22) Nisha 👟💕👠

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Nick's POV

She wasn't picking up the whole night last night so I took it upon myself to go over to her house at the time I knew she would be leaving for her morning run but she never came out. Odd. Maybe she overslept. I grabbed her spare key she gave me and went in looking for her but no one was home and it was freezing which means she never came him. OH NO.

Isha's POV

I woke up feeling stuffy and really hot but shivering which was weird. Just as I was about to get up when Royalty swung the door open and climbed up the bed with a cute little tray of heart pancakes with cream and golden syrup on top, "Good morning, my queen" I said to her lifting her up on the bed just as Chris walked in "Good morning," I smirked at him "what's going on?" I asked trying to stop my teeth from chattering 

"Daddy said you felt sick because of the rain and so we are taking care of you today?" Ohh yeah the rain incident yesterday. No one has ever taken care of me but Nick when I'm ill. "Oh, I'm feeling okay now actually. maybe I should go home" I mumbled ready to stand up but they both yelled "NO" "you have a really high temperature and I can see you're shaking please just let us take care of you. Your mum called and we talked and she told me you would try to go home but you can't take care of yourself because you are like a literal baby when you are ill, so you are staying" Chris explained to me cutting the pancakes into squares 
"But Chrissss..." I started by he interrupted
"Don't 'but' me, miss and open up" and in went a fork full of pancakes, they actually tasted so nice, and I think they knew it too when they heard the moan leave my mouth. When I opened my eyes Royalty was trying to hold her laugh in and Chris was smirking at me "aha, sorry" I whispered before they let out their laughter.

Chris finished feeding me the amazing pancakes and was about to say something when his phone went off. "umm bae Nick is calling me do you want me to answer" he asked me 
"your choice just don't let him know I'm... wait did you just call me bae," I asked him coughing slightly  but before he could answer he picked up the phone putting it on speaker

"Hey Nick how are you"
"Hi I'm good, dude you?"
"Good just chilling, what's up?"
"I was just calling to ask if you had seen Melissa, we can't find her anywhere,"
"sorry who?" And as if on cue I had to sneeze
"bless you?"
"Sorry, that wasn't me... Ro isn't feeling too good" 
"Damn, I'm sorry man, hope she gets well soon,"
"I'm sure she will, and I hope you find that Melissa chick..."
"Isha's real name is Isha, that's who we're looking for"
"wow she never told me that before, but no I haven't seen her since yesterday morning soo..."
"Yesterday morning? why?"
"She ended things but anyways I have to go talk soon bye"
"Wait, what...."

As Chris ended the call I hit him with pillows and Royalty ended up joining me with it, "OW OW OW what I do?" he asked looking all innocent
"Nick... didn't... know!" I yelled coughing the words out, covering my mouth of course.
"Sit down before you get worse," He said putting a hand to my head "damn baby you hot, Ro its time for phase 2," he said like I was their mission but next thing I knew I had Royalty cuddled into my front and Chris spooning me from the back as he put on the monster high movie. 

This felt like family

Nicks POV

I've called up all her friends and no one has seen her or someone's lying. Her mums blocked my number and no ones telling me anything "Elom, please do you know where she is?" I asked again as he seemed to be the only one who knew
"Nick give it a rest he doesn't want to talk to you," zion told me
"I just need to know she's okay... please"
"Urgh, she's okay she's got a little cold from being in the rain yesterday but she is fine, someone is taking care of her so leave her alone Nicholas, she's far away from here, far from you so you can't hurt her anymore now shut up! Nick, you have a girl " Elom finally yelled out at me. No one has taken care  of Isha but me they don't know how to care for her like me "who?"
"you don't need to know Nick" Zion finished for Elom and just as they finished talking Eloms phone rang.
"Please is that her, I just want to hear her voice please" I practically begged with tears in my eyes and I could see Kleo caving and she was the key to Elom so... It's fair to say it worked

"Hey *cough* *cough*" I heard her on the line and all though my heart skipped a beat I stayed quiet "Hey how are you feeling?" I heard Elom asked her, "I am *Achoooo*... wonderful" 

"bless you" I whispered as their conversation continued, she said nothing about where she was, who she was with or me... she never mentioned me.

"Hows you guys?" she sniffled
"We're okay miss you like crazy mami," Elijah said to her 
"How's Nick?" My head lifted so quick, wondering what they would say
"He's..." "the truth guys... please"
"He is really sorry and worried..." Brandon explained I was expecting her to say something like 'good' nothing like what she did say next "He shouldn't be sorry, I already forgave him, I've heard worse and I know its constructive criticism so I'll thank him when I next see him, Im happy for him truly so should you guys so be nice and...' hi honey.... okay I'm coming...thank you...'  guys I have to go speak soon bye"

"honey?" I whispered as they hung up

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