Chapter 2

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Sirius stepped onto the platform without a backward glance at Regulus. He couldn't believe after all his rebellious acts, ( including putting up muggle posters in his room with a permanent sticking charm) he still thought he would end up in Slytherin, just like the rest of his horrible family. 

He walked through the corridors of the Hogwarts Express, trying to find an empty compartment, until someone tapped him on the shoulder. It was the boy from Diagon Alley. 

"You're welcome to share with us if you'd like." he said kindly. 

Sirius looked at the compartment he was pointing to, there was a girl with red hair in there as well, leaning against the window. He nodded and muttered a quick thank you before sliding into it. When Sirius Got a closer look at the girl, he saw that there were large tears slowly streaming down her face. He decided to leave her alone.

"I'm James by the way," The boy said. "James Potter."

"I'm Sirius, Sirius Black" He replied.

"Oooooh thats a strange name"

Sirius laughed. "Yeah, it is. It's supposed to be a star," He explained. "Dunno what my family were thinking." He rolled his eyes.

James chuckled. 

Just then another boy stopped outside the compartment. He had greasy black hair and a hooked nose. He was already in his Hogwarts robes. He slid open the compartment door and sat on the seat opposite the crying girl, who James and Sirius had completely forgotten was there. 

"I don't want to talk to you." She said in a constricted voice

"Why not?" The greasy haired boy asked.

"Tuney h- hates me. Because we saw that letter from Dumbledore"

Sirius and James shared a curious look.

"So what?" The boy asked

She threw him a look of deep dislike

"So she's my sister!"

"She's only a-" But Sirius would not find out what Tuney was, as the boy seemed to have caught himself saying something he shouldn't have. The redheaded girl was too busy wiping her eyes to notice.

"But we're going!" he said, clearly excited. "This is it! We're off to Hogwarts!"

Although she was still mopping the eyes, the girl gave a half smile.

"you'd better be in Slytherin" The boy said.

"Slytherin?" James asked

"Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" He asked Sirius.

"My whole family have been in Slytherin." He said, although there wasn't any pride in his voice.

"Blimey," Said James. "I thought you seemed all right."

Sirius grinned

"maybe I'll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you've got the choice?"

James lifted an invisible sword. 

"Gryffindor, where the brave dwell at heart!"  He said in a heroic sort of voice. "Like my dad."

The boy with the greasy hair made a small disparaging noise. James turned to face him

"got a problem with that?" 

"No," although his slight sneer said otherwise. "If you'd rather be brawny than brainy-"

"Where're you hoping to go, seeing as you're neither?"  Interjected Sirius.

The two roared with laughter.

The girl sat up, and Sirius saw that she was quite pretty, now that she had stopped crying, but she was looking at both of them with great dislike.

"C'mon Severus let's go find another compartment." she said quietly


James and Sirius imitated her lofty voice, James tried to trip Severus as he passed.

"See ya Snivellus" Sirius called, as the compartment door slammed shut.

"Snivellus?" Said James smirking. "that ones gonna stick."

Choosing Marauders *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now