chapter thirteen

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You barely got any sleep last night. After Matthew had left, you stayed on the couch for a bit in thought. It wasn't until five am that you finally went upstairs and tried to sleep. You fell asleep around five thirty, and it's safe to say it wasn't the best rest you've had.

"Wake uppp!!!" You fight every urge in your body to slap her right here and now.

You groan, rolling away from Aisha.

"Wake uppp!!!" she says again. "Y/n come on we've got shit to do!"

"What shit?" You finally sit up.

"Lake shit, dude, lake shit."

You groan again. "Fine."

You two head down the stairs and to your surprise the rest of the gang is down there already. What time is it?

"Oh look who finally got up!" Joe says, smiling at you and handing you a cup of coffee.

"Yeah yeah," you say.

You meet Matthew's eyes from the couch, he looks away quickly. That was weird. You try to ignore it, making your way to sit on the arm of the chair where AJ is sitting.

"So what's the plan for today?" Adam asks.

"I was thinking we could all chill in the water for a bit, but there's also a fun little trail other than the one that we went on yesterday. It's really your own choice. We don't have to all be together."

You all go your different ways to get changed.

"What are you going to do?" You ask Aisha.

"I'm going swimming with the girls, you?"

"I think I'm going to go on a walk. I didn't get much sleep so I need some fresh air and alone time."

"Okay well you should join us later!"

"I will."

She leaves in a swim suit and heads out. You decide to get dressed in a casual dress over a purple swim suit. The bathing suit is a high wasted two piece with a strapless top. You pull on your combat boots, put on some waterproof mascara, and head out the door.

A body comes in contact with yours. You look up to face Matthew. "Oh sorry," you say. He just makes an angry sound and leaves. damn.

You head out of the lake house, and down a path way. The slight wind outside makes a lovely contrast with the sunny heat. You hear the sounds of trees, birds, and wind as you walk. The fresh air feels nice on your skin and good for your mind. This whole situation is odd. Not just the shit with Matthew, but everything.

You feel the wind through your short hair as you walk. You wish you had music, but the whole no phone thing. You just listen to the sounds of nature and the distant sounds of your castmates and friends  from the lake.

The whole bonding thing with Matthew will sure take a twist on your life. At least you know that you don't actually have to be nice to him. You just have to be Delilah. Which is fine. You're used to that.

You get tired of walking after about thirty minutes. Freaking leg chafing. You turn around to head back.

"Hey!" Adam catches up to you.

"Oh hey," you smile at him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah totally. Why?"

"Just wondering since you weren't with the rest of us." He was in the water, you can tell by his wet hair and swim trunks. He'd just put a shirt on when he came up to you.

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