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||| Hanji Zoë |||

Major spoiler for chapter 132

Now where they were at the end at least that was what it seemed to be for Hanji. The Titan scientist had a exact image of what was infront of them. They looked at the big giant Titans. What lovely creatures they are how they used to say most of the time.

Everyone was speechless. Standing there without the slightest idea of if this was the only option.

The only one who was speaking up was Levi, "hey four eyes." he said. The brunette with the chocolate brown eyes looked at him. Their heart filled with excitement, fear and yet shock. Their eyes wide, their pulse pulling the last life out of them.

They glanced at him from the side. "You understand, it's finally my here you know.. it's my turn." They breathed under their sentence. Their forehead was filled with sweat. They were nervous, more than nervous.

There was no word to describe how they felt. Therebwasbthe rising anxiety in their own blood. That which kept their adrenaline high.

They were out of their mind, they knew this was the end. "I want to look as cool as I possibly can right now." they breathed out hardly.

"So just let me go, will you?" They demanded. Still standing on the same spot as before.

In that moment the dark haired 39 year old man knew it. He knew it better than anyone—this was a goodbye forever.

Levi came up to them, his fist on their heart. Hanji looking at the gesture down. "Dedicate.. your heart." Levi made a pause between the sentence. He despised this one somehow since it separated him from many other people.

Hanji's eyes were open, their brown orbs shining in the sunlight. Gulping quietly from what was in front of them. Even the man who used not to say this had now taken a goodbye.

One of the small amount of people who actually were different to talk to.

Hanji snapped out of it to turn backwards with a 180° turn. They laughed, "Haha! That's the first time I've ever heard you say that." They exclaimed. Their voice was filled with a hidden fear.

Before their feet lost the ground under them to use the 3dmg to fight the Titans, they had their last words. "I'll find you in the next life, I promise my love." they muttered under their own breath. Their gaze reached the sky.

"It's just sad.. that I never could give her this..." Their fist opened, they stared at the little golden item. The ring they wanted to put on your hand, if you would have agreed. If they only had taken the time to ask and fill the bound with it.


[ epilog incoming, no this is not fanon the most chapter content is canon. Search it up if you feel like it. ]

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