Ch.4 - Suspicion

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- Remus


-Janus's POV-

Why would Patton lie? Especially about Logan, his boyfriend. Maybe they just wanted to keep it a secret? Though Patton would probably tell us anyway. I was confused, but stayed silent and continued watching the third movie of tonight. Patton and Virgil had already fallen asleep, Roman looked like he was going to fall over any moment, and Remus was drawing a pentagram on a piece of paper and quietly chanting to the 'trash demon' or something. It was quite odd, but I guess he is Remus, so it makes sense. I was a little tired and was thinking about just going back to my room.

While I was deciding what to do, Roman fell asleep, he literally fell to the ground and just slept. I ended up moving him, Virgil, and Patton to a more comfortable place on the couch. I told Remus I was going and he said he would come back to our place soon. After he finished his demon summing ritual, of course. I walked back to the dark sides mindscape, then walked to my room and opened the door. I walked over to my bed and laid down.

I thought again about earlier when Patton lied about Logan. Lying is normal, everyone does it, but Patton always is strongly against it. So it feels odd that he would lie, also what he lied about was strange. I don't get why he would lie about whether Logan was ok or not. I mean, if he isn't we should all need to know so we can help him. Logan probably just asked him not to tell us, they are dating after all. So he would trust him more than us. Still, I think it would be best to check on Logan and make sure his is ok. I should probably tell they others if he's not. Satisfied with that conclusion, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

-Next Morning-

I rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the tiredness left from last night. Unsuccessful, I got up to get changed. I put on my usual attire and sauntered out of my room. Remus was sitting in the kitchen eating deodorant. I cringed, I don't get how he likes that stuff.

"I'm going over to the light sides place to talk to someone," I told him.

"Mm-k" he said, as his mouth was full of deodorant.

I sighed, sinking down and reappearing outside of Logan's room, then I knocked on the door. A sleepy looking Logan answered wearing a nasa hoodie and some black shorts.

"I'm not sorry did I wake you? I can come back later," I said

"No it's fine, give me a second." He closed the door again. A minute later the door opened again, Logan was now in his usual clothing and magically no longer looked tired.

"Come in" he said. Gesturing inside, as he held the door open.

"What brings you to my room Janus?" He said, closing the door behind him. "Is something wrong?"

"No no Logan, not like that." I said quickly, "I came to ask if you were ok? You know, since last night."

He looked panicked for a second, then regained his composure. "Yes I am adequate, I still do not know what happened to cause me to flinch," I could tell he was lying, "but I assure you I am ok. Thank you for caring." I decided to just let the lie go for now. I'll tell the others later, and see if they know anything about this.

There was some awkward silence, and then I said, "So, any new books you reading lately?"

I assume I made the right decision, as Logan proceeded to talk and talk about the books he's been reading. He was really into this, and looked like he was having a great time just telling me about books. Although  I didn't understand when he got into the smart person talk, I just nodded along.

"Hey Logan, you know what would be fun?" I questioned.

"What?" he said, as I broke off his train of thought.

"We could watch a cool documentary, I'm bored so, I have nothing to do." I smiled as he immediately lit up.

"Of course I know a good one called-" he started telling me about this cool documentary he heard about.

We started it, and then watched another and another. We had a lunch break and got right back into our documentary session.

Eventually Logan got really tired and fell asleep on my shoulder, I picked him up and put him on his bed, pulling the blankets over him. I snapped my fingers, changing him into the hoodie and shorts I saw him in before. I sighed, Why am I always the one who has to put people to sleep?

I smiled again and went back to the dark sides mindplace and into my room. Though it was only 7pm, like Logan, watching documentaries wore me out. I plopped onto my bed, snapping again. This time I was in my pajamas that said 'Snek boi', which Remus got me last Christmas. I pulled the blankets up and drifted off to sleep


The relationship between Logan and Janus is completely platonic, they are just really good friends. :)

Have a nice day, bye!

It's Not Normal - {Analogical}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora