13 Scared?

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Dean sighed at the thought of sharing his room with Castiel. Made him squirm under the gazes the other two were shooting him. Sam opened the door to Room 204, entered, and waved them goodbye with a last grin, before he finally closed the door. Dean glared at it. "I'll wipe that grin of your face, you stupid - "

"Dean, don't you want to go in?" Castiel asked behind him, his breath tingling in Dean's right ear.

Dean sucked in his breath. He stalked inside while trying to calm his beating heart. Behind him, Castiel took a few steps inside and closed the door. Dean put down his bag on the ground and unpacked his clothes. Not that his bag really needed unpacking, but it gave him an excuse not to face Cas.

"Uh, yeah, right. Of course, imma just - just put my stuff away and...and go brush my teeth and then, then imma go to sleep and...and...and...what are you gonna do?" "Shit, stop blabbering! Calm the fuck down, Dean!"


"What!?" Dean said while slamming his shirts into the wardrobe.

"Have I done something wrong again?"

Dean halted and looked at Cas quizzically. "What? No! Of course not!"

"Then why do you sound scared."

"Scared? Pfff, why would I be scared? I mean, there is nothing to be scared of, right? Just two dudes in a motel room and - " Dean took a deep breath, clutching his last shirt tightly. "Ok, yes, I am scared. Why? Because I hate not being in control of my feelings, OK? And you, you just ruin it!"

"Oh". Great, now Cas looked at him like a lost puppy.

"Ah, fuck man! I really suck at words, do I?" Dean let the shirt fall down on the ground. With two quick strides he placed himself in front of Cas. He grabbed the angel's tie, making Cas stumble forward. Merely a hairbreadth away, Dean licked his lips.

"What I mean is: You make me loose control, you stupid son of a bitch!" He whispered. Then, he closed his eyes and kissed the perplexed angel. Suddenly, Cas' grabbed him by the hip and pulled him even closer. This kiss got more passionate, making the heat rise inside the room and inside Dean. He grabbed the tie tighter, his other hand playing with Cas' hair. The angel wasn't idle either, roaming his hands on Dean's back, the touch sending shivers down his spine. When they had to stop the kiss to get some air, they were both panting.

Cas blinked, then smiled fondly. "You do suck with words, but this demonstration was nice." He gave Dean another quick kiss on the lips. "So I make you lose control, hm?"

Dean harrumphed, feeling heat rise up in his face. "I have a lot of bottled up emotions about you, you know?" he blurted.

"Then break the bottle," Cas deadpanned.

"That's - that's not how metaphors work!"

"Where is it? Show it to me!" Cas let Dean go and looked around frantically. "If you are scared to break it, then I will do it for you!"

At that, Dean just had to laugh.

Cas tilted his head.

"Figure of speech again, Cas. There is no real bottle with emotions laying around," Dean snickered.

Cas harrumphed. "Of course. I knew that. I was just, umm, trying to lighten the mood."

"Yeah, right. Don't ever change, dude."

Cas furrowed his brows. "I am an angel, not some dude."

"You are my angel," Dean smirked, strutting a confident pose with his hands in his pockets.

Cas rolled his eyes. "Yes, I guess I am. Your personal guardian angel. And Sam's."

"We do share a more profound bond though," Dean mimicked Cas. Then, he smiled "Now I know why."

Cas nodded. "Took you long enough to admit it though."

Dean sighed. "I know, sorry."


"For taking that long?"

Cas snorted, "Knowing you, it could have easily taken 15 seasons of a series, were we in one."

"Haahaa, very funny."

Castiel placed his hand on Dean's shoulder. "It's alright, really. I am just glad we can finally be together. Even though it might take a while for you to be more open about it. Your brother is just teasing you, you know that, right?"

"Yeah," Dean scratched the back of his head. "He could be less of a dick about it though."

Cas laughed. "Yes, he could. But I think he's just having too much fun to stop himself."

Dean groaned.

"Let's just see where we go from here and handle Sam some other time, Okay Dean?"

The hunter nodded. "Soooo, what are we gonna do now?" he asked.

"Watch a movie? You could show me some more of those Western things you love."

"Oh, hell yeah! Let's see what's up on TV," Dean beamed and threw himself on the bed.

Cas placed himself next to Dean, carefully avoiding touching Dean accidentally. Dean just raised a brow at him for that. "You do know there is no need for that now? Come 'ere." He placed one arm on Cas' shoulder.

And thus, the angel and the hunter made themselves comfy in their shared bed, watching a trash movie while hugging and holding hands.

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