2 ... and fairy tales

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Since Dean had not disconnected the television from its source of power, Castiel sat down on the edge of the hunter's bed and observed the silent little humans inside the flickering box.

He saw two men in white scrubs, a male with blond hair cut short, and another male with shaggy shoulder-length brown hair towering over him.

Castiel smiled. They reminded him of Sam and Dean. The men were walking through a hallway, discussing something. Suddenly, a woman in a blue scrub appeared and slapped the tall man, shouted something, only to leave them (and additionally Castiel) in confusion.

Thinking that perhaps he would be able to understand more if he could actually listen to the humans' voices, he glanced around trying to find the remote. He located it and pressed a button, mimicking the action Dean made a few minutes ago. Yet, instead of bringing back the volume, the machine suddenly changed the scene. Castiel huffed. This confirms my assumption that electric devices cannot be trusted.

He heard water flush. Shortly after that, Dean entered the living room.

"This show is very complex. If the pizza man truly loves the babysitter, then why does he keep slapping her rear?" Castiel growled. He squinted at the screen. "Perhaps she has done something wrong."

Dean, who was currently slowly walking over to Castiel, stopped in his tracks and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose with one hand. "You're watching porn? Why?"

"It was there."

Dean plopped down on the bed. He raked one hand through his hair. "You don't watch porn in a room full of dudes. And you don't...talk about it. Just turn it off!"

Dean reached for the remote lying on the other side of the bed, slightly brushing over Castiel's lower body in the progress. The angel squirmed, his pants feeling suddenly tighter around his groin region.

"What the -" the blond froze. "Oh my god!" he jerked back, leaving the remote where it was. Castiel looked down to see a bulge had formed inside his own pants.

Castiel did not know what to do. No book he had ever read in the past addressed the situation he now found himself in. Perchance Dean knows. He looked at Dean who sat there motionless, gaping at the other man's groin. "What is the common way to proceed under these circumstances, Dean?" Castiel asked.

Dean gulped. He did not answer. His face turned a dark red.

Strange, have his neurological functions turned off? Castiel thought and waved one hand in front of Dean. He then called up his memories from one of the last books he had used to study the creative works of humanity, 'Sleeping beauty.' Castiel made a decision.

He stood up and placed himself in front of the hunter. He raised his left hand and cupped Dean's face in it. Slowly bowing down, he placed his right hand on the bed.

Castiel looked deeply into Dean's green eyes.

And connected their lips.

This did seem to have an effect. Tremendously.

Dean's eyes widened so much they seemed to nearly pop out of his face. He placed his hands on Castiel's shoulders, shoved the confused angel away, leaped up and stomped to the coat hook next to the door. He grabbed his jacket and his keys, and rushed for the door.

Which opened at that exact moment revealing a tall brown haired hunter.

Not being able to come to a sudden halt, Dean collided with Sam. Both men stumbled back slightly from the sudden impact. Yet, before Sam could say a word to his brother, Dean bolted out the door, the fingers of one hand pressed on his mouth, mumbling something under his breath.

Sam, still one hand on the door knob, looked after his brother. Then, he turned over to Castiel. "What was that about?" he asked while closing the door and dropping his bag on the little table next to it. He seated himself on a chair putting one elbow on the table and leaned his head on top of it. He glanced questioningly at the black-haired man.

Castiel walked over and settled down on the other seat. "Dean showed me how to operate a hair dryer. After that, we watched a show on television," he began to explain. He continued to recount what had happened, concluding his story with "To awaken him from his paralysis I used a method I learned from a fairy tale. Dean shoved me away and left, you saw that part. I must have offended him in some way," Castiel knitted his hands in his lap.

"What fairy tale?" Sam retorted raising one brow.

"Sleeping Beauty," Castiel muttered.

"Oh." Sam uttered. He cleared his throat and straightened himself in his seat. He placed his hands in front of his mouth in a thinking position, staying like this for a while. After that, he placed his elbows on the table interlocking his hands. "So, get this. You know my brother is not one of the best when it comes to talking about feelings, right?"

"Yes," Castiel nodded. He remembered the blond hunter complaining about 'chick-flick-moments'.

"My brother is so far hidden in the closet, he must have visited Narnia a few times." Sam huffed and rolled his eyes.

Castiel tilted his head. "I don't get that reference."

"Nevermind," Sam said. "The important part is that Dean needs time to sort through his emotions. He probably is outside right now, freaking out like a teenage girl with a crush," Sam smirked. "Dean likes you, he does. Believe me, I've known him for a while. Just have a bit of patience, Cas." He stood up and patted Castiel on his shoulder. Then, he left to take a shower.

Castiel sat on his chair thinking.

He had a lot to think about.

---- end of chapter 2 -----

What do you guys think?

Any idea what happens next, any ideas or suggestions?

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