11)Nisha 👟💕👠

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a/n I don't really know if you guys want the date chapter so please let me know and I will post it

Isha's pov

Chris dropped me off at around 10, the date was magical and the car ride was so lit and I just could not stop smiling, and he even let me wear his hoodie "so I had an amazing time and I can see you're still smiling your beautiful smile so can I assume you did too?" He asked me at the door and all I could do was a nod because I was so speechless looking at him. I could hear my friends running down the stairs "as much as I hate for it to be over it seems the date has come to an end" I said in a posh voice, "well I beg to differ, princess," he whispered before pulling my arm softly and he kissed me.




Chris Brown kissed me.

Like, it wasn't a peck. No. It was a whole ass french kiss. It felt amazing, by the time we pulled away, the door swung open and Chris was smirking I had such a dumbass smile on my face and everyone else was sniggering "hey...guys, what are you doing..here?" I asked them trying to hide behind Chris in his chest as he hugged me, he kissed my forehead before we walked inside, "so wheres Royals? I asked trying to distract them from the scene

"Nick is making her sleep" Zion scowled at me which I didn't understand but I'll ask him about it later and at the exact moment Zion finished saying that Nick tiptoed downstairs, "oh hey guys" he whispered "Royalty's asleep" He informed us all rubbing the back of his neck "Okay, Do you want to hang out for a little bit, get to know the guys a little?" I whispered into Chris' ear "you don't have too" but before I could finish he smiled at me and said "I would love to, got to get Caleb on my good side" he winked

"Okay, well how about we watch something?" I suggested to everyone but I could see Elijah and Kleo were plotting something, "or we can play castigo?" they both said at the same time and I deflated "umm are you sure I mean I don't think Chris knows the game so best stick to something basic" I stuttered glaring at them "no I think Chris should learn the game if he's going to become a friend" Zion smiled his cutsie innocent smile "don't play cute Caleb that's Elmo's job" I muttered, "whats castigo?" Chris asked pronouncing it wrong "Castigo, is a Portuguese card game we play every time we meet up, It gets intense," Nick explained to him bringing us in some orange juice "okay how do you play?" he asked turning to me "how about Elijah and Kleo explain I need to use the ladies room if that's okay," I asked because I really had to pee also I really liked Chris so I had to make sure he wouldn't be able to be scared away by my friends "yh of course, I'll be here" He winked and I kissed his cheek before I got up, to go to the loo

Nicks pov

She's happy. She's happy. She's happy. She's happy. She is happy. She is happy. She is happy. She is happy. She is happy. She is happy, is all I have been repeating in my head, it hurts me a little less knowing that she is happy. What happened to us was my fault. I forgot, so I just have to let her be happy. I can do that. Right?

Isha's pov

The girls had finished a run-through of the game from what I heard and I managed to wipe all the makeup off, tie my newly purple hair up and change my dress into some comfy cycling shorts keeping Chris' hoodie on. What it smelt like him. "so all caught up?" I asked walking into the living room with a bowl of popcorn "yeah, he's already better than you" Nick teased smiling at me "come and fight me mara, just because I am better than you huh" I scrunched my nose at him and he stuck his tongue out at me "children" Jayden rolled her eyes "you look even more gorgeous with no makeup on" Chris whispered to me "Oi pay attention we are starting" Zion told us off "hey you guys get started, Z come with me, pretty please babe?" I pouted which always works with him.

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