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spoiler for many manga chapters?

The past months had been nothing but being pulled in the cruelty of the cold reality. I had a hard time concentrating on my own work.
All of it was keeping my brain in full tracks.

I knew already there would be always something out there. My mind just didn't imagined it to be so big. The world was a big, but also cold place.

I knew it all, I wasn't only told by newspapers. Those could lie and lay small clues of those between the words. Leading us all in the unkown of a illusion. I was told from soldiers who saw it all. They told me how the attack on Marley went from the survivors and the loss. I noticed the Jeagerist's which were pretty radical.

I couldn't believe what had happened to Eren. I couldn't put a emphasizing tone in this. I was trying to understand him, but I wasn't able to do it at all.

All I heard were loud thumbs. I saw fire, destruction--blood. My eyes were wide opened. I tried to open the next near door. From nothing particular to everything that was possibly getting worse at once.

Outside it wasn't a beautiful sight anymore to look at nor was it a ugly one. Simply my picture of it had changed.

The buildings that were now burning were once looking peaceful. Streets which I looked at were now filled with blood.

The tree's around the neighborhood of the cafe-they were the only objects that were the same.

Everything felt slow, myself watching with a blurry eyesight. Than it hit me, shooting me back into the reality. I heard a loud thumb. Then I realized the pain in my stomach. I looked down at my stomach, there it was a bullet hole. I looked at my surroundings, there I gazed them.

Different soldiers standing on each side. Each from different countries. Out of one of their guns came a thinned cloud of smoke. Raising up into the air, fading away in the light of the day.

I must happen to get into the cross-fire.

Just a matter of time until I would be gone. I wasn't stupid, I wasn't a dreamer nor was I someone who was to optimistic in this, I was being realistic. I knew I would be dead by dawn, I tried to held back the pain that was running through my body. The blood was running through all inches of my body. I heard talk people how they saw others bleed out, I saw it to but this time I was the one bleeding out. It was my time to go.

My eyelashes closing slowly. The darkness embracing me into a hug. Every part of my body sank into it. I felt my mind and strength leaving myself. Falling to the ground with a loud ear deathening sound following right behind. The limbs in my body pushed me into my pain. There was nothing anymore that I tried to hold back.

A wet, cold tear running down my cheek. In it held the regret I had left, not to die in their arms, Hanji Zoë's. That was all I felt before I was aware of myself being gone.

||| Hanji Zoë |||

Hanji was out of their own mind. They held on their heart as they saw the sight. They couldn't control anything. A small tear rolling out of the right eye. Tears slowly falling down their eye. The cheek was in a matter of seconds wet.

Their heart was flooding with grief, sorrow and regret. They couldn't think clear anymore. They didn't cared, they didn't cared for anything.

Their loud heavy sobbing coming with screams out of their mouth. Their voice was filled with their emotions. Everything was overwhelming them for the worst.

They kneeled down at the stone. The grave was standing there in the number of others. Their heart felt heavier than before.

Holding on the grey stone to lower their head. The cold stone was encountering their warm hands. Hanji's mind wasn't itself, the darkness overcame everything they saw in the light.

The memories coming back to them. App at once holding them back to do anything stupid.

"Call me Hanji, just Hanji."

The pain they were going through just because of one loss.

"Your visits are sweeter than the raspberry cake."

The laughs they shared with you, the hard moments and the happiness both of you had. All that shattered in minutes as Hanji saw your corpse.

They had taken a long while to grieve. That was happening as they were trying to stop Eren. The small amount of scouts were able to bring it with them.

The dark of the night-was protecting them. They sat down, heavy hyperventilating was to be heard. They used their wrist to wash the wet tears away. Their blurry sight wasn't fading, they were sitting there.

Three males coming their way followed by a female. Jean, Connie, Armin and Mikasa were holding strong grief to, but they knew how much you meant to them.

The brunettes body was lying on the ground. Tired and sad, it had made them fall asleep. With a mind of full thoughts.

"Poor Hanji.." Connie mumbled to himself. He had a blanket with himself. Covering them with it Jean was helping.

Mikasa looked down at a flower. The color was bright as your soul. She picked it up from the ground. The grass was feeling cold in the time of the night. She layed the flower on your graveyard.

Armin looked at the grey stone. His sight filled almost with tears. He had a hard time holding them back. Trying to look at it withouta blurry eyesight. "Rest in peace Y/n on that you'll can find the piece you might never had in this world." he said, his voice almost breaking.

Mikasa, she questioned everything, why it had to be you. Or if you would might be still alive if she had been there.

One thing for sure-you were one of the last spots of happiness in Hanji's own world and now you just died. With you dying this spot was taken away and filled with loss and sorrow.

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