Tell someone

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I looked over at Scott and he was just not moving a muscle, only staring into space with his mouth open. Wide open like jaw dropped. Probably shocked and dumbfounded at what I had just told him. He looked like one of those statues that you would see in a museum or a public park. "You better close your mouth before you catch a few flies in there Scotty." I joked and giggled a little at my own lame joke, and I thought that joke would bring him out of his trance like state, but I go no reaction. I realized I needed to work harder and step it up a notch. "Scott? Scott?! SCOTT?!" The first two times I called his name I waved my hands and arms in front of his face trying to snap him out of this trance like state and bring him back to reality, when the first two tries didn't work I screamed the last one at the top of my lungs, but Also trying not to attract a crowd, luckily I only got a few weird looks. As I screamed his name I was bringing my hand up, so I would eventually end up slapping his face. I was saying his name like Stiles was saying mine in the hallway earlier today, when I ignored him and just kept walking away. When I was about to slap Scott he grabbed my wrist In the air before I could make contact with his skin. Which was a good  idea because that Slap would've brought him back and sent him to the ground. Sometimes we don't know our own strength till something triggers it. "We have to tell someone."
"What?! No way!" I looked around to make sure no one was looking our way anymore considering I shouted that a little louder than I meant too, I turned back to him and said "what? No way." In a quieter and calmer voice. Looking at him like he is a crazy person just escaped from the nut job place also called Eichen House. "We can't tell someone, besides this is my secret to tell not yours, so stay out of it."
Scott sighs "Then why did you you tell me?"
"I needed someone to talk too. Your the first person I saw that I trust, and I couldn't tell Stiles. I mean like I couldn't physically tell him if I tried my body wouldn't let me make up the words. I would end up saying something stupid or something that doesn't even make sense, or I would say stuff that are not even words they are just sounds, " I explain to him.
"Can we at least tell Lydia, I mean he is currently her boyfriend she has a right to know." He said more calm and softly trying to make it seem like it is okay. Which it is obviously not okay. "Yeah, we can tell her, even though it will break her heart, but I will do the talking. Because you are right she has a right to know and it is the right thing to do. But there is a good chance that she won't believe us because I know what it is like to be blinded by love. I also know what it looks like and that is what I see when I look at Lydia and Jackson." I looked at him sharply making sure he knows I am serious about me doing the talking. He always does the talking in uncomfortable situations and always makes it worse, in this case we really didn't need that. We walk back inside the school and I see Lydia talking to Allison by the lockers, we walk over to them. " Hey Lyds, can I talk to you for a second?" I say trying not to sound nervous. "Of course" she says walking over to me and Scott as we move away from the other student a little, and as Allison walks away. "So are you and Jackson still together?" I ask hoping the answer is no, because that would make this a lot easier. "Yup" She said popping the 'P' . Damn it. "Okay, well I am only telling you this because you are my best friend. SoJacksonandIKissed." I said quickly really hoping I wouldn't have to repeat myself. Lydia laughed and said "What did you say? Honey, you have to slow down." She still has the brightest smile on her face. When I told her the news I knew she didn't hear me because I spoke so quickly which was kind of the point because telling her this is really hard for me. She is my best friend and seeing her hurt breaks my heart and I am devastated to be the one that makes her feel like that and to bring sadness instead of happiness into her life. She could also tell something was wrong with me as I was standing in front of her, she is my best friend she notices that kind of Stuff. I took a deep breath in and looked at Scott, he nodded. I looked back at Lydia and said "So, Jackson and I kissed." She was about to say something, but then the bell rang. Yes, saved by the bell.

Lyds: This is not over
Q: I'm sorry, he kissed me.

After that I got no response I signed and went to class. Fortunately, I had no more classes left in the day with Lydia. Or maybe that was unfortunate. Which ever one it is I was grateful that I had some more time to figure out how to get my best friend back and how to forget about the kiss.

Hey, so I am planning on only updating on weekends because during the week I am busy with school, but tomorrow is spring break. So I will be updating a few chapters faster. Comment What you think! If you have any ideas comment them. Check out my other books while waiting for an update!

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