Chapter 6

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Sirius didn't know if it was humanly possible to feel this many emotions at once. Relief, fear, joy, guilt, confusion. He sat, frozen on the stool, eyes wide. Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and brought him out of his trance. He hopped off the stool and James gave him an encouraging smile. He walked hesitantly over to the Gryffindor table. James was sorted into Gryffindor not long after that. He plonked down next to him, grinning from ear to ear. 

"I reckon it's not much longer till the feast" He said excitedly.

"yeah..." replied Sirius distantly

"Hey," James said concerned "whats up?"

"Remember when I said my family were all Slytherins?"


"well...they kinda expected me to be one as well."

James looked confused "So you don't want to be in Gryffindor?"

"No!" Said Sirius horrified. "of course I do, Slytherin is my worst nightmare! But my family expects a lot of me, and i don't exactly live up to their expectations. " 

"Not that i care!" He said quickly  "They're a bunch of good for nothing pure blood supremacists!"

"I don't know," He sighed "I guess I just want someone to be proud of me."

James looked sympathetic but was unsure what to say.

"Well...I'm proud of you!" He said. "Any Gryffindor has earned my respect."

Sirius laughed, and playfully nudged his new friend. Suddenly, everything seemed less scary.


After an excellent feast, The first years were all led to their common rooms by their house prefects, Sirius and James went up to their dormitories immediately, to try and claim the best beds. They raced up the spiral staircase and into their rooms, 4 beds hung with deep red, velvet curtains. They just  stared at each other for a few seconds, and then they sprinted to the end of the room, both aiming for the bed by the window. James got there first. Sirius glared at him, red faced. 

Just then, two other boys entered the room, both looked extremely tired. They both plunked down on the two remaining beds. One of the boys robes looked shabby and frayed, even though they must have been brand new. The other was rather chubby, and had large buck teeth.

"Hello" said James kindly

"Hi. I'm Peter!" The chubby one squeaked

The other boy nodded and smiled.

"Remus." he said simply 

It became clear that none of the four planned on getting any sleep that night. James pulled out a bunch of acid pops, and they dared each other to try and keep them in their mouths, until Peter refused. They ended up having a vicious pillow-fight, till Sirius eventually won. Then, they spent the rest of the night talking about Hogwarts. James started calling professor McGonagall 'Minnie' at some point during the night, and they knew that was going to stick.

Choosing Marauders *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now