Chapter 3

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Sirius and James talked for ages about the most random things. At one point, they spent an entire half-hour talking about what types of socks they had brought! Some point during their rant, an extremely old lady opened their compartment, she had a massive trolley with her that had all the sweets you could imagine on it, It also had a colourful sign with the words Honeydukes Express written on it.

"Anything off the trolley dears?" She asked sweetly

Sirius reached into his pockets for some gold but James grabbed his hand to stop him.

"No, we have to save room for the feast," He explained, "I've heard its marvellous"

"Good thinking"

So he smiled and shook his head at the witch. 

"Tell me about Hogwarts!" Sirius said. "I really don't know anything about it except that there are four houses and that I don't want to be in Slytherin."

"Have ur parents not told you anything?" asked James, taken aback.

"No. they don't say anything they think might benefit me in the slightest." he muttered

James didn't know what to say to this.

It's alright though," Sirius said quickly, sensing his discomfort, "I'm used to it."


They sat in a rather awkward silence until James fell asleep. Sirius thought he snored like a pig dreaming about bacon, and made a mental note to put in an order for earplugs. He leaned against the the window, smiling like an idiot. He was going to Hogwarts! 

Gradually, the train started to slow down, and he saw a large sign with the words, "Welcome to Hogsmede!" printed on it.  Sirius knew that this was the neighbouring village. He tried to shake James awake but he wasn't budging, so he smacked him hard over the head. 

"ARRGHHHH" James woke, jumping out of his seat.

Sirius, who thought James was being a complete drama queen, burst into laughter. James started complaining about how he needed to get his beauty sleep. They both shut up when the train came to a sudden stop.

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