I got her

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Quinn POV
My friends are coming I know they are I've been here for a few days now I think, I might have lost track of time. But can you blame me? I am in a empty place with no sense of time. I mean I am glad that Deucalion at least had the soul and mind, and possibly heart to feed me and keep me well hydrated. That way I wouldn't die from starvation or heat exhaustion it is so fucking hot down here. I mean a million bright lights shining in your face and on your body 24/7 is not pleasant at all. I figured that he also gave me water so I wouldn't die from dehydration. The more that I thought about it the more I am thinking that maybe he is not killing me slowly and painfully because he needs me for something. I am just waiting for them to come and save me, like we always save each other that is what being a pack is about. Either we all die together or no one dies. We always pull through for each other and we always save each other, no matter what the cost is, even if the cost is our life. I love all of them and they all love me. That's how I know there coming. Just as I was about to try go to sleep that night. I haven't been getting much sleep. If I am being practical who would in this situation. I was pulled out of my thoughts because I could hear a voice, I have been around that voice my whole life and I know that voice very well..

Stiles POV
It was late at night and Scott was running and I was following him in my baby blue Jeep. I don't even know what the time was at at the moment I really don't care. He had her scent and I was determined to find her and bring her home where she is safe from all danger. I won't stop until I do find her she is my girl now and is my responsibility. Nothing is ever going to stop me from finding my Quinn. When we got there. There was a mountain ash barrier "I'll have to go in alone." I told Scott "good luck" he said in an encouraging voice, he may be the Alpha of the pack, but some times the fights we face. We have to do them without him. And I went in.

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