Chapter 7

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The four boys went down to the great hall the next morning, looking tired but cheerful. They didn't have any classes yet so they had planned to spend the day exploring the castle. They ate quickly, excited to start their adventures. halfway through breakfast, a group of first year girls joined the Gryffindor table.

"Hey, you think I have a chance with the redhead?" James asked through a mouthful of toast. 

Sirius and Peter sniggered.

"James your elev-" Remus started to say, but he was interrupted when hundreds of owls swooped into the Hall. The boys stared at them curiously, wondering if any of the packages or letters were for them. Remus got a letter from his mother, and peter received a package which consisted only of socks, apparently he had forgotten to pack them. Sirius too, had received a letter. 

The eagle owl that was carrying the envelope clicked its beak impatiently, motioning for him to take it. Sirius hesitantly reached out to retrieve it, terrified of what it might say. He had not expected to get any letters, he didn't have any friends back home, and he was pretty sure his family were going to disown him for being sorted into Gryffindor. 

James noticed the envelope in his friends hands, and grabbed it from him, somehow knowing that Sirius couldn't be able to open it. He glanced at him quickly before slowly tearing it open, revealing a single piece of parchment. The parchment only had three words on it

                                                              you're a disappointment  

James stared at the paper for a few seconds, not wanting to hand it to Sirius. He couldn't believe anyone could be so cruel. eventually he passed the parchment over to him. He took it and read it slowly, his face unreadable.

"It's from my mother" he said, his face emotionless.

Then, he got up from the table and walked out of the great hall. Peter and Remus through confused glances at James, who quickly explained what had happened. They got up and went to the only place they thought Sirius could be; the Gryffindor common room.

Choosing Marauders *DISCONTINUED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang