I wish I was there

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Okay before I get into this chapter, I would like to mention a few things:

-I know nothing about Dan's family
-This is just for the storyline.
-pls don't hate me for this
-there are some words in here that are considered offensive to people so I'm warning you now.
-don't hate me pls


I was about to call Dan and ask where he was but there was a knock on the door...

I stood up to answer it.

As I opened the door, someone came barging in, pushing past me knocking me over, causing me to hit my head on the wall.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?" He shouted.
He turned around and looked at me. His eyes were dark but somewhat familiar. The man grabbed me and lifted me up by the collar and pinned me to the wall by my neck. Choking me.


He threw me full force into the floor. Causing me to hit my head extremely hard again.

He kicked me full on in the stomach "I SAID, WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?"

He leant down, putting his knee on my stomach leaning harder and harder. "this is only going to get worse for you. Now, WHERE IS MY SON" I couldn't bring words out of my mouth. I only managed to shake my head.

He got off me and muttered something like "what a scaredy cat. That's why fags are targeted"

I was lying on the floor, in agony. I looked at my stomach and noticed a patch of blood starting to grow and grow. I lifted up my top to see that one of the staples in my stomach had came out and I was now bleeding heavily.

Clutching my stomach, I tried to get up and just managed to make it to the house phone.

I called Dan and asked him if he could hurry back as it was an emergency. Then everything went dark.

Dan's P.O.V (shocker I know)

I was walking down the street when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked and it was Phil.

I had been ignoring him practically all day so I thought it would be nice to answer.

"D-Dan? Come home. It's an emergency" I heard through the speaker. Before I could reply, I heard a crash and the phone had went dead.

I started running home when suddenly a guy pushed past me. I looked around and saw someone who looked oddly familiar staring at me.

I continued to run to the house.m and all the way up the stairs. Normally running up these stairs would kill someone but I didn't care at that point.

As soon as I got in to the flat, I seen Phil. He was lying on the floor unconscious in a pool of his own blood. He looked blue and the expression on his face showed that he was scared.

My first instinct was to break down and cry but I couldn't. I didn't know what would happen if I did. I didn't know what was wrong with Phil or if he was even alive. I called an ambulance and told them the horrifying image in front of me

As soon as the ambulance arrived, I began to panic. I knew something was very wrong but it hadn't really sunk in until that moment.

Two paramedics took him down the stairs on a stretcher, another was holding an oxygen mask to his face, pressing the little pump at the end. Another checking his pulse. That's when the tears started flowing.

As soon as we got to the hospital, Phil was rushed away. He was hooked up to machines and had tubes coming out everywhere. They had to do emergency surgery on his stomach as one of the staples had came out but I knew that there was something far deeper than just a loose staple.

After 5 painful hours of Phil going for scans and me anxiously waiting around. A doctor called me over to have a private chat with him. I was told that Phil had suffered some sort of brain damage due to trauma and that's when it all clicked into place.

It was my Father I had seen in that street. He was after Phil.

When I came out, my father had made a sort of promise that whoever I was with, he would target, make their lives hell until they either gave up or we broke up.

That's partly the reason I wanted to move to London so badly. Away from him. Away from his constant attempts to seriously hurt my exes.

Somehow, he had found out where I was and me being that daft cunt I am, I've not really been at the house as I've been trying to arrange something very special (a/n: what do you think the special something is?) that has been taking up my entire time.

I just wish I had been there.

WOOP I finally did the updating thing. These chapters I feel are getting shorter and shorter lmao

Another Kind of Fairy Tale (Phan mpreg)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora