Chapter 9

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The four boys went and explored the castle as they had planned. Much to their disappointment, they didn't discover anything interesting except for a few rather oddly behaving portraits.

Remus managed to convince the rest of the group to go to bed early that night as they had their first day of lessons the next day.

Everyone except Remus got up rather reluctantly the next morning. Although lessons had seemed exciting only the night before, sitting in a classroom all day did not sound as appealing anymore.

After getting ready as slow as possible, they trudged down into the great hall. After an uneventful breakfast, they walked down to the greenhouses, to their first ever herbology lesson.

When they got to greenhouse one, almost all of the Ravenclaws were already there.

"Eggheads" James muttered

Sirius snickered, while Remus shot him a disapproving look

Professor Sprout bustled over to the group of first year, and took out a rusty looking key to unlock the glass house, which was filled with strange looking plants.

Once they were all settled, Sprout brought out a rather nasty looking  black weed.

She introduced it as Devils Snare, a magical plant with the ability to constrict or strangle anything in its surrounding environment or something that happens to touch it.

"Better save some of this for my dad" Sirius whispered chuckling. 

the three other boys looked at him mildly alarmed for a second before James forced a weak laugh.

Shit. He thought. He really needed to stop making these strange jokes about his family.


The next few weeks passed by in a hazy blur, Sirius had had no idea how much time lessons would actually take up.

When he voiced this to Remus, he was met with a sarcastic:

"Oh yeah it's not like we came here to go to school or anything."

Nonetheless the four boys still found time for fun, including some amazing pranks. 

Sirius and James now had detention for shrinking everyone in the Gryffindor dormitories shoes.

"it was totally worth it though." said a sweating James, who was given the unfortunate task of scrubbing the kitchen floor, although the house elves were being more than accommodating. 

Sirius was watching him while chewing loudly on a chocolate chip cookie.

"Yeah" he replied while accepting a glass of pumpkin juice from a tiny elf.

"So, are you going anywhere for the winter holidays?" James asked "My mum said we might go to France!"

Sirius shook his head.

"I'm staying here for Christmas. I don't want to be anywhere near my damn family unless I have to be."

"Oh.. okay."

There was a very long pause before James piped up.

"I'll stay too then! Im sure my parents wont-"

"No, go to France, i'll be fine here."

Sirius wanted James to stay more than anything, but he couldn't do that to his friend.

"Alright if you're sure..."

"I'm sure,"


Sirius thought he had convinced James not to stay, so it came as a great surprise when he came down to breakfast the morning the Hogwarts Express was meant to take the children back to London still in his pyjamas and without his trunk. He passed Sirius and went over to the first year girls, asked the pretty red-haired girl (whom they had learned was named Lily Evans) out on a date, got rejected and then plonked back down next to the boys. This was his daily routine. 

"James why aren't you packed? The train leaves in like half an hour."

"Oh, I'm saying here, sorted it all out with Mcgonagall weeks ago. pass me the kippers will you?"  he said casually

"What!" Sirius said taken aback "I thought you were going to France!"

"Yeah...well i decided croissants weren't really my thing, I much prefer crumpets"

Sirius couldn't help it. He laughed as he enveloped his friend in a hug. He had never felt happier in his life.

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