Ch. 11 - Retry

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- attempt at manipulation and abuse

Please notify me if anything is wrong!


-Patton's POV-

Did Virgil seriously think I was just going to let him take my boyfriend away from me? If he thought I would let him take my Logan away and let him have Logan instead he couldn't be any more wrong. 

I sinisterly smiled to myself as I stood alone in the dark in my new room. The other sides didn't want me near Logan so they made me sleep in an extra room we previously had for visiting sides. This room was near the imagination, which I was walking to when I overheard Virgil and Logan's conversation. 

I needed to get Logan to love me again, I only did what I did for Logan to get better. Anyway, Logan understood I was doing it for him until Virgil and the others tried to convince him that he and I were wrong and it was "abusive" and "toxic". Logan believed them, and I'll have to punish him for that, but once I teach him again he should realize that the punishments are for his own good and his emotional growth. He'll realize he loves ME so much more than he loves that stupid emo side.

I knew I had to do something, but I didn't know what. I can't let my poor Lo get misled by the other stupid sides and their fantasies of painless love. Maybe, if I take Logan to my room and convince him I am right, he'll see the truth and date me. I'd prefer if he were asleep so he wouldn't put up a fight while took him to my room, it's also probably best to restrict his movement and talking ability. I can't have him leaving before I help him understand.

I walk to the door and exit my room. I'm extra careful to be as quiet as I can so I don't alert the other sides. I quietly open Logan's door and move over to his bed. 


Virgil and Logan were sleeping together and cuddling each other; I was immediately filled with rage, how dare he touch my boyfriend! This also made getting Logan harder, and I would have to be extremely careful. I slid one hand under Logan and another between Logan and Virgil. I slowly and as carefully as I could, shuffled Lo and Virgil apart and laid Logan in my arms. I stood up, making sure to not jostle or shake him to much. 

When I was sure it was safe, I left Logan's room with him fast asleep in my arms. He looked positively adorable and I couldn't wait to get him back. I took him into my room and gingerly placed him down on my bed. To stop him from fighting back, I tied his hands behind his back with some rope I had on my dresser and put a gag on him. I stepped back and admired my work, then I sat down and waited. He should wake up soon.

-Logan's POV-

I slowly opened my eyes, something was off. 

I swore Virgil was here when I went to sleep, and there's something holding my arms behind my back. My bed also feels different and strange. There is something in my mouth and it feels like a.... gag? That's weird.

It is a gag.

There is rope holding my hands behind my back.

This isn't my room.


I swivel my head around to the left nothing is there, this seems like one of our guest rooms. I turn my head to the right and Patton is sitting beside me, just staring me, unblinking. He has a wide, creepy smile adorning his face. I try to speak, only to get out muffled, incomprehensible noises. Patton reaches over and tugs off the gag.

"P-Patton?" My voice quivers, "What are you doing?"

His smile widens, "Aw babe, don't be scared you aren't getting your punishment right now. I just wanted to help you sweetie!" He sighed, "You see Lo, the other sides have convinced you that me teaching you how relationships work and punishing you for you own good is bad. I don't want you to be led astray by those idiots."

"Let me go Patton!" I say as I raise my voice slightly, "I don't love you! You are lucky the others aren't here or you'd be in trouble!"

Patton shakes his head in disappointment, "Babe I wasn't going to give you a punishment today, but since you are acting so rude to me I'm going to have too. You're making me do this. Even if it isn't your fault that the other filled your head with lies you shouldn't have believed them."

Patton crawls onto the bed with me and holds my head in his hands, "I really don't want to do this love, but you need to know that what you have done is unacceptable and rude. I need you to try to be quiet sweetheart, it's 8:15 am and the others might wake up soon. If your are a good boy maybe I'll lessen your punishment. Ok baby?"

"I hate you!" I yelled at him. Tears rolled down my face, I'm not letting him do this again after I finally got rid of him!

Patton's eyes scrunch up and his hand quickly slaps my face, "I said QUIET brat!" He screamed at me, not being so quiet himself. "If you don't stop you aren't going to end up happy."

"GUYS PLEASE HELP ME PATTON IS TRYING TO HUR-" I raise my voice louder than I knew I could do. I hoped they could hear me, as I just noticed Patton's door was slightly cracked open.

Patton shoves he knee into my stomach which effectively cut me off. "You aren't going to be happy you did that," he whispers into my ear. He kissed me on the cheek and slapped me across the face once more. "I love you so much babe, but that was a very very bad thing to do love."

He grabbed my neck and closes his hands around it, I couldn't breathe. I tried to stop him but I couldn't move my hands. I couldn't do anything against him. My vision started black when I suddenly could breathe again. 

I look up again, Virgil is there. Patton has been seemingly knocked out. 

"Star are you ok?" Virgil says, his voice laced with fear and worry. "I'm sorry, I took way to long to get down here I heard you yelling. The rest of them ran down here after I did and they are waiting outside in case I needed help stopping Patton."

I nod, I still find it hard to talk. 

Virgil wrapped his arms around me and carries me out of Patton's room. The other sides are outside waiting like Virgil had said. The follow us as Virgil walks to the couch in the living room and lays me down on it. We all sit down and Virgil places my head on his lap. Roman has already taken the liberty of turning on Mulan.

I'm relived that we aren't talking about Patton right now. I'm tired of him, and all I could want to do right now is watch Disney movies with my friends and boyfriend. After being deceived and hurt by Patton, all I could wish for is a sense of normality and peace in my life.

Virgil then moves me onto to his lap and wraps his arms comfortably around my body. He then starts combing his fingers through my hair in a comforting way. I feel calm and peaceful in that moment. This is how I want things to be. I never knew relationships could be so sweet and loving. I sigh as he continues to play with my hair as I watch the movie. 

Hopefully now, things will finally start to improve.


Hey guys! I've been gone for a while most definitely because of mental health reasons, but I have finally got this chapter out. Funny enough, as soon as I started this I couldn't stop and I finished it in about an hour :)!

Have a nice day! 

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