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||| Y/n L/n |||

As I stood up followed by Hanji, I peeked into the kitchen. I saw a well known figure of a blonde with brown eyes. Their bright eyes going as far someone called, a glassy sky and yet so fragile. The familiar figure with curves and a healthy figure. The short hair pinned into a small explicit hairstyle.

I placed my hands in front of the shock, feeling overwhelmed by the feelings. Multiple things going through my head before I could reach any further. "Nancie! You're still here!" I exclaimed joyful. I couldn't keep it in for long. "I missed you so and—how is your son?" I asked excited. She chuckles at the many questions I still asked her.

She started answering me every single one I had in mind. Part by part, word by word, from simple words to complicated terms. After a while of her answering my questions I sat down on a chair in the kitchen. Laying my head on my hand palms. I felt my interest grow as she seemed to tell more about her family.

"My son, he's great.. and my husband is also doing well in the Survey Corps." she smiled. I almost felt too bad for her, for having to go through that. I tilted my head and turned around to Hanji. They looked at me with a confused look. I formed a 'I'm shape with my mouth. I put a finger on my lips as I closed it.

I was about to introduce them as I felt a surprise in my inner self. Nancie's face lightened up with a smile. She went over to Hanji, who seemed surprised go by her actions. She took Hanji's hand and patted it. With a soft look on her face.

"Then you have to be Section Commander Hanji Zoë, my husband told me so much about you!" she smiled soft at them. While I started to notice how nervous Hanji felt in her presence. They tried to shake the highly spoken words of them, of their shoulders.

After a longer pause of silence I tried to break it. I spoke up and explained detailed to her what we wanted to do exactly. She thought of the idea being wonderful. I gulped, I went over to the shelf. Where I started looking for a good recipe book.

I tried grabbing it, Hanji helped me since it was in the darkest corner. I I thanked them with a nod of appreciation for the gesture. I opened the book and my finger started going over the words. I flicked the page after reading through them.

My eyes caught the small side where a good recipe I already knew better than some thought. My face brightened up on the idea I had got suddenly. Hanji peeked over my shoulder. A questioned look was on their face.

I closed the book with a small thumb noice. "I got it! let's start," I cheered full of energy. Nancie and I got the things we were needing since Hanji was the first time in this place. We placed it gently down on the table.  All of us started mixing the indrigends together.

We kneaded the dough with our hands they went back and forth. The small clumb of eggs, cerals and milk felt at different spots clumpy. What I didn't noticed was that Nancie had left the room.

While I was struggling with the kneading of the dough Hanji had positioned herself behind me. They put their arms over mine and started helping me out.

As our hands touched I felt my heartbeat increasing. I started smiling like crazy to myself with a sense of a strange emotion mixed with tons of different feelings. I turned my head  around slightly up to look at them. My eyes were only on them.

They started laughing at me with such a crazy laugh. It sounded so lively to me with a taste of sweetness. I had a warm feeling in my stomach. Our hands were full with a white blanket. From our palms to the finger tips a layer strewn with flour.

They brushed their with white covered fingers on my cheeks. I twisted my face ina pouting expression.

I tried taking some steps back, but I stepped over a down there laying kitchen instrument. My heartbeat increased so much in that moment of the shook. I felt myself falling to the ground just as I thoght I would my upper arms were gripped tight. Two hands surrounded them with their fingers.

I looked them into the eyes, in that moment they sparkled. They sparkled more than they did ever before. I softened my eyesight, reached after their cheek and smeared them full of flour.

I started laughing so hard as our faces ended up being full of the white spains between them spots with each of our skin tones. We fell on the ground with our butts.

After a while of silent I started chuckling, "Hanji.." I mumbled. They raised their head up to me, blinking a couple of times with their eyes. They got bigger seeming as if they they had heard the mention of their name.

They hummed in unison,
"what is it Y/n? they called.

"We should clean ourselves—or not?" I asked then. The brunette agreed with a quick nood. As Hanji went forward I didn't left my gaze of them. Something had started to bother me about the person that was with their back facing going forward.

I sighed to myself thinking about this person lately wasn't anything unusual. My cheeks started to blushed deep. I inhaled short and sat myself up making my way to the brunette with the glasses.

I pursed my lips going straight forward. I washed my hands in the washbowl turning my head down to the side. Trying to avoid as much as possible their gaze. Lately those sudden thoughts made me feel fuzzy.

The strange scenarios out of my perspective were embarrassing more than they should. Every second day we met made me feel way to excited.

Raspberry cake「Hanji x reader」✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant