Ch. 8 - They found out

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-talking about sensitive subjects
-unsympathetic Patton
-Patton making everyone want to slap him


-Logan's POV-

I felt a warm presence next to me when I woke up, which was odd since my room was always naturally cold.

I tried to get up only to realize something was holding me down, I couldn't get up. I turned to the other side of the bed. Virgil was Lying right next to me and had his arms wrapped around my torso.

I attempted to wiggle out off his arms slowly, being careful to not wake him up. It was a tedious process since I was making sure I didn't move to much at a time. I slipped out of his arms, sighing in relief until I fell and hit the ground hard. Virgil immediately shot up and looked around in shock, his eyes eventually turned to me.

"Hey Lo," he said to me.

"Hey? Why are you in my bed?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"Well, you fell asleep on me and I tried to get up," he continued, "but you pulled me back down on the bed with you."

I felt my face heat up, "I-I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine! I'm serious! You didn't mean to it's not your fault!" Virgil reassured me.

"Ok then," I sighed, "you should go to your room and get changed, I don't have any clothes that could fit you anyway."

"Um, ok," Virgil stammered, "but Logan, do you want me to help you tell the others?"

"Tell the others? Tell them what?" I questioned, confused. What should I tell them?

"What Patton has been doing. They need to know Logan." Virgil insisted.

I sighed, he was right. I should probably tell the others before it's to late and they don't believe me. "Sure I guess, I'll come to your room when I'm done getting changed."

He walked out of my room. I headed over to my closet and pulled out a black collared shirt and a galaxy tie, I also went to my dresser and got a pair of blue jeans. I began to take my hoodie off until I felt a sharp pain flare up on my back.

"Oh yea, the cuts" I sighed.

I took the hoodie off quickly, wincing at the pain. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my bandages, slowing putting them over the wounds and making sure they weren't too tight. I walked back out and grabbed my shirt.

I realized that due to the shirt's tightness it would probably make my back hurt more. I contemplated wearing a something looser, but if I did then my image as strictly logical and formal would be ruined.
I decided to just suck it up and deal with the pain.

I pulled the collared shirt on over the bandages as I grimaced in pain. I breathed in and out for a few seconds and then put on my galaxy tie. I slipped on the jeans and walked out off my room as I put my glasses back on my face.

I walked down the hallway towards Virgils room. I knocked on his door since it was still closed. He opened it after a few seconds.

"You ready to tell them Lo?" He asked softly.

"I think so." I said as I tried to give him a smile.

He nodded, "Ok, I like your tie."

I smiled at him again, "Thanks, I love galaxy things!"

He smiled at me and we walked down the stairs. When we got there Patton and the others where talking. I signaled Virgil and we walked over to them.

"I swear! He's been abusing me! He told me not to tell anyone but I can't take it anymore!" Patton gushed out as tears rolled down his face, "Virgil helps him! Virgil came into my room yesterday and saw Logan hurting me and started to do it as well! Then Logan said he didn't love me and it was all fake, he said he really loves Virgil!" I stopped, what if they believed Patton? Are they going to hate me and Virgil?

Roman laughed, "Sure he did," he turned to me, "Heya teach, could you tell me your side of the story of what happened last night."

The others turned to me as well, by the look on their faces none of them believed Patton which I was thankful for. Patton was glaring at me, silently telling me to tell them I hurt him and he was completely innocent or I would get hurt.

"W-well after I left the dark sides place a-after I talked to Janus, a-and I went back to room. Patton was in t-there," I stuttered trying to force the words out, "u-um he said y-you guys saw my bruises. He got m-mad and hit me a bit and cut my back with a knife. And then he-"

"Wait he cut you with a knife?!?" Deceit screeched. Roman, Virgil, and Remus turned and looked at Patton with disgust.

"I swear I didn't! But he-" Patton defended.

"Oh shut up morality!" Roman grumbled.

"Y-yea and he a-also um he a-a-also-" I tried to get out a sentence but I was so afraid to say it I kept stuttering.

"He also?" Remus questioned softly, he words didn't have harsh tone he was just trying to help me get the words out.

"U-um he r-r-raped me." I muttered just loud enough so everyone was able to hear what I said.

"YOU WHAT?!?" Virgil screamed, I flinched back reflexively.

"YOU LITTLE STUPID B-" Remus yelled at Patton, before he could finish the sound of a harsh slap interrupted him.

"I swear to God morality if you ever even think about touching Logan again, I going to kill you with my bare hands." Deceit said in a scarily calm tone.

Patton held a hand to his cheek before crying out, "NO! Logan are lying please believe me!" Tears ran down his face. "You can't trust him please!"

"Prove it," Roman said, his voice seething with anger.



"B-but I" Patton stammered, clearly not expecting them to want proof. He didn't have anything to show them.

"Logan," Roman said in a calmer and kinder tone, "are you comfortable with showing us where morality hurt you?" He had a caring tone in his words, he obviously believed me more.

"S-sure" I took of my shirt and tie, revealing the bandages, hickeys, bruises, and the cuts that weren't covered by bandage.

They gasped, even if they believed me they didn't expect it to this extent. Then Virgil grabbed Patton and slammed him into a wall. Patton was shocked and winced in the pain of hitting the wall.

"What was that for Virgil?" Patton asked using his fatherly tone, "I was only doing the right thing! If I hadn't he would have continued to be bad, my punishments helped him change!"

Virgil, now enraged, slapped him and said, "Hurting someone you love is not ok, leave Patton."

"B-but it's true!" Patton started.

"You heard what he said now LEAVE!" Deceit screeched.

Patton ran off in fear, quickly running up the stairs as fast as he could manage. Deceit and Virgil came and hugged me, Remus and Roman joined in as well. It felt so nice to be loved and not be worried I would be hurt now that everyone knew and stood by my side. I couldn't help but smile, the most real smile since before Patton started hurting me.

It felt good.


Heya guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Patton getting called out, this took me a while to make since I was so caught out with school.

Have a nice day!

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