11 Don't anger the moose

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After two days of further research Sam had finally succeeded in finding a clue to track down the vampire nest that had been responsible for turning the girl. Dean was glad to escape his "cage" - as he called the motel room after having to be there for over 24 hours. Castiel was just glad to get rid of Dean's bad mood.

Dean drove for hours, humming to his music as always, with Sam sitting shotgun and Castiel on the backseat. The angel was silently pouting. Dean was acting like the kiss in the alleyway didn't happen. Damn your no-chick-flick rule, Dean! he thought while glaring at the man.

"What?" Dean asked and stared back quizzically back through the mirror.

"Nothing," Castiel mumbled. Sam raised a brow, looking at the two, but stayed still. Yet, words weren't needed to know the moose was questioning the story Dean and Castiel had told him, or what they "had forgotten" to mention.

"OK, then," Dean responded.

Castiel looked out the window. Green fields flew by quickly, every so often a road sign or advertisement interrupted the idyllic view, but Castiel didn't really care about the pretty world around him. I know Dean is bad with feelings, but how long am I supposed to wait? Days? Months? Years even? He sighed deeply. Do I have to press him more? Make a move? But Sam told me to be patient. My dear father, why is this so difficult? Why is Dean so goddamn stubborn!?


Dean felt bad. Through the mirror he could see Castiel pouting in the backseat, brows furrowed. That his brother stared at him judgingly didn't help at all. Dean shot a What? glare back at him. Sam pointed to the angel with a questioning look. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Not your damn business," he mouthed back.

Sam sighed. "Let's stop for a while at the next gas stop. I need to pee." And talk to you! his glare said. Dean gulped. When his brother wanted to talk, it had to be pretty serious. When they arrived at the gas station, Sam slammed the door shut and stomped inside. Thus, Dean and Cas were left alone in the car. To escape the situation Dean got up as well.

"Now that we're stuck here for a couple minutes, I might as well give Baby some fuel," he said to Castiel, who just nodded slightly. After Dean finished the task, he went inside to pay. There, he met his brother who signaled at him to go to the backside of the shop. Dean sighed, paid for the fuel, and followed Sam.

The moose leaned himself against the wall. Then he burst out: "What the fuck is wrong with Cas? What the hell did you do?"

"What I did? Nothing!"

"I won't buy the nothing shit this time, Dean! There is clearly something you aren't telling me. Something that involves Cas. Why the fuck is he in such a bad mood!?"

"None of your business, man!"

"It is my business when I am with you guys 24/7, Dean! It's hella annoying to see you two tiptoeing around each other," Sam cursed. "You don't have to tell me exactly what went down, but solve whatever issue you have with Cas! I need you both focused, I can't go hunt a vampire's nest with you like this!" With that said, he turned around and walked to the car again.

Dean just stood there speechless for a couple of seconds. Then, he rushed after his brother. "Sam, wait!"

"What?", his brother snapped.

"Can you drive Baby for the next couple hours?" Dean asked, and tossed his brother the keys.

Sam snatched them. "You actually want me to drive her? Uh, well, OK I guess," he spluttered in confusion.

"Yeah, rare chance Sammy-boy. Treat her well," Dean answered. Then he quickly strode to Baby before he could change his mind. He opened the left backdoor, and flumped down next to Cas. The still confused moose sat down in the driver's seat, started the motor, and got Baby rolling down the street again.

Dean fidgeted around in his seat, feeling his heartbeat quickening, his palms getting sweaty. He pressed his eyes shut. Ok, fuck! Here goes nothing. He placed his right hand next to Cas' left hand. Then, he intertwined their pinkies. Then, their ring fingers. He continued on, til he held Castiel's hand in his. Only then did he dare open his eyes again. He took a quick glance to the right. What he saw, brought the heat right to his cheeks. Castiel gazed at their intertwined hands with a look of both confusion and tenderness. Then, he looked up and gave Dean a warm smile. After that, the angel continued to watch the fields outside; yet, this time without a frown, but with a grin.

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