24) Nisha👟💕👠

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Ishas POV
He said what....
No I can't think about this right now, I got dressed as quick as possible before jumping into my rangie and driving to the shopping centre to meet the girls.

"Alright losers let's go shopping" I honked my horn as I passed them in the parking lot, I parked up and was immediately embraced in the best group hug and I knew I needed it.
"Bitch we missed you" Jayden yelled causing me to giggle
"I have so much to tell you guys... but let's walk and talk" I exclaimed as we walked into the stores "so uhm I got fucked..." I knew as soon as I said that the reactions were going to be crazy but I wasn't expecting what happened next...
"Fucked off what?" Kleo asked and I looked at her like she was crazy
"Do I look like I do drugs... me and Chris... Chris and I made... love" I whispered and they all gasped their faces was priceless "hold up I thought you guys broke up" crystal asked and I nodded "so it was after that meal at his new girls house I was staying with him well I have been staying with him for the past few months he's been taking care of me whilst I was I'll and just being so perfectly caring but yh it obviously wasn't planned but it was just right" they all awwed and congratulated me.

We went hardcore with the shopping and found perfect dresses before driving to mine for our sleepover, I never once mentioned the text from nick. We pulled up and the boys were just posted up outside my house and gia was stood looking into my windows "yo you good..." I asked scaring her a little
"Sorry you guys were taking a while... anyways thank you for inviting me" she explained breathlessly going in to hug me but I just stood there...
"Why didn't you guys go inside?" I asked looking at the boys trying to avoid eye contact with nick who was just staring at me "uhm didn't want to invade your privacy" nick replied staring at me intensely "YO need any help with the bags?" Chris pulled up walking up my drive just looking like a snacc "hey buddy" I went and hugged him and watched the girls smirk at him "did y'all buy the whole shop" he laughed at us as he went to dap up the boys, "the girlies got together and went for it but I've got options and I got you ties to match" I smiled leaning on my car "but yh please thank you," I opened the boot and the bags were over overflowing that they fell out "uhm hi, seemed to forget about me here, I'm gia nicks girl!" A peppy tryna be sultry voice came from the corner... "oh hi I'm  Chris... ishas friend" he waved at her before looking back at me "oh I know... wait friend your single?!" She gasped real big, he just nodded and went to grab some bags but she kept talking "someone that looks like that should not be single" she but her lip and everything "hey look i know Chris is a big superstar and so are the boys but he's my guest and I would rather you not harass him and make him uncomfortable please..." I said looking over at nick who just rubbed his neck looking ashamed.

We got in the house and as usual us girlies went upstairs and got changed gia too but obviously she didn't have the matching pjs we had which she made clear she wasn't happy about but she just put on this red fluffy Lacey see through dressing gown thing we all just looked at each other and went with it because we knew it was going to be awkward regardless so we just walked down the stairs as usual and the boys were just playing Mario kart "time for me to smoke you guys let's play" I announced sitting on Chris, I can't lie I shivered a little when his hand went around my waist and drinking some of his orange juice "first of all that was mine" he pouted so I grabbed his face kissed his cheek making a huge mwa sound and smiled at him "we can share bestie" which made him smile back so I poked his dimples "you shoulda worn this at mine, this is cute" he said about the matching set I was wearing with the girls.
"y'all sure you broke up?" I heard crystal smirk in the corner hearing what he said
"Told her we can still be close and coupley as long as we both single cause all of you are coupled up and I can see how she might feel lonely" Chris explained the situation as I smoked whoever I was playing on Mario kart "BOOM BABY I'm on yo ass boiii" I jumped up and screamed as I over took and won the race "Damn I will beat you one day I swear" I heard nick sigh in the corner
"Isn't that gonna hurt you both in the long run" Zion asked and we both shrugged
"Not really I could tell what she was feeling after about a month saying her and I get her completely so I'm happy as long as she is" he replied hugging my waist and kissing my neck making me squeal
"You guys are so cute arnt they baby" I heard gia say from nicks side and nick stayed quiet looking dazed "Nicky?" She tried again but he didn't reply
"Nick..." I said and he turned around so quick "you good fam?" I asked and he nodded rubbing his face
"Can we talk?" He asked me and I reluctantly nodded standing up and walking to the kitchen as he followed

"Look... I'm really sorry I have messed up so badly with you and it's completely unfair you didn't deserve anything I said to you and it was completely valid for you to not want to talk to me but I miss my best friend so I just wanted to talk to you and see what I can do to make things better... I got you something" he reached into my cupboard and pulled out a gift bag
"Nick you didn't have to of course we're okay I'm always going to be here for you, I'm always gonna be your friend" I explained holding the bag, "not good enough I want to be your best best friend again I can't live without you being my best friend" he whined pouting "open the bag" I opened the bag and there was a blueberry ring pop a butterfly tennis chain and a coupon "you didn't" I burst out laughing as I red the coupon, I gave Nick a coupon book for his 13th birthday "instant get out of jail free card when bestie fucks up the vibes... I guess if your enforcing the coupon the rules of our friendship means I must abide by the laws of the coupon" I smiled and hugged him putting the ring pop on my finger and the necklace on too "upies" I jumped on his back and we ran into the other room
"Y'all good now?" Brandon asked "cause if Nick punches another hole in the gym I'm gonna kick him out"
"We are super mega amazing bestest of best friends again" we said at the same time "hold on he didn't propose again did he" Elom said looking at the ring pop
"Again?!" Gia screamed

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