Ch.7 - Not Normal?

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-talk of abuse and rape
-unsympathetic Patton


-Virgil's POV-

"What the hell!"

As I walked into Logan's room to check on him, Patton slapped him harshly across the face. I was shocked. Janus was right, Patton was abusing Logan.

They both turned to me with shocked expressions. Patton's face morphed from shock to anger and then to worry.

"Hey kiddo! It's not what it looks like, I promise. I just slapped him as a joke," he turned and looked a Logan, "right baby?"

Logan looked very confused, "I thought you said that hitting and hurting you lover was normal when they make a dumb mistake, so why are you apologizing for it?" Patton glared sharply and Logan, who flinched. "I mean, yea it was a joke. I was just joking, Patton would never hurt me."

Patton, satisfied with Logan's response, turned to me. "I'm sorry that we confused you Virgil! Don't worry about it!" He smiled at me.

"You told him it was okay to hurt your lover?!?" I said not believing his explanation.

Patton put his hand around Logan, "He said he was joking! I'm sorry you got confused but I would never ever hurt him! That's very uncool to think kiddo!"

"Think? You slapped him! Tell me why!" I screamed, causing Logan to flinch back. That made me angrier.

"I'm sorry ok!" Patton cried as forced tears rolled down his face. "I didn't mean to I promise! I'll never do it again, please!" Patton wrapped his arms around Logan, who wiped the tears off his face.

I was almost convinced until Logan's oversized hoodie slipped down a bit as he wiped off Patton's tears. He was covered in bruises, some regular and some that looked like hickeys.

"Logan, are those hickeys on your neck?" I was appalled, not at Logan, but at Patton. If those were hickeys that would mean Patton had raped Logan, and Patton was the first one to know that Logan was asexual.

Logan looked at Patton briefly as if asking what he should say. Patton shook his head lightly, barely noticeable, telling him to say nothing. Unfortunately for Patton, Virgil noticed.

"No of course not!" Logan started, "I am asexual, why would I have hickeys?"

I had seen enough, "Patton, I need you to leave."


"I SAID LEAVE!" I screamed.

Patton scrambled out the door, cursing under his breath.

"Logan, I want you to tell me the truth. Does Patton hurt you"

"No of course no-"

I stared at him unbelievably, he sighed.

"Maybe, but it's my fault anyway! I should have done what he wanted me to do! I was just being stupid, it's not his fault at all." A few tears rolled down Logan's face.

I was shocked. Even though I had suspected it, it was still sickening to hear that Logan had thought he was in the wrong.

"Why would you think it's your fault Lo?" I said as I felt tears rolling down my face as well.

"Well if I hadn't flinched before he wouldn't have had to hurt me, and if I didn't slip up so much he wouldn't have to teach me a lesson! It's for my own good!" He defended.

"How is abusing and raping you for your own good!" I screamed.

"He only had to rape me because of what I did! He wouldn't have if I could just be a good boyfriend and not mess up!" Logan screamed back.

"Mess up? Mess up?!?! Rape is not ok! No matter why they do it! Your asexual Logan, Patton of all people should know that you don't like that!" I was furious at Patton right now.

"It's all my fault ok! Plus, it's normal anyway." He turned away from me.

I couldn't believe Patton would tell Logan what he was doing was normal, it's horrible!

"It's not normal Lo, he shouldn't do that to you!"

"It isn't?"

He turned his head back over to me, looking very surprised.

"No of course not! It's abuse Logan, he not doing that because he cares he's doing it because he wants to hurt you for doing stuff he thinks is bad!" I told him.

Logan looked so confused. He had probably always thought what Patton was doing to him was ok, and hearing someone who thought differently was shocking to him.

"B-but Patton said that everyone did that. He said that you were supposed to do that if you loved someone." Logan stuttered.

"That's an abusive relationship Lo, there are many people who are in these kinds of relationships. It's horrible and disgusting how people think hurting their partner is ok. Sometimes people never get out of those relationships and they are very unhappy and sad for the rest of their life." I sat down on the bed next to Logan, who reflexively backed away.

"So Patton was lying to me?" He sounded so broken, so hurt.

"Sorry Logan but he was. Abuse is never ok, no matter the circumstances. You should never hurt people you love." I wrapped my arm around him.

"How long has this been happening Lo?" I questioned.

"It started a month after we started dating, but it was just light slaps when I did something bad." He looked down, ashamed. "It's gotten much worse."

I pulled his head back up, "Its ok Logan. We will help you through this, every single one of us."

He smiled and then wrapped his arms around me, and stared crying on my shoulder.

"Lo? Are you ok?" I rubbed his back trying to comfort him.

"It's just, I always thought it was normal. He told me not to complain because it was ok and I was being rude to him. I'm so happy I know the truth, thank you so much Virgil!"

I smiled at him as I felt my face warm up. Maybe I had a chance with him? I mentally chided myself, I should be helping him now and not worrying if he might like me or not. Especially after how Patton treated him.

"Lo, you should probably tell the others about this when you are ready to. They should know." I said in a soothing voice.

He nodded, and we just sat there for a while. Then I felt him fall asleep and I laid him down. I moved so get up before him pulled me back down subconsciously. I sighed and laid back down with him.

I'm so going to murder Patton.


Oof, I'm pretty sure everyone is going to kill Patton.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a nice day!

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