26)Nisha 👟💕👠

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Ishas POV
To say I was shitting myself would be an understatement as I sat outside and watched as Z went to get Nick.
"Hey what happened out here, Z told me that you needed me?" I heard Nick come out and I sighed "yeah all good, just wanted to catch up it's been a long ass time since we talked how have you been?" I asked as he sat next to me Zion stood by the door making sure I told him the full truth "yeah I've been good missed you like crazy, what's going on" he. Smiled his little shark teeth smile and I melted scared that I was about to ruin our friendship, "so we've been besties for a while now longer then a while and I thought I should let you know before you found out any other way that... uhm... I lost my virginity a few months back" he was dead silent, I couldn't read what he was feeling either, but when I went to hold his hand and he held my hand back I felt we would be okay "uhm... okay are you okay? How did it happen?" His eyebrows were tight and his jaw kept clenching and unclenching
"Uhm well before the whole fiasco at gias I went to Chris' house and we broke up he said he was fine because he could tell my feelings weren't as strong for him as they were for someone else I guess, but he could tell I was hurting so when I asked to stay round his after he said it was okay and how he didn't want me to be alone and then after our argument he comforted me and made me feel loved and one thing led to another and we made love and at the time it felt perfect and I don't regret it at all, obviously since then nothings happened not even a kiss or anything but we were okay with that we set boundaries with each other and stayed friends the way it should be but I just thought I would let you know... are we okay?" I asked after feeling really timid as he hadn't said a word "of course we are I just got you back I'm not gonna loose you again especially over something you felt was right, I'm happy for you really?!" He said hugging me close "I'm so sorry about the way things happened between us and I'm sorry you were so scared to tell me but I promise I'm fine as long as you are" he smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes.
"Alright yall good out here cause I'm cold," Z said easing the mood a little, so I just laughed and told him to go inside "I actually still need to talk to Nick so you can go Z love you," I smiled pushing him through the door
"First of all are you okay that break up with Gia was something else?" I asked him
"Aha yeah you swung in her so fast but she definitely deserved it" Nick replied laughing "I should have ended it ages ago honestly"
"Yeah I never liked that bitch she shoulda stayed in jail we're she belonged" I laughed with him leaning on him, "I saw what you put in the group chat, did you mean it?" I asked him not looking at him as I don't think my heart could take the rejection,
"I did yeah, I've always loved you, I just didn't know how to tell you, by text was not the way" he joked slightly
"it's okay, I've always loved you too, we were always the right people the wrong time, in my opinion..." I sighed out a breath of relief
"What do we do now?" He asked me holding my hand. I sat up and turned to him
"Well I think we should see where this could go, after the teen choice awards as I am going with Chris but I wanna try be with you again maybe in secret this time but we can see where it goes, if it doesn't work we stay best friends and continue to support each other and be there for each other and there's no pressure from other people?" I said putting out my pinkie, "but I will tell Chris so you won't have to see us be coupley or anything like that" I could see the tension drop from his shoulders "good because I have never felt so much jealousy and rage all my life" he laughed and I giggled hugging him "you know you'll always be my sharkboii" I smiled and watched as he interlocked out pinkies "I love you" he said kissing my hand and I did the same "I wanna kiss you so bad but I know they're watching," he pouted, "way to nosey for there own good,"

"Aha sleep over tomorrow as well? You can have all the kisses you want!" I smirked and he nodded picking me up and spinning me and I squealed laughing "I'll take that as a yes, come on let's go before they come out and kill us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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