12 A room, please

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The arrival at the "Sunset"- motel started like usual. They parked Baby and went to the Lobby. From outside, Dean could see a blond girl in her mid-twenties behind the counter, chewing gum. Behind the counter stood a wooden shelf, some of the hooks being empty, some holding a pair of keys with engraved metal plates. Vintage lamps illuminated the scene in warm light. When Dean opened the door for the three of them, the girl looked up to greet them.

"Welcome at Sunset's. What can I do for you?"

Dean took out his wallet, giving the girl a shining smile. He opened his mouth to say one of his sure-to-win-one-liners used for flirting, when he suddenly got an ominous feeling, like a spidersense warning him of being backstabbed. Out of instinct he shot a quick glance backwards. Cas glowered at him. The way his eyebrows knitted together, head slightly tilted forward and lips pressed thin, reminded Dean of the look Cas got seconds before he killed someone. The flirt got stuck in Dean's throat. Slowly he turned back to the girl, trying to ignore the feeling of being trapped.

"Umm, uuuh, hi there. I'd like a room, please."

"For three, I assume?" the girl asked.

"Yeah, for me, my brother, and - " Dean could feel the middle of his back itching, all his instincts screaming at him to turn around and flee the scene " - and my, umm, boyfriend." He hoped the blonde couldn't see how that last word made him blush. He also didn't dare look back over his shoulder to see Cas' proud smile and the arched eyebrow his brother probably wore right now.

The girl scribbled some notes into a book. Then, she got up and grabbed one of the keys from the shelf behind the counter while Dean fumbled around with his wallet, getting the cash ready with sweating palms.

"Room 202, and 204. Here you go."

"Thanks." Dean snatched the pair of keys out of her hands. Then he turned around and dashed out the door. Cheeks burning, he could hear a pair of footsteps following him. Sam and Cas couldn't be far behind.

Sam cleared his throat, "Boyfriend, huh?"

Dean could practically hear the grin plastered on his brother's face. "Shut up!"

Sam snorted. "Seems I did miss something in that alley."

He was probably wiggling his brows. Dean spun around, pointing at Sam. "Shut your damn face!"

Sam raised his arms in a defense pose, lips trembling with suppressed laughter.

"You, you, screw you!" Dean shot one last glare at his brother before stomping off to find room 202. What in Chuck's name has gotten into me!? Damn you Cas, you proud of yourself!? he cursed, fully aware the angel would pick up his thoughts.


Said angel was beaming with happiness right now. "Boyfriend. Haven't I waited long enough for this, Dean? First, you intertwine your hands with mine in the car, and then you go and flirt with some girl you don't know?" His jealousy must have been very obvious, indeed. A speck of guilt bubbled up. "Have I taken it too far this time? Will -"

A prayer from Sam interrupted his thoughts. "Cas, that was glorious!"

Castiel tilted his head in confusion.

"He said boyfriend! Ha! He actually said it!"

At that, Castiel smiled even more. "Indeed" A warmth spread out inside of him. He quickened his steps, nearly ran, to catch up to Dean. Yet, as he reached him, all of his courage sipped away. Dean was fuming, face flushed red and muscles working under his skin.

"Dean, I...sorry." He gulped.

Dean harrumphed, then sighed. He halted at the next door, opening it with the key. "Look, I am not good with this touchy-feely stuff, so give me some damn time. And don't ever do whatever that was in the lobby again!"

"Thank you Dean."

The hunter looked at him questioningly. "For what?"

"For being my boyfriend." Castiel gave Dean a quick peck on his cheek. "I love you."

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