Ch.9- Calm

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T.W -
- None that I know of

-Virgil's POV-

As Patton scurried up the stairs, the others and I hugged Logan tightly. I could feel him tense up when I wrapped my arms around him, but he quickly calmed and melted into the embrace.

His eyes were shining in happiness and pure joy, more than I've ever seen. He had a smile that could light up the whole room which made me smile brightly as well. I was grateful that he felt comfortable enough to share this with us. Eventually we all let go of Logan and I walked up to his room with him.

"Thank you Virgil." Logan remarked with a sincere tone. He put his shirt and tie in his laundry basket and put on an oversized blue sweater and a pair of short black shorts. He then sat done on his bed and looked up at me.

"I'm just happy you were able to tell us what he was doing to you Logan," I smiled at him, "you are very brave."

He flushed a light red color and looked down, "Thanks, you really helped me." He muttered. Logan grabbed a blanket a wrapped it around him like a burrito. 

I started to walk out the door, assuming Logan was about to go to sleep and it was my time to leave. I was almost out the door when Logan spoke.

"Hey Virgil?"

"Yes Lo?" I turned around looking back at burrito Logan.

"Why?" He whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"Why what?" I asked, confused.

"Why did you help me? I mean, you must want something so what is it? Why would you willingly do this for me?" He voice cracked with sadness.

I was shocked. Why would he think nobody would help him? Did he think he was worth less than everyone else?

"Logan I helped you because I lov-" I caught myself before I almost said love. He might not like me back and even if he did I didn't what to make him feel uncomfortable since he just cut ties with Patton. I shouldn't immediately bring up my feelings after he's just endured an abusive relationship. "I helped you because you are a good friend Logan, and because it is the right thing to do."

He lightly smiled and laid back down on his fluffy pillow. His breathing slowed and he fell asleep. I turned off the lights and softly walked away, careful to not disturb the sleeping Logan by being to loud.

I walked to my room and plopped on my bed with a sigh. I still had a hard time believing Patton, the man that felt like a dad to me and called himself a father figure, would do this to Logan. It felt odd but I knew it was true, the bruises and cuts were there to prove that fact. If Logan didn't have that proof I don't know if I would have believed him.

I rolled over and realized I still had my normal clothes on. Sighing, I got up so I could change into sleep clothes. I grabbed a old worn purple shirt that said 'Welcome to the Black Parade' and a pair of black shorts with white lines on the sides going upwards. I turned off the lights and went to sleep.

-Logan's POV-

~in the morning~

I woke up from a strangely calm and nice sleep. I strangely enough cannot remember a time where I slept so peacefully.

I yawned and sat up on my bed, pulling my blanket off of me and getting up. I moved over to my dresser and grabbed a blue and white sweater and a pair of jeans. After I put my clothes on I grabbed my glasses and placed them on my face. I brushed my teeth and walked out of my room.

'Should I go downstairs?' I thought, 'I mean, I am pretty hungry and Patton probably won't be there.'

I walked down the stairs and into the main room. Virgil was laying down on the couch watching The Nightmare Before Christmas and Janus was eating cereal in the kitchen. Roman and Remus must be still sleeping or just staying in their rooms.

"Good morning Virgil and Janus." I spoke, both of them turned to me.

"Bad morning to you to Logan." Janus replied and continued to eat his cereal.

"Hey Lo, wanna watch this movie with me?" Virgil asked as he sat up.

"Sure Virgil," I replied to him, "I'm going to get something to eat first though."

"Ok!" Virgil responses as he turned back to continue to watch the movie.

I walked into the kitchen were Janus was and made my way towards the refrigerator. Looking around i saw nothing of interest, Roman must have eaten my crofters again. Then my eyes landed upon the coffee machine.

'I mean, it's not something to eat but I'm still consuming something' I convinced myself as I started making coffee.

~once the coffee is done~

I grabbed my energizing bean juice and walked to the couch were Virgil was sitting.

"Did you just say you were getting something to eat and then come back with coffee?" Virgil remarked, looking at me weirdly.

"Maybe..." I said looking down at my coffee.

"Ok then" he sighed.

We continued to watch the movie. After we finished Virgil turned on another, and another, and another, until we had a movie marathon of Harry Potter going. Janus, Roman, and Remus had all joined us by now.

I felt my eyelids start to droop as the crashing after effects of coffee started to affect me. I tried my hardest to keep my eyes open but I gave up and laid my head down on Virgil's shoulder and fell asleep.

-Virgil's POV-

Why me?

Why must this happen to me?

I felt something lay down on my shoulder and turned to see Logan asleep. I turned back to the movie even though I was most definitely blushing.

~once the last movie was finished~

Everyone else had fallen asleep already and were just passed out on the couch. Remus, of course, had decided it would be better to sleep upside down with his feet up in the air. It surprised me he could even sleep like that, but he managed to do it. I picked Logan up bridal style and slowly walked up the stairs.

I made it to his room and steadily laid him down onto his bed. I moved his blankets on top of him, careful not to wake him up. I hope he's not to uncomfortable in what he's wearing. I don't think sleeping in a collared shirt and jeans would be comfortable. I removed his galaxy tie, at least, and put it on his nightstand.

I walked to his door and turned the lights off and walked to my room. After getting changed, I laid down on my bed and quickly fell asleep.

Today has been nice, it seems to good to be true.

I hope it stays this way.

Wow, it's been almost 2 months since I posted, I'm very sorry. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a nice day! :D

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