Ch. 10 - Picnic and Flowers

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-Logan's POV-

When I woke up I was very uncomfortable. I sat up, hoping to either relive the pain or find out the cause, only to realize I had fallen asleep in jeans. I swiftly began walking over to my closet to put on something more comfortable. I then noticed something on the floor near my door. When I walked closer to examine the object I realized it was a piece of paper with some writing on it.

I picked it up, it said 'Put on something nice, but comfortable. I'll explain later. - Virgil'

Though the note was odd, I decided it wouldn't hurt to listen to his vague message. I pulled a slightly oversized baby blue sweater and a more comfortable pair of white pants. Before I put my new clothes on I took off my other sweater I had fallen asleep in and looked at my bandages in the mirror. I slowing took them off of me and assessed the recovery of my cuts. They were healed to the point where I don't feel the pain anymore, but they are still very much visible. I don't think the cuts will end up leaving a scar. I chose to not put on new bandages.

I walked out of the bathroom and put on my blue sweater and the different pair of jeans, I cleaned my glasses and placed them on my face. I slipped on socks and a pair of black shoes. I opened the door and was met with Virgil, who was standing outside of my door with his hands behind his back.


-Virgil's POV-

~earlier that morning~

I really wanted to tell Logan how I feel, and I decided today was the day I finally would. I had an idea on how to do it as well. My plan was to take Lo to the imagination and have a picnic there. Then I would tell him how I feel. The only problem is to have something set up in the imagination I would have to ask Roman to set it up, and he would want to know why I was asking for it.

I walked out of my room and headed over to Roman's. I knocked on his door twice before he told me to come in. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside his room.

"Virgil, you know a prince needs his beauty sleep, what do you what?" Roman inquired, as he sat up and got off of his bed.

"U-Um well I wanted to ask," I took a deep breath to calm myself, "can you set up a picnic in the imagination? Also can you make it look really pretty?"

Roman raised an eyebrow, "I can, why?"

I gulped, "Well, um, I wanted to take Logan there."

"You're joking," Roman gasped in realization, "you are taking him on a date!"

"Shush Roman!" I whisper-yelled.

Roman stared bouncing with excitement, "Of course! I'll make it the best picnic ever! Did you get him flowers?"

"Uh no? Am I supposed too?" I said, confused.

"Duh! You should go to Remus, he knows much more about flowers than I do!" Roman screeched, "I'll have the picnic ready by the time you've got the flowers!"

I sighed as I walked out of Roman's door and started walking over to Remus's room.

"Hey Remus?" I voiced as soon as I got to his room.

"What V, I'm busy creating a killer pigeon." Remus turned over to me.

"Well I need flowers and Roman said-"

"Oh flowers?," he said as he walked over to me, "I can help! What is the occasion Virg?"

"Well I was going to tell Lo I loved hi-"

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