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"Though we happened to sit here, this place really shows off the glamour of our sunrises, huh?" Riku's orbs reflected the group of puffy cotton in awe.


No response.

The ruby-eyed male could feel a pierce throygh his own bare skin, as if he was going to die soon.

He quavered at how heavy this feeling was, Riku decided to move his head towards the other.

Hanemiya was sceptical : the older boy had this ... Unknown emotion that was hidden, but swam up to the surface when they witnessed the panorama.

It was quite relaxing, the silence between the two wasn't awkward at all. In fact, it was the first ever since feeling their recent despairs.

Fairly hushed and cordial, you could almost hear the rustling, ombre leaves passing by.

Stomp. Stomp.

Shoulders locked in place, Hanemiya's head slowly rotated to see what the sound was coming from.

The kid was definitely screwed.

"Huh, Aki-chan what's wro-"

Clashing chests collided, two hands shutting any sounds from escaping from the person's mouth, the younger on top of the other.


Hilarious. If someone could see this right now, the protagonist's facial expression described a lot. They'd die of laughter, that was how befuddled Riku was.

"Ne, Ri-chan ... Stay still and somber for a bit."

Hanemiya peered over the bench back, it seemed that he was scanning for something in particular.

Scattering eyes was all Riku could helplessly witness above him, sighing because of how he could barely breathe—not in a critical way, of course.

His soon-to-be bosom confidant had put his guard up, there was a certain individual that put Hanemiya on alert.

"Come out now, there's no point in hiding."

Cat-like irises dilated the second after and glanced towards the rose-locked boy, in which he remembered that Riku was asthmatic.

"A-ah, Ri-chan ... Sorry about that!" He pulled Riku up, hugging his friend so he'd feel comforted.

Digging his head into the other's shoulder, he muffled out, "Aki-chan, what's happening?"

"Hmm ... We'll find out soon, don't worry!"

A beige, korean bomber jacket wrapped around Riku's torso, while Hanemiya got up to confront the intriguing figure that was stalking them.

"Heyyy? Helloooo? This is pissing me off."

You could see the child circling around the center of the path, clearly getting impatient to how the person did not reveal themselves on command.


A chuckle was heard behind Riku. His head snapped behind him, surprised at the unknown presence.

There stood a dusty-blonde haired male, obviously way older that them (probably 16 or 17). His deep opal orbs were garish, quite similar to Khiro Hanemiya's own eyes.

Golden threads sowed effortlessly into the navy collar shirt, a leaf crest at the corners—certainly from a high-end company. This person was straight out of a book, completely ethereal and unreal. A practical god at that.

I'LL FAKE GOD - ID7 (long hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now