Waking Him Up And Coming Home

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Bet you missed me eh? Anyway, I said I was going on a hiatus for a while but I'm back sooner that I expected to be. I'm still not sure if hiatus was the right word to use  as it was more of a short break but y'know. Shit has happened and I had to deal with it and go all over the country to bloody well do so but it is all over and done with now. I won't spare you details as I don't think that's what you wanna hear. So, without further a do, here's a chapter :D


*Dan's POV*

I sat at the dinner table staring at the little box I had. I didn't know what do with it. I mean I did but when was I going to? I didn't even know when Phil was going to wake up or if he would for that matter.
I had been staring at it for a quite some time pondering everything when there was a knock at the door.

At first, I hesitated answering it as nothing good ever seems to come out of answering a door in this house, apparently.

I got up and answered the door. To my surprise is was Phil's Mum. "Dan I thought this would be better to come here instead of calling you" I immediately thought the worst "okay, come in"

We sat on the couch and she started to speak "well, Phil is hopefully waking up today as they are going try and get him to wake up and..." my mind started to wander off. I was so happy but scared at the same time. I might get my Phil back but what if he didn't come out of it? Would he ever come out of it. No Dan, think positively. "so that's what they are saying, Dan?" I snapped out of my little trance "yeah? Oh. Are we going to the hospital now?" I asked "you are, I need to go back home for a while but let me know what happens" I nodded my head and she left.

So this might be the day, the day I get Phil back. I started to make my way to the hospital, not caring about the fact I hadn't showers and was still wearing e same clothes from the day before.

As soon as I got there I made my way to his room as fast as I possibly could. When I got to his room, there was nurses or doctors, I can never tell, crowded around him doing what I was assuming as trying to get him to wake up.

I sat outside anxiously as I waited to see if it had worked or not.

After about what felt like forever, a woman came out and told me that I could go in now if I wanted to.

As I walked in, I looked at Phil. His eyes were open. I ran over to him and hugged him, trying not to hurt him as I did so.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. He was awake and responsive and he was back but he looked a right state. It wasn't a pretty sight. Bruises everywhere, tubes hanging out of his  mouth, drips coming from his arms, but he was back.

"Phil, baby I missed you so much" I said while crying like a baby. He smiled in response. I wouldn't expect him to be able to talk but I knew he was happy to see me.

I quickly messaged his parents to let them know that he was awake and doing fine.

A doctor came over to me and asked if they could speak to me outside. "So, as you can see, Phil is awake but he is going to be in a lot of pain for quite some time. He will be on medication for the next few months at least and we are hoping to discharge him in a few days but he will need a lot of rest" that's fine by me. I couldn't care less how long the recovery process would take or if he was in medicine for the rest of his days, I was just happy to have my Phil back.

*3 Days Later*

Today is the day Phil can come home. He will still be weak and a bit drowsy due to the time he was in a coma for and the amount of medications he has been put on.

While waiting on him being discharged, I decided to go on Twitter and see what's happening.

As soon as I got on, all I could see was questions asking where we were and what had happened. Even a few people saying they seen me running down a street crying my eyes out. Then I realised that we had just disappeared and neglected to tell anyone that we were okay and all will be fine.

I sent out a quick tweet "yo peeps. Sorry we forgot to update you on everything but all is well. Do not worry" and immediately, the responses were all the same "oh my god, what happened?" Or "I'm so glad you guys are okay"

After a while, Phil wandered out of his room and a nurse immediately came after him with a wheelchair saying that he must leave in this is it's very unlikely he'll be able to walk very far. I don't think he was too impressed with this but didn't really have the strength to put up a fight about it.

The hospital had arranged transport back to our apartment and there were people there to help us get back upstairs as the dang lift never seems to work when you need it to.

Turns out, it wasn't a taxi like I thought it was going to be. It was an ambulance. I get a bit guilty about it though as what if someone needed it more than we did?

*time skip to them being home bc i'm lazy*

As soon as we got into the house, Phil flopped on the bed and fell asleep. I still hadn't gotten around to cleaning the mess in the living room but I figured I should to it and soon.

I started cooking some food and look up at the time. 6pm. Phil's medicine. I went through to our bedroom to wake him up for his pills.

This is going to take some getting used to.

I'm not going to promise anything about updates as my updating schedule is about as stable as One Direction at this point. I also apologise if this is shit™

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