Getting out

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I was holding Quinn in my arms. "The pack will cover us, well Kira and Lydia will."
"Why only Them and Are you sure?" She asks
"There is a barrier of mountain ash so we are the only ones who can cross it, and yes, but we have to wait though." I tell her.
"Wait, why?" She asks
"Don't worry about it." I reassure her that there is nothing to worry about. All of the sudden we hear fighting and grunting. Quinn and I go out to see Kira and Lydia fighting them off. Quinn went to go up and help, but I held her back.
"Stiles What the hell? Let me go!" She complains. "Why?" I ask her.
"Because those are our friends, and I want to help them. I don't want them to get hurt." She explains.
I sigh and pick her up "Once we are out safe, Lydia and Kira will follow us." I am still holding her and won't let go until we are out safe. Her and I were out safe we met Scott and the rest of the pack were waiting for us. "We all are glad you guys are safe. Where is Lydia and Kira though?" He asked. Just after he finished that sentence Lydia and Kira come out "Come on, Let's go!" Kira said.
"We have to get out of here now!" Lydia added. After that the whole pack took off.

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