23)Nisha 👟💕👠

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Nick's POV

I don't know why but I was boiling with anger first who was this "honey" character? Where is she? Is she okay? I know isha and when she's ill she has a routine and it takes some time but she always gets better in the end, what if she doesn't get better this time? "Nick, see she's okay, she forgives you so I guess I have to too, but I mean it, stay away from her until she is ready," Zion told me and Elom nodded.

My phone started vibrating and I rushed to it, hoping it was her calling but sadly it wasn't. "heyyy G... how are you doing?" I asked her really not wanting to talk to her, "Im good, just bored- you should come over... right now" she uttered before hanging up; giving me no room to argue. As I made my way out of the house to hers, I called out a brief goodbye making sure they knew to call me if they hear anything from Isha.

Isha's POV (Time skip)

I have been staying in Chris' home for around a week now and I was feeling so much better but I wasn't ready to go home just yet, every day we'd wake up and make a really nice breakfast, Chris had studio times a few times a week so I would play with Ro, until around lunchtime when we would cook something completely unhealthy but it would taste so nice, usually a tasty recipe and then Chris would get home with either takeaway or he would cook, and it would usually be something healthy. Chris and I were flirty with each other but we decided to just stay friends as it would be best for us both especially because we both knew I was still in love with Nick.

"hey, so can I ask you a favour?" He whispered to me as we put Royalty to sleep,
"of course you can just know the answer will be Yes" I teased rolling my eyes
"Will you be my date to the Teens Choice Music Awards?" Chris muttered as we were leaving her room, "as my friend, of course, you can say no, I don't mind going stag but..." he rambled on but stopped when he heard me giggle.
"Of course I'll go with you," I kissed his cheek before turning towards the guest room I was staying in, "just let me know the time and place and I'll be there, also me and Ro are going dress shopping together,"
"Ro's staying with King and their babysitter," awh she isn't coming
"Okay then, I think it's about time I hung out with the girls, I can go shopping with them" he nodded "okay na'night"

Ish(y)a.girl: hey ho let's go
ElmofckedCookieMHeadass🏆: All the ways to revive a gc and you choose that
A.A.Ansley: hotel. Trivago
Kleo.patra🔞: Red bull gives you wings
Dreadheadassfool💎: Elom your not you when your hungry get some nuts
LatinoEggHeadass🖋️: deez nuts
Jay-den-it👓: HA got eem
Crystal.Balling🧢: touch the rainbow
MrBigTimeProducerPoopiePants🌻: taste the rainbow
ElmofckedCookieMHeadass🏆: that's it I'm the only normal one
Babysharkdoodaheadass💖: pfffftttt okay
GoldieMcBlondieLocks👑: Elmo your fat from normal
Elijah-on🇲🇱: what did he sayyy
Kleo.patra🔞: Ovi aqui pendojo, fat shaming is wrong
GoldieMcBlondieLocks👑: far*
Ish(y)a.girl: aha I missed you guys
Elijah-on🇬🇳: we miss you too so what's up bae
LatinoEggHeadass🖊: hey I'm still bae right
Kleo.patra🔞: insecure head ass what is with you guy's lately
Jay-den-it👓: the boys are insecure because they don't wanna fuck up and have us leave the way Isha's kinda half gone
Dreadheadassfool💎: Brandon you tattled
MrBigTimeProducerPoopiePants🌻: tattled? And have you met my girl last time I tried to keep a secret from her she put me in the dog house. LITERALLY
Crystal.balling🧢: I can't tell if I'm meant to be pissed or happy they care so much
Ish(y)a.girl: wow sorry guys didn't mean to make you feel so insecure like that your girls would never do that there your for life trust
Ansley🥺baby: hi guys
Ish(y)a.girl: ooo name change?🤭🥴
Ansley🥺baby: it just makes sense
ElmoFckedCookieMHeadass🏆: so why bring the gc back to life huh?
Elijah-on🇬🇳: geez why do grumpy young wonu
Kleo.patra🔞: Ele só está bravo porque pensou que íamos fazer o 🤭🥵😏(he's just mad because he thought we were gonna fcuk)
Ish(y)a.girl: 😂😂Awh sorry Elmo my bad, I just wanted to see if anyone wanted to go dress shopping with me tomorrow
Babysharkdoodaheadass💖:What for??
Ish(y)a.girl: oh Chris asked me to be his date to the TCA as a friend of course
Babysharkdoodaheadass💖: how come?
Ish(y)a.girl: because we're friends? And he has been taking care of me so he forgot to find someone
Babysharkdoodaheadass💖: oh so that's where you were
Ish(y)a.girl: yeah well I was gonna go home but I didn't want sweeties view of you to change
Kleo.patra🔞: I would have, you miss your mum so much
Ish(y)a.girl: yeah but then his mum would find out and it just escalated the situation
Isha(y)a.girl: ANYWAYS who wants to come shopping with me tomorrow please or just hangout tomorrow in general
Jay-den-it👓: I have to get my dress for it too so I'll come
Isha(y)a.girl: oh yeah congrats you guys can't wait to see you guys preform
Babysharkdoodaheadass💖: thanks
DreadHeadassfool💎: can't wait to see you too sis
ElmoFckedCookieMHeadass🏆: yeah same
Elijah-on🇬🇳: we all can't hermana 💕
Kleo.patra🔞: I'll coming shopping with you tomorrow I need to get my nails done
Ansley🥺baby: ooh same
Crystal.balling🧢: I need to buy something too
Ish(y)a.girl: ooo so girls day 😏💕
LatinoEggHeadass🖊: I wanna see you too tho
GoldieMcBlondieLocks👑: yeah same can we do something too
Ish(y)a.girl: hmmm okay sleepover?
Ish(y)a.girl: Nick you can invite Giana if you want too, I can ask Chris to come
Babysharkdoodaheadass💖: Uhm okay yeah sure
Ish(y)a.girl: okay fun sounds like a plan
Ish(y)a.girl: okay I gotta go but I'll call y'all tomorrow 😘💕 love you guys

<<2 minutes later>>

Babysharkdoodaheadass💖: I Love You Melissa🥺💕 so much
*babysharkdoodaheadass💖 deleted a chat*

He what?!

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