Save her

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Quinn woke up and looked around. Deucalion came in and said "look your awake." Quinn snarled with a glare at him "what do you want? I mean you must have taken me for some stupid reason or is it just for your amusement."
"You know your boyfriend asked the same thing." Deucalion said slowly knowing just how to push my buttons. "Just tell me what you want and he's not my boyfriend!" I screamed. Although I wish he was so badly. Why can't he just man up and ask me out like a normal person. Oh right, he is not normal, he is Stiles. "Well what I want is Scott's eyes although there is something else that you can give me that would be satisfying." Well he is not getting Scott's eyes so I will take the alternative. It can't be worse, "Ok, and what the hell is that?"
"Your little boyfriend's life." Quinn scoffed. Okay I stand corrected this is worse. "Yeah right. He is not my boyfriend! How many times do I have to say that for you to finally understand that." Why can't he be my boyfriend. I Mean he was Malia's boyfriend. I'm not worse than Malia. At least I care about the pack. Where are you?

Stiles' POV

I don't know why this is bugging me so much. I couldn't stop thinking about her since the day she was captured. I mean it isn't fault. Right? It shouldn't be bothering me this much, it would be the same as when Kira was being Taken and being held hostage in Mexico by Kate and the berserkers. I mean we're not dating, but she is my best friend. Well my best friend that is a girl, Scott is my best friend. So she is my girl vest friend. "Stiles I talked to Kira and if you want help finding Quinn we are in. Just like in a team, no man gets left behind, but in this case it is women." Scott told me being totally supportive and genuine. Well I knew of course he would be in, but I wasn't so sure about the rest of the pack. I mean yes we are a pack and we all love each other, but they haven't really spent as much time together with Quinn and getting to know her like I have. I was so happy that they agreed to help me find her. The pack and I devised a plan to save her, it wasn't easy because there was a lot of back and forth and bickering. But eventually we agreed on a plan and got it done. Scott was gonna be our secret weapon, he is an Alpha which means he is stronger and faster, his senses are more heightened, and he is even more powerful than all of us. "Guys We can't let him win!" "And we won't. We are going to save her and get her home safe and sound where she belongs." Scott reassures me.

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