4 Saving people, hunting things

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When Dean entered the motel room, Sam was sitting at the table, facing the door just like his older brother had taught him to as a kid. The light of his beloved laptop illuminated his face and the ton of research material in front of him.

"Hey there, Bitch," Dean smirked, putting on his poker face. He was determined to act like the events from a few hours ago hadn't happened.

"Jerk," Without looking up Sam picked up a canned beer from the table and threw it over to Dean.

Dean caught and opened it. He took a sip while surveying the room. "Where's Cas?"

"Not here."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Captain Obvious, I can see that myself. Can you tell me where he is right now?"

Sam placed one arm on the back of his chair. "Went out a few hours ago; said he had some stuff to attend to." He lifted a brow. "What's up with the new hair style?"

"Whatcha talking about?" Dean walked over to the mirror hung upon the wall to look at his reflection. "Oh. Wow." His hair stood up wildly in all directions, splinters of wood hanging everywhere, decorating his head like a poor imitation of glitter. Dean lifted one strand with the tips of his fingers, thinking that this mess was no comparison to the gorgeous bed hair Castiel sometimes had.

Dean sighed. He missed his angel already, but at the same time he was glad he didn't need to face him. He had decided not to tell Cas his feelings. He just couldn't. He was too afraid. Afraid of coming out of the closet. Afraid of Cas's and Sam's reaction. Afraid things would change.

He heard Sam snicker. "What happened? You look like an electrocuted hedgehog that jumped into a pile of leaves."

Dean trudged back and glared at his brother. "Shut your face...Rapunzel!"

"You do know Rapunzel is blond, right?"

Dean tipped his head back and downed the rest of his beer in one big gulp. "Just tested your knowledge."

"Yeah, right."

Dean grinned and joined Sam at the table. His brother looked up from his work. "I brought you some food. It's in the fridge. Wait a moment," Sam skidded aside with his chair - wincing at the screeching noise it made - and opened the mini fridge behind him. He grabbed something Dean wasn't able to see yet because Sam's back blocked his view. Sammy closed the door again, and passed the stuff over to Dean.

It was a burger, and a pie. Dean's eyes sparkled. He grabbed the food and bit into the burger, saving the other package for later. "Mmmm, oh yeah! This is the good stuff!" He moaned loudly and took another bite.

Sam scoffed. "It's just a burger, Dean."



Dean swallowed and licked his lips. "It's a treasure." Out of the corner of his eye he saw Sam's head shaking. He wiggled his brows. "Just wait 'til I get to the pie."

"Ew. No further info needed, thanks." Sam looked appalled, then cracked a smile.

Dean grinned. He resumed eating. Sam hunched over and continued his research. For a short while only the sounds of chewing and clicking could be heard.

Sam stretched his arms above his head, and cracked his back loudly. He groaned and slumped down again. "So, get this. The rumors that are going 'round town say that the victims vanished shortly after dawn. The killings that we read about have been happening around here," Sam tapped on the map spread out on the table. "There's a few normal houses in the area, plus a school, a hospital, a grocery store, and other seemingly unimportant stuff."

"Mhm," Dean nodded while playing with the empty can in his hands.

"So I did a little digging'," Sam said while fetching another beer for his brother and himself. "Here, for you - and I found out that eight people were reported missing in the last week, three of them elderly people from the hospital, and some guy who went out with his dog for a walk. The other's haven't been found yet. I hacked the police's databank to look at the pics from the crime scene. Here, take a look yourself," Sam turned his laptop, carefully avoiding the beer can, so that Dean could look at the photos on the screen.

"Ugh. Dude, I just ate," Dean fake gagged.

"Yep, pretty nasty. They were ripped apart, even the dog."

"Didya find any bite marks or other clues under this -," Dean wiggled his hand, "this egh?"

Sam skidded nearer, so that both of them could see the screen. "Hard to see with all the blood, but I think this here could be a bite mark. The hearts were still there though, so I don't think it's a werewolf. What do you think? Found anything on your trip 'round town?"

Dean leaned back in his chair. "Yeah, there was this guy in the bar who told this story about his neighbour's daughter. She got released from hospital about a week ago. Nothing weird about this per se, but the date made me curious. The guy then said that she's at home with her dad now, but no one's really seen her at all. It's eerily quiet in there. And then I remembered the two chicks from the mall I had been to earlier. One of them in total panic-mode, ranting something about how she saw one of the Grady Girls." He shuddered.

Sam looked at him questioningly.

Dean sighed. "The two freaky twins from 'The Shining'? Come one, man, it's a classic! I've definitely watched that with you."

"Maybe," Sam shrugged. Then his face regained a serious expression, lips pressed tightly. "Anyways, you think what I'm thinking here, about the case?"

Dean nodded gravely.

The brothers talked for a while more, making battle plans, preparing for the hunt before finally going to sleep hours later. If they hadn't been completely beat and soundly asleep just a few seconds later, they would have been able to hear the soft flap of wings, or catched a glimpse of beige in the moonlight.

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