14 Sleepyhead

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At some point when watching the third movie, Dean fell asleep, his head leaning on Castiel's shoulder. He began to drool, and snored lightly. Castiel slowly took the remote from Dean's hand and turned off the TV. (Sam had taught Castiel how to operate electronic devices. Now the television, hair dryer, coffee machine, and microwave all succumbed to Castiel's will.)

Castiel smiled fondly. He tried reaching the nightstand on the right without moving the rest of his body. Castiel placed the remote on top of the nightstand, then finally succumbed to his fate, being squashed and unable to move for the next six or seven hours. Dean was just too adorable to look at when asleep. The way the harshness fell away completely from his face, the muscles in his back relaxing. Dean would probably hate being called "adorable" and "cute", but to Castiel he was just that, and more.

The hours flew by peacefully. Castiel wished the night would never stop. Yet, the night came to an end when the sun rose up. Through a gap in the curtains rays of light sneaked into their room, illuminating the sparse furniture . Some of the rays landed on their bed, warming their blanket.

Castiel admired the view to his left for a few more minutes. Then he sighed. It was time to wake Dean up. He knew Dean could be a "pain in the ass" - as Sam would say - when woken up from a slow-wave sleep phase.

Castiel slowly freed his right hand from their tangled mess of blankets and limbs. With a fond smile, Castiel ran his fingers through Dean's hair. It was soft to his touch. Dean just continued breathing slowly. No sign of waking up.

Hmm, change of strategy, Castiel thought. He put his index finger on Dean's cheek, slowly drawing eights and circles on the stubble. Finally, Dean twitched with his brows.

"Wake up, sleepyhead," Castiel said.

Dean grumbled in return, burrowing his head into Castiel's chest.

"Dean, Sam is probably already finished with his morning run. We should get started with the day as well."

Another grumble.

"I know, I know. It is really cozy in here right now, but we have to get up at some point." Castiel gave a quick peck on Dean's forehead.

No reaction.


"Five more minu's," Dean slurred.

"Can I at least get up to make some coffee?"

"Hmmmm...coffee." Dean yawned, then sighed. "Fine. Coffee soun's good."

"Thank you," Castiel sighed. He liberated himself from Dean's arms and legs, and got out of bed.

Castiel made himself busy in the little kitchen. Then, he sat down at the table, waiting for Dean to wake or for the coffee to be ready. When the little coffee machine had nearly finished dripping the final product into the can, Dean stirred a bit more. He gave another big yawn and rubbed his eyes. He rose halfway, now sitting in bed, eyes half closed. Dean's typical morning hair stood up to all sides, giving him the resemblance of a hedgehog. He looked over to Castiel.


"Good morning, Dean,"

Dean looked at the bed sleepily. Then his eyes suddenly opened up wider.

"Was last night really real?"

"What do you mean?" Castiel tilted his head.

Dean raked a hand through his hair. "Did I really fall asleep...ummm...uuuh -" he seemed to be at a loss for words.

"You fell asleep while cuddling, yes."

"Oh my, I -" Dean blushed. He hid his face in his hands.

"You were really adorable."

Dean groaned, fell on his back, and hid his face under the blankets.

"If you hide under there all day, the coffee will go cold."

The pile of blankets sighed. Then, Dean pushed the blankets away. He swung his legs over, and trotted to the kitchen. He got the mug, then slumped down on the other chair. He glared at Castiel.

"No word to Sam, you hear me?"

"I hear you."


Dean slurped his coffee. From the window, the rays of sunshine brought out the various nuances of lighter and darker blond strands of hair. Castiel couldn't stop staring at it.

"What?" Dean asked.


"Why are you staring like that?"

"Just admiring the view," Castiel said.

Dean scoffed. "Why are you so cheesy today?"

"I am in fact an angel, not cheese."

Dean sighed.

"Oh, was that another metaphor?" Castiel inquired.

"Yes, what I meant to say was: Why are you acting all lovey-dovey today?" Dean held up a finger with a reprimanding look. "Now don't say 'I am no dove, either.' Uhh, how do I say this...what is up with all that "adorable" and "admiring the view" crap?"

"Well, it is true. So why not say it?" Castiel frowned.

"Why not? Because it is making my skin crawl, and feel all warm, and - urgh!" Dean closed his eyes and pinched his nose. "It is too much feely-feely, ok?" Then, he mumbled "It is kind of cute, though."

Castiel chuckled.

"Shit," Dean looked up, "damn your angel hearing."

Castiel just smirked wider.

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