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On the next morning I felt warmth, I was feeling it, but my mind was still feeling sleep. My eyelids opened themselves slowly while my eyelashes were keeping my eyesight still from the light of the morning. I opened them slowly with a sleepy feeling in them, I saw a glimpse of the sunshine.

I lifted myself up with my arms and tried to sat my body up. The weight of the sleepiness still laying on my soul with all of it not really being able to have the full potential.

My eyes still didn't saw everything clearly, it was kind of blurry. I yawned, stretching my arms out direct in the air. My eyes fell on the figure that was in front of me. Which caused a short flashback, filling with everything that had happend yesterday, in front of my eyes.

Just as my mind got full awareness back I noticed what what happened. I realized it and felt emberrassed by it. This was feeling like the worst situation I've ever got into, but it was one that I definetely wouldn't go through again without doing it against my own will.

In front of me sat the brunette with the glasses on their nose. Giving me a bright smile as they faced me. They corrected their glasses and the high pinned ponytail. They frowned at me which fast turned out to bt a smile. "Finally awake, hmm?" They mocked me with the question. I cracked a smirk with brightness.

I lifted myself up from the bed finally with my arms supporting the decision. As I looked down on myself I noticed my apron wasn't on my body and my pony tail wasn't there. They smiled and pointed to the free chair. Over which my things layed. After they told me detailed what had happened last night out of their perspective I face palmed.

I let out a big sigh and excused my behaviors. "No it's alright dear!" they exclaimed full of energy in joy. I tried to smile awkward, but my hair ended up falling into my face. "Can I?" they questioned me. I put my hand palms on front of my chest and shook them in denial. "Please you don't have too, you're injured." I didn't wanted them to do anything further that could get themselves into trouble trough me.

"But please, I want too! Your hair is so soft and fluffy." They phouted while reasoning their actions. I sighed and went towards them. This persons insisting would be one day my end. They took the hair streak and put it behind my ear. They tapped me on the shoulder and pointed towards my hair.

I nodded in agreement agreeing silent that they were allowed to do that. Their questions were until now most times to be considered attention and interaction searching. They put my hair and gently brushed through it. Hanji put the hair band back into my hair "finished!" they exclaimed. I turned myself around to them and saw a smile on their face. "Thank you." I said with a gentle voice.

I went to the chair and took my apron. I changed into it and bound a tie on the back. I didn't noticed that I licked slighty over my lips. I was that concentrated on binding the tie that I really didn't noticed it at first. I looked and turned myself to Hanjj. "I am afraid.. that I have to go." I said cleearimg the silent in one moment. I saw the sad face they had made. A pouting one that was looking at me and asking me indirectly still to stay a bit more.

But my mind knew I couldn't. I first of needed to go back and second of somehow progress what had just happened between us. My mind wasn't looking so forward about that as much as going right now. In the end they let me go and I left the room with a goodbye.

The way out was  unexpected easy, but confusing at the same time. I over thought ast least 2-3 times how many times I had passed that room. There were over all so many things, floors corridors that crossed themselves. As

I finally had a feeling to be on the right way for the outside a blonde tall man was going beside me. With eyes blue as the ocean. As my mind officially had processed that I jumped aback out of shock. "HOLY MOTHER FUCKER-" I cut myself off. Realizing what I jsut said. I put my hands in front off my mouth. "I'm so sorry—" I tried to excuse myself in any way possible. But he shock his head.

"No I'm sorry for my sudden actions." He apologized. I didn't done anything else than accepting the apology which I didn't even expected or needed. He cleared his throat with a fist hiding mouth. He straightened himselfamd put his arms on his back.

"Thank you for taking especially care of Hanji, I really do appreciate it. Let me—" I cut him off. Only by feeling uncomfortable with this formalities he kept. "It wasn't anything dramatic! besides—there. was. a. storm. outside."

"That's why I deeply want to apologize, that we've hold you here for the night." As I heard those words escape out of the Commanders lips I chuckled. I didn't hid it behind my hand this once.

"Theres no need for that." I cleared. I ended with a few other unimportant sentences the small conversation we had. Or maybe it had even been a sort of formal excuse, cause my parents were known. I shrugged it off and continued my way to my house. The street in which it was located wasn't in any kind destroyed. The storm just had raged to much as that people could leave their houses. I saw some trash whirling around in the breeze if the wind.

I opened the door to my cafe. I went over to the shelf immediately were I always had some tea. I sat my butt down at a chair. n front of me was the table on which only was standing a flower. I placed a tea cup on the plate of it and sat down at a table.

Now what had that been?

Is this a sort of starting to get actually attached to someone else part of life? Or is this just really going out of hand? I don't know... If I'll continue thinking about this like that my head's gonna get a headache..

I sighed, putting the tea cup down. I closed my eyes trying to imagine this desperate. What in the world was this just?

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