[62] Progress

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I ignore the loud knocking at her door. I don't want to get up for whatever it is. Yes, I have skipped every class of the day so I can sleep with Ayato who seems to be trying to make up for every lost second of his life because he spends all day and night in bed.

Ayato pushes at me, urging me to go to the door. He can't because technically he is supposed to be in a separate dorm to me, no boy-girl pairings. But you see if you don't ask you were technically never told no, so you are technically not wrong.

But, the knocking does not stop. So, I roll myself out of bed and stand up, rubbing my eyes as I do. I don't want to be up. I just want to sleep. I open the door and glare at the person on the other side.

"What?" I hiss.

"Ah, Niko I was wondering if I could speak to you about something?" Ichijo stands at my door, staying perfectly still and a large smile stretched across his face.

I glance behind him, seeing Shiki leaning against the door frame of the door across the hall, smirking and watching us openly. I flick my gaze back to Ichijo and nod.

"Get in," I say, pulling the front of his blazer and slamming the door shut.

Ayato seems surprised by my choice and looks up from the bed. "What?"

Ichijo looks slightly shocked to see him but doesn't object to him being here.

"Not a word to Kaname, you hear me?" I say, motioning to Ayato.

Ichijo nods his head quickly, sitting down on my couch. I narrow my eyes at him, sitting on my bed and looking at him, much like how I did with Akara.

"What's going on?" I ask, slapping Ayato away when he tries to glare at Ichijo for interrupting our nap.

"I just wanted to ask if you have noticed anything . . . different about Senri?" He asks, making me raise my eyebrows.

I never thought to ask Ichijo. It slipped my mind that he is roommates with the teen and probably spends the most time with him, it would make sense to talk to him about it. I nod to him, placing my hands in my lap.

"Ever since the holidays, he has been off. I and a few others have been trying to figure out what's wrong but we haven't gotten anywhere so far." I say, cringing slightly, "Have you got any idea?"

Ichiji pauses for a second before shaking his head, "I haven't been able to get much out of him. I don't know what is going on."

I narrow my eyes at him slightly but nod anyway, "I'm going to speak to him later in the week. Rima spoke to him a few days ago and I don't want it to seem suspicious, so I'm going to wait a little bit."

Ichijo nods, looking around the room, "I just wanted to make sure everyone else has noticed and I'm not just being weird about it."

I nod to him, understanding the feeling. I nod towards my door.

"Go talk to Kain and Aido, or Ruka and Rima. They are also trying to figure out what is going on but they kicked me out of the little group so I don't know what they are doing next." I say, leaning back on my hands.

"Kicked you out?" Ichijo asks. "Why would they do that?"

"Oh you know," I say nonchalantly, "Aido thinks I'm a lying swine and the rest are following along," I say, not even bothered by the situation I am in, I've been in worse over the last few weeks.

Plus I know in a few days they will come around. That or they will forever hold their peace while I hate on them for the rest of my living days.

"Ah," Ichijo says, standing up. "Maybe I should go speak to them. I'll see you around Niko."

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