and quickly create a group message with the ones I can trust. I take a photo of the scan and send it to them with the caption 'guess what?' and wait for a reply.

A few minutes later, they all replied with questions like "what is this?", "why are you sending us a photo of a baby scan?", "huh?" I reply by saying that it's mine, that I'm a carrier and the whole reason behind it.

They all seemed happy with my answer and congratulated me. I was happy with the reaction that they had, I put my phone into my pocket and stared at the wall.

Now to tell the world

Well hello there. I hope you liked this please tell me what you think of it so far and info should keep going ^_^


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